Chapter 143

A flaming red supercar, spraying two light blue flames from the tail, then rushed out, left the ground, flew high into the sky, and came to the sky above the Yellow River.

Below is the Hukou Waterfall flying straight down, impacting the rolling water of the Yellow River, roaring like a dragon, rising up a vast mist of water, and glowing with rainbow-like colors under the sun’s rays.

That scene was too shocking and too science fiction, like a dream.

The picture is so beautiful, waterfalls, yellow rivers, rainbows, and flying sports cars.

Lin Fan at this moment, like driving a red pegasus, riding on a colorful rainbow, flying towards the other side.

this moment.

This scene.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

“My God, it’s so beautiful!”

“He’s flying, he’s really flying!”

“It turns out that the Yellow River can be so beautiful!”

“This scene is the most perfect wallpaper in the world!”

“The river is surging, what a heroic figure this is when the hero goes!”

“If you can have such a feat in your life, it’s worth it even if you are crushed!”

So beautiful!

It was shocking!

Any words that describe Sao Red K4 stuck in the air seem so pale.

This scene has been simulated countless times on Zhang Kai’s computer, and massive amounts of data have also been obtained.

29   But the real appearance is not comparable to any computer simulation and special effects.

At a speed of more than 500 kilometers per hour, both Lin Fan and the K4 he was driving underwent huge lift.

This time is completely different from the previous runway test.

That time was a theoretical leap close to flying.

This time it was really flying in the blue sky, breaking away from the ground.

There was no psychological pressure at that time, even if there was an accident, it just fell to the ground.

This time, Lin Fan felt completely integrated with K4, becoming a leaf flying in the sky.

Feeling the air rushing past my ears, feeling the dull gazes of hundreds of thousands of people below, I feel that I am really flying.

The red-colored K4 was like a beast leaping towards its prey. With a perfect arc and a loud “bang”, after staying in the air for 3.85 seconds, the man and the car fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, the four wide tires, the carefully tuned suspension, the chassis and the shock absorption system that have undergone rigorous impact tests played a huge role.

Together with Lin Fan’s weight, the K4 body weighed nearly 900 kilograms. After an impact speed of 450 kilometers per hour, it cut through the air and fell to the ground.

Just like a toy that is thrown into the air and dropped to the ground, if it does not have excellent quality, a solid body, superb driving skills, and perfect landing angle, it is likely to be shattered.

Obviously, K4 did it, and Lin Fan did it.

Although the red K4 slammed heavily on the ground, making a sour scream, and the thick tires wiped out wisps of smoke, but the body did not disintegrate.

The pre-prepared protective facilities did not work. K4 rushed forward smoothly after landing, maintaining a violent but elegant straight posture, and the violent aesthetics was revealed at this moment.

The moment K4 left the ground, flew to the opposite bank, and landed on the ground, the scene was deadly quiet, and everyone’s mind was tense, tense and full of expectation.

A few seconds later, I saw that everything was normal in K4, rushing to the distance, and slowly slowing down, the red body turned back to silvery white again, which looked so gentle and natural.

Until then, cheers like landslides and tsunami broke out.

The host of Yang Ma could no longer conceal his inner excitement, and his voice echoed in the sky.

“Dear audience, audience friends, it succeeded. He succeeded. Lin Fan, Chairman of Baolong Group, drove the super treasure car K4 manufactured by Baolong Group, flew over the 55-meter-wide Yellow River Hukou, and landed safely. On the other side.

This is the most wonderful stunt leap I have ever seen. A supercar, without any extra fancy moves, without any warm-ups, and without deliberately driving the emotions of the audience, everything is so simple and unpretentious.

But he really did it. From sprinting to breaking off the ground, he stayed at high altitude for 3.85 seconds, leaped 55 meters, and successfully reached the other shore, landing safely, one person and one car seemed like a natural fit, and they seemed to belong to this sky. …”

At this moment, the host has been incoherent, and a set of professional explanations prepared in advance have long been forgotten.

Now there is only exclamation, only praise, he seems to have become a poet…

Hundreds of thousands of spectators at the scene, at this moment, were equally enthusiastic and excited.

Especially those young people who yearn for speed and passion, they just feel trembling all over.

“It’s so beautiful, so shocking!”

“I’m so excited, this scene makes me unforgettable for a lifetime.”

“How hopeful… how much I hope it was myself who just made the leap over the Yellow River.”

“Even if you fall into the Yellow River and hit the ground, you will be crushed.”

“I really envy Brother Fan. He was alive and had such a thrilling leap, and his death was complete.”

The rescue helicopter hovering in the sky came to the sky above Lin Fan, but saw Lin Fan beckoning to them, saying that there was no accident.

However, the helicopter dropped slowly and the ladder was lowered. The medical staff prepared to check on Lin Fan. Such a thrilling leap would inevitably cause some harm to the driver’s body and mind.

But seeing Lin Fan stepping up from K4 and stepping on the ladder, he refused the support of the medical staff and signaled the helicopter to fly to the other side. At this moment, he just wanted to go back and comfort the little secretary Chen Huiyi, who was sure to be frightened.

Zhang Yuan, editor-in-chief of, was also on the rescue helicopter. He personally took charge of the aerial filming and recorded the jump into the air.

The helicopter flew to the other side, and Zhang Yuan saw that Lin Fan was fine. He picked up the high-power loudspeaker and shouted to the hundreds of thousands of people below:

“Super K4!”

“Flying Brother Fan!”

His voice seems to be very magnetic and very contagious.

His shouts were immediately responded to by countless people, and countless people shouted, venting the excitement and excitement in their hearts.

“Super K4!”

“Flying Brother Fan!”

“Super K4!”

“Flying Brother Fan!”

More than a dozen unmanned helicopters flew by, and the live broadcast cameras were aimed at the boiling crowd.

Everyone was dancing with their hands, shouting to the rhythm of Zhang Yuan with exhaustion.

“Super K4!”

“Flying Brother Fan!”

“Super K4!”

“Flying Brother Fan!”

Over 300,000 people gather on both sides of the Yellow River.

Everyone shouted in unison to the rescue helicopter and Lin Fan who was waving in the air.

The voice was too loud, resounding through the earth, breaking through the clouds, and dispelling the clouds in the sky.

This scene is equally shocking!

Some foreigners who come to visit or inquire about news spontaneously sigh for it:

“Every time I think about the population base of the celestial dynasty, I feel a deep sense of powerlessness.”

“There are so many people gathered in my country, unless Her Majesty wears black silk to dance poles.”.

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