Chapter 141

When netizens and car fans were crazy about the K4 flying yellow, and countless people set off to Jixian County, Shanxi, there were also many disdainful voices on the Internet.

“Feihuang again, this operation is too old-fashioned.”

“A few years ago, people could ride a broken motorcycle. You are still a sports car.”

“There is a whole track on each side of the Yellow River, one high and one low, not to mention sports cars, ordinary cars can pass.”

“Hey, such an old routine is still playing, and the rest of the stuff I played more than ten years ago is taken out again, it’s boring enough.”

“I think it is Baolong’s gimmick to promote their new car again. I can still watch the live broadcast at home. It’s meaningless.”

Although these sounds are many, they can’t cover the voices of tens of millions of netizens and car fans.

No one pays attention to and refutes these arguments, and no one cares whether it is the navy or the fact that some people are not optimistic.

Anyway, the Baolong electric supercar K4 flew over the Yellow River, which was shocking enough.

And it’s still a national electric car flying over the Yellow River.

Not a motorcycle, but a sports car, the two are not the same concept.

This news shocked the people of the celestial dynasty and the people outside the celestial national car companies.

Nothing is more confusing and uneasy than the top executives of foreign auto companies.

No one knows better than in their hearts that it doesn’t matter whether it’s booing or not.

This kind of creativity and effect has already invincible influence on the Baolong brand.

This is incomparable to any advertising, any innovative layout, and any star effect.

Despite the deliberate discredit by some foreign car companies, there are also many controversies spreading on the Internet.

But Yang Ma’s appeal is not overshadowed. The enthusiasm of netizens and car fans cannot be extinguished, and there is no shortage of people who eat melons who watch the excitement and not too much.

Since the announcement of the K4 supercar’s flying yellow move, people across the country have begun to travel to Jixian County, Shanxi.

The day before the K4 flying yellow was stopped, according to incomplete statistics, at least 300,000 people came to this small county.

Suddenly, the large and small highways leading to Ji County suddenly became extremely crowded.

All hotels in and around Ji County are full.

Industries such as accommodation and catering have achieved explosive growth in performance.

Near Hukou, there are cars and people everywhere. It seems that the famous tourist attraction has ushered in the peak of the flow of people on legal holidays, which directly confuses the people of Ji County.

None of them expected that the Fly Huang action this time would be so popular, it was actually even more popular than the Fly Huang action held last time to welcome the return of Xiangcheng.

After a period of preparation and the support of the local government, two professional runways paved by steel structures have been built on both sides of the Hukou Waterfall.

The two runways are 3 kilometers long and 10 meters wide. After careful measurement by professional infrastructure engineers and close cooperation with the construction team, this runway definitely exceeds the safety level.

The runways on both sides of the strait are not as big as many people have guessed. The receiving end is only less than two meters lower than the approach end. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t detect it at all.

At ten o’clock in the morning, the weather was clear.

With the cooperation of the local fire and police department, a security mechanism was put in place.

Nearly 300,000 people came to both sides of Hukou, waiting for that exciting moment.

Among them are many foreigners, many of which are sent by other foreign car companies.

There are several drones in the sky that are ready for full shooting. The first thing you see is a sea of ​​people.

On both sides of Hukou and on the runway, apart from the dozens of high-speed cameras and staff placed by Yang Ma.

There are also dozens of TV network media photographers and reporters ready for shooting.

This is a sensational event, and no one wants to miss the opportunity to increase ratings and attract traffic.

Quite a few anchors have already started the live broadcast mode.

Among them, the goddess Tuan Tuan on the Douyin platform is the most popular.

The live broadcast room has the most fans, and the number of people online today is close to 5 million.

And it is still increasing, and the Douyin platform even opened a dedicated server for her.

The goddess Tuan Tuan stood on the bank of the Yellow River. Amidst a barrage, he turned on the funny mode: “Little ones, can you see it? There is a waterfall in front and the rolling Yellow River below. If I jumped down from here, I would be crushed to pieces. , I don’t know what happens when an 800 kg car falls…”

“Hi, Goddess Tuantuan, don’t think about it.”

“The goddess Tuantuan wants to jump into the river. I’m ready to kill the corpse by the Yellow River.”

“My buddy, you’re opening yellow again. Be careful to be harmonized. I’m ready to pick up the corpse by the Yellow River.”

“I think the goddess Tuantuan is straight, her eyes betrayed him, and her heart rests with Lin Fan, the chairman of Baolong.”

“Fuck, how can this be? Laozi is looking for Brother Fan to single out, although I’m not as handsome as him, I have money without him, and I can’t afford his car…”

············ Ask for flowers········

When the anchor and the fans were teasing each other, Feihuang was ready to work, and the staff on both sides of the strait began the recording work.

The host of Yang Ma also started today’s news report: “Audience friends, good afternoon, this is the Hukou coast of the Yellow River. The distance between the two banks is 55 meters. The runway on both sides is 3 kilometers long and 10 meters wide. The drop between the two banks is only meters.

The national electric vehicle company Baolong Group, the latest electric supercar K4, will perform a feat of leaping across the strait here. Baolong Group has done all the preparations and we look forward to the complete success of the Feihuang operation…”

Following the broadcast by the host of Yang’s mother, the noisy two sides of the strait soon quieted down, and hundreds of thousands of people held their breath, waiting for the shocking scene.

They took out their mobile phones, DVs, and high-definition cameras, and pointed them at the runways and ports that could be seen. No one dared to speak because they were very nervous.

……. ……… 0

After all, this is an electric supercar flying over the two sides of the strait, and the drop between the two sides of the strait is only meters, which is too small compared to the width of 55 meters.

If it fails, it will definitely cause car crashes and deaths, causing huge disasters.

In that case, it will not only be a serious blow to the Baolong Group, but also a great setback to the national auto industry.

Everyone hopes that K4 will be successful, and they are cheering for Baolong, K4 and professional racing driver Wang Han.

However, the time has come, and on the approach side, the supercar K4 covered by the tent has no response.

Several senior executives and staff at Baolong are also wondering what happened?

Lin Fan looked at Wang Jun and asked, “What’s the situation? The time is up.”

Zhang Kai thought of a possibility, and his forehead went black: “That kid won’t be afraid anymore, change his mind temporarily.”

Wang Jun waved his hand and believed: “Impossible, Wang Han is a well-known professional racer in the sky, with excellent…”

Before Wang Jun could finish speaking, Lin Fan walked to the tent, and Zhang Kai immediately pulled Wang Jun to follow.

Lifting the dust-proof tent, the Lin Fan trio saw Wang Han, who was wearing racing suits, retched on the side with the help of the staff.

Lin Fan, who possesses superb driving skills, is very clear in his heart that this is an adverse reaction caused by the driver being too nervous.

Although Wang Jun and Zhang Kai are laymen in racing, they also know:

Wang Han, the professional racer, lost his chain at a critical moment… Chuan.

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