Chapter 112

Wang Meng drove the knight army vehicle into the one-eyed nigger. His goal was very clear, which was to knock over the one-eyed nigger’s pickup.

Wang Meng’s intention was quickly noticed by the one-eyed nigger, and he felt fear attacking him.

Because the steel monster just knocked over a pickup truck, and it was too fast and the skin was too thick.

“Heavy machine gun, shoot me, you must blow up that car.”

The one-eyed nigga issued an order, and at the same time ordered the pickup truck he was riding in to drive away and stay away from the steel beast.

In fact, there were already more than a dozen pickup trucks firing frantically at the knight army vehicle that suddenly broke in without having to give orders from the one-eyed nigger.

However, the intensive gunfire continued, but it only produced large sparks on the Cavalier Army Vehicle, but it could not hurt the people in the vehicle at all, let alone stop the direction of the Cavalier Army Vehicle.

“Brothers, hit the fuel tank and engine of the pickup truck, or the tires.”

Chen Hu, who had already arrived in the rear compartment of the 770 soldiers, commanded loudly that the opponent had too many vehicles, and his own firepower was too weak, and the ammunition equipped was not enough, so he could not use it hard with the enemy.


“Fuck them!”

The other two team members immediately turned their guns and aimed at the fuel tank and engine position of the enemy pickup truck.

As long as the enemy’s pickup is disabled or detonated, the militants will have to leave the pickup vehicle.

In this case, relying on the thick armor and speed of the knight army vehicle, it is enough to directly crush it.

Da da da…

A burst of gunfire sounded and immediately two pickup trucks were hit in the fuel tank.


With two explosions, the two pickup trucks and the militants in the vehicle were basically destroyed.

“That’s it, go on!”

Chen Hu’s eyes were red and he continued to shoot.

The two players are equally happy, which is the comfort of revenge for their teammates.

The enemy’s pickup is not bulletproof, as long as it is shot accurately, it will be destroyed.

The knight army screamed all the way, as if entering an uninhabited state, the pickup trucks in the front did not dare to stop them, and they drew away one after another.

Even so, the bullets fired from the knights’ military vehicles gave them endless nightmares, and soon another pickup was blown up.

“Cassieben, hurry up, use rockets, and you must blow up that monster.”

The one-eyed nigga hissed and yelled, making him even more frightened while angry.

The armor of that monster was too strong, and their machine guns hit it, and it didn’t work at all.

The peacekeepers in the car were very accurate, and they had blown up six of their pickup trucks, killing and wounding dozens of people.

At this time, the only way to use the big killer is to use the killer, otherwise, they will all be finished.


With a bang.

The rockets did hit the Cavaliers.

But it only left a trace of light and dark on it.

The knight army car was still flying like a rampage, rushing towards the pickup of the one-eyed nigger.

“What kind of monster is this that can’t be penetrated by rockets?”

The one-eyed nigger was a little confused, a little desperate, and even more scared.

The steel monster is obviously much faster than its own pickup. If you don’t stop it, you will definitely be finished.

“Hit the tires, hit the tires, fast…”

Seeing the knight army vehicle getting closer and closer, the one-eyed nigger became more frightened, and the driver stepped on the accelerator pedal to the floor, and drove the pickup truck to flee frantically.

Although the Cavaliers are huge, they have excellent mobility. It is so easy to hit the tires.

In addition, Wang Meng had long expected the enemy to do this, and the direction of the Cavaliers’ military vehicle was not going straight.

“Want to run, can you run?”

Wang Meng had red eyes, and drove the Cavaliers military vehicle and roared forward impulsively.

The top speed of a knight military vehicle can reach 200km/h, while a pickup truck is only about 150km/h.

Moreover, on the rugged ground, the passing ability of the Cavalier Army Vehicle is completely beyond the comparison of these pickups.

Seeing some bomb potholes, the pickup truck needs to go around, otherwise it will get stuck, unable to move, and become a target.

The Cavaliers have four-wheel independent drive, large tires, and powerful power, which can directly ignore the bomb potholes.

Soon, the Cavaliers chased up and kept pace with the pickup of the one-eyed nigger.

The knight army cart and pickup, one big and one small, looked like a majestic bull and a weak goat from a distance.

Wang Meng looked at the one-eyed nigger through the car window with red eyes, and his terrible grin made the one-eyed nigger tremble in cold sweat.

The one-eyed nigga seems to remember…

Not long ago, he led a man to attack a celestial peacekeeping team and killed two of them.

He finally understood…

Why did this celestial peacekeeping military vehicle bite him?

“Please, let me go, I won’t provoke the heavens again…”

The one-eyed nigger yelled to Wang Meng with his head held high, begging for mercy.

If not in the car, he must be kneeling and kowtow at this moment…

In the horrified eyes of the one-eyed nigger, Wang Meng said coldly in Lili Yayu:

“Those who violate our heavenly power will pay for the blood!”

Then, with a flick of the steering wheel, the huge knight military vehicle slammed into the pickup, wiping out dazzling sparks.

The pickup truck driver, who had already panicked, could no longer control the vehicle.

The pickup truck rolled out, not knowing how many somersaults.

When the fire rang, the pickup exploded and was submerged in the fire.

In the pickup truck, no one, including the one-eyed nigger, survived.

Seeing the pickup truck flooded by the fire, the militants with only eight pickup trucks stopped pursuing, immediately turned around and fled in the direction they came.

“Don’t even want to run!”

At this moment, Wang Meng’s eyes were red. He suddenly flicked the steering wheel and turned at a large angle. The knight army vehicle driving at high speed on the rugged ground flicked its tail, unexpectedly showing a drifting state.

“My God, is this drift?”

“God, I must have read it wrong.”

“Such a huge body is drifting!”

These sounds came from the Hummer of the Free State Army.

The Hummer had already stopped, and an ultra-high-definition camera took the knight military vehicle into a drifting scene, and filmed the entire scene.

Because this military Humvee is not a free country peacekeeper, but a war reporter from a free country media.

The purpose of their trip was to conduct on-site interviews and make a show about erecting the Asian war.

But they separated from the peacekeeping military and encountered armed attacks.

They travel, although they are protected by the military.

However, the space in the car is limited, and only one driver is accompanied by a special fighter.

When they suddenly encountered an armed attack, they had no other way but to escape.

Originally relying on the powerful performance of the military Hummer, it was completely no problem to escape from the encirclement.

But their luck was really bad, the tire was hit, the Hummer lost balance, and the maneuverability was greatly reduced.

Although the Hummer can advance at a speed of 50 to 80 kilometers per hour after being hit by a tire, this speed is not enough to allow them to escape the chase of 20 pickup trucks.

They sent a rescue to the military, but the free country’s rescue has not yet arrived, but a giant beast painted with a peacekeeping symbol of the celestial dynasty fell from the sky and swept the armed brigade of 20 pickup trucks and more than 100 people. .

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