Chapter 119

Xiao Liang felt very relieved, indicating that his choice was correct, and that the online riders did not talk nonsense.

Thinking of Q3’s overwhelming performance in terms of performance, and the second killing of these foreign cars in terms of saving money, Xiao Liang looked at his wife proudly.

Xiao Liang’s daughter-in-law was also very shocked at this time. As a housekeeper, she naturally knows what low power consumption means.

Originally, she complained that her husband bought a domestic electric car, which made her ashamed in front of her girlfriends.

As a result, the car was overwhelmed by its opponents, and it showed off, and it can save a lot of money every year.

Then think about saving 30 yuan for a hundred kilometers, and the journey back and forth to work is more than 30 kilometers every day.

In other words, just driving this item saves ten yuan a day.

After understanding this account, Xiao Liang’s wife even hugged her husband and gave a kiss: “Husband, you are really capable!”

Xiao Liang wiped the saliva on his face and exclaimed, “That is necessary, I will check with you when I go back at night.”

After returning home that night, after Xiaoliang verified, he posted today’s car experience on the car evaluation website and gave a five-star praise.

“Thank you for the recommendation of the teacher from I mentioned a legendary Q3 yesterday. Today I went for a self-driving tour of Phoenix Mountain with my friends.”

“Guess what, the old driver, I hurried all the way, completely ignoring steep slopes and corners, and ended up blowing sand and wind, Tiguan and Accord.”

“Comparing the performance of the car, it is better than the driving economy. For a distance of two hundred kilometers, the sand wind consumes 20L, the Tiguan and Accord consume 18L, and the legendary Q3 consumes kWh.”

“Do you know what it means for 200 kilometers to consume electricity kwh? Household charging only costs 60 yuan, while Shafeng, Tiguan and Accord cost 140 and 126 yuan.”

“In other words, for every 100 kilometers I run, Q3 saves 30 yuan more than Sand Wind, Tiguan and Accord, 15,000 kilometers a year, and 150,000 yuan in ten years. If I buy a Q3, it is equivalent to saving an A4. …” is undoubtedly the portal website of domestic car media. Due to Zhang Yuan’s relationship with Lin Fan, has almost become the launching place for Baolong electric vehicle dynamics, whether it is a new car section or a forum section.

When Xiaoliang released his own test drive and money-saving experience, the shock and sigh of the car friends who immediately ushered in, and of course some Baolong fans’ disdain.

“I suggest you go to pick up the A4 again. Anyway, it was omitted~~.”

“What the upstairs said is correct, just as if it was a buy one get one free, there is no loss inside and out.”

“I’ll give you a rub, isn’t it true? Baolong electric cars save money so much?”

“Hehe, this is not big news. This driver is an A4 car owner, I found out early.”

“The people upstairs are not kind, and I didn’t share such a money-saving doorway earlier, which made me buy Tiguan.”

“Hey, I bought the Audi Q3 the year before last. After hearing what you said, I want to sell the Audi Q3 for the legendary Q3.”

“Don’t think about it upstairs. How many Mercedes-Benz and Toyota owners want to sell cars for Baolong, but their hopes are lost.”

“This driver is the owner of Tengshi second-hand car. Since the birth of the Baolong electric car, the second-hand car business hasn’t been done well.”

“Haha, Baolong electric cars are inherently cheaper, and their performance is worse than that of gasoline vehicles. The money for buying second-hand cars is not as good as buying a new Baolong.”

“Sigh, is it so scary? It made my Mazda owner tremble.”

“Fuck, it’s terrible, it makes my Accord car owner tremble!”

“Hey, my Volkswagen owner trembles!”

While the fans were blowing water and chatting, a video appeared on the forum.

It was a thrilling video of more than 30 seconds taken by a dash cam.

The following is the course of the event described by the car owner named Jiang Yuan.

Yesterday, after a period of reference, the old driver of the comprehensive car evaluation network speculated that Jiangyuan decided to buy a Baolong electric car as the first car in his life.

After coming to the Guangqi Baolong 4S store, he fell in love with the newly launched legendary Q5. The domineering appearance, luxurious interior, and powerful performance attracted him deeply.

Especially the “all-terrain adaptive system” gave him a huge shock, because his father bought a BMW X7, which was also equipped with a similar adaptive system.

He has driven a BMW X7 and experienced the driving experience brought by the adaptive system. The huge body of over 4 meters does not feel that it is difficult to control.

However, it can be seen from the parameter data that the “all-terrain adaptive system” of the legendary Q5 is stronger.

The fact is just as he imagined. After the test drive, the driving experience is more comfortable than the BMW X7, the operation is easier, and the performance is more powerful.

Of course, those who choose luxury models don’t care much about the problem of saving money. They pay attention to driving experience and status symbol, and Q5 has it, so he did not hesitate to choose Q5.

Just as he finished the formalities and was about to drive away, it suddenly rained heavily.

Jiang Yuan knew that this was a typhoon code-named “Yunjing”, which officially landed on the coastal city of Fucheng.

He didn’t care at the time either. Anyway, after buying a car, with the performance of the Q5, it doesn’t matter how heavy it rains.

The young woman who was about to drive away, saw that she was hesitant to buy a car with him, and finally did not make up her mind to pick up the car.

When the woman first chose the car, Jiang Yuan, as an old driver, gave her relevant advice, so the two met and learned that the woman was Chen Mo.

Chen Mo originally wanted to buy an A4 as a scooter, but she was attracted by the white Q3.

That’s right, the white Q3.

Although Q3 does not have a basic version, in addition to the flagship version Q3, based on Guangqi’s sensitive tax on the market, there is also a slightly cute version of the clock for the female market.

But the price of Q3 is obviously much higher than that of A4. As a professional white-collar worker, Chen Mo wants to buy Q3, and the pressure is still quite high, but she just likes Q3, and all other models look ugly in her eyes.

So she decided to come to Q3 after working for a while.

It was a coincidence that there was a torrential rain, and I couldn’t go back for a while.

You can only wait for the rain to stop at the door of the 4S store and then call a taxi.

“¨”This rain will not stop for a while, or I will see you off?”

When Chen Mo was helpless, Jiang (Zhao Zhao Zhao) Yuan Xin mentioned Q5 stopped at the door and waved to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo hesitated. According to Jiang Yuan’s enthusiastic proposal just now, Chen Mo had a good impression of Jiang Yuan.

After looking at the weather, it seemed impossible to wait for the rain to stop in a short time, so he thanked him and got into Jiangyuan’s car.

The two are about the same age and both are white-collar workers in the workplace.

Suddenly, an electric light flashed in front, and a thunderstorm sounded. The sound insulation effect of Q5 was very good. The thunder thunder still spread into the car.

Jiang Yuan, who was driving, and Chen Mo who were talking, the attention of the two of them was attracted by the thunder.

Before the two of them could react, the body shook suddenly, but saw a big tree on the side of the road in front of it teetering.

Immediately afterwards, the rocks and soil on the hillside were mixed with rainwater and washed down, uprooting the big tree and rushing towards the road.

Jiang Yuan and Chen Mo instantly realized the danger, this is…the eruption of mudslides. .

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