Chapter 197

After the filming of the show was over, the TG program group and the audience, including soldiers from the military base, immediately surrounded Lin Fan with three floors inside and three floors outside.

They are all very curious about how these three magical Baolong V cars can drag 32-ton tanks, what are the prices of these three cars, when will they be available, and so on.

Lin Fan thought about this situation. He knew very well about the car he built. He didn’t need to prepare a speech or anything. He spoke directly to the camera of the TG program group:

“Gentlemen, you may not believe it. When I decided to drag the 32-ton tank, my heart was also bottomless. Thank God, my pickup did not disappoint me.

Here I have to thank the City of Detroit, the high-level military and the soldiers present, they have given me a great help, and I also want to thank Clarkson and Stuer for your superb driving skills. Give this car a magical magic.

I want to use the great platform of the TG program group to solemnly explain to the world that electric-powered cars are the future development trend. Facts have proved that electric-powered cars are not inferior to traditional fuel-engine cars.

But this is not the point. We all know that the environment of our home earth is getting worse and worse, and electric vehicles will not cause harm to the environment. Baolong Group has been working hard to protect the environment.

Finally, let’s talk about the price of the Baolong V series pickup truck. I assure you that it is definitely a price you can’t think of. The V2 basic version is priced at US$21999, the V4 universal version is US$26,999, and the V6 deluxe version is US$29999… ”


Once the price was announced, there was an uproar at the scene.

“Oh my God, such a powerful pickup truck is at the same price as the fuel-powered pickup truck on the market.”

“Unbelievable. I thought that a pickup truck that can carry a 32-ton tank must be very expensive.”

“It’s surprising, dear Lin, can you book now?”

“Yes, I have to buy a pickup truck like this.”

“Powerlong is really a magical company.”

Lin Fan can only express his regret for the on-site reservation.

The Free State is somewhat different from the Celestial Kingdom. Vehicles are pre-sold without approval, and the company may face unimaginable penalties.

In the end, Clarkson shook Lin Fan’s hand and said apologetically: “Lin, first of all I apologize for my previous refusal. I almost missed a special show. I was ashamed of my stupid behavior. ”

Lin Fan smiled and said: “Mr. Clarkson, in fact, you didn’t miss it. The other is not important. I hope this episode will satisfy the TG program group and the audience.”

Clarkson said gratefully: “We are very satisfied, and I believe that the audience is equally satisfied. I have been doing a show for so long with Stuer, and this is the first time I have witnessed such a miracle. The Baolong V6 pickup is simply a Hercules! ”


Clarkson can’t wait to return to the TG editorial department. He asked the staff to present this program perfectly with enthusiasm. He believes that through this program, TG’s attention will definitely be greatly improved.

In fact, just as Klarsen imagined, when this episode was broadcast on the video website YOUTUGE, it immediately received a huge response, and the number of clicks on the video website YOUTUGE surged.

The video of the Baolong V6 dragging the tank was intercepted and uploaded on the Internet and on the face social software.

Even Lin Fan’s Facebook homepage, which was recently launched, was liked more than 10,000 times and reposted more than 5,000 times in just one day.

With the rapid increase in the number of views of the video websites YOUTUGE and TG, some netizens who don’t pay much attention to TG and have never heard of Baolong electric vehicles also watched.

Because a pickup truck dragged a tank, it was really shocking, and this idea is unforgettable.

Then, there was a heated discussion about the comparative performance of Baolong V6 and Ford F350:

“OH, God, the Baolong V6 is really a magical pickup truck.”

“Haha, I can guarantee that the Ford F350 was the worst hacked this time.”

“This is a fact, the Ford F350 six-cylinder engine really cannot support such a large drag force.”

“When the gearbox matched with the six-cylinder cannot transmit the power, the gearbox is unavoidable from damage.”

“In this way, it is normal for the F350 to be unable to drag a 32-ton tank, so the Baolong V6 is really a tough guy.”

“You can’t imagine, I was there at the time, and I saw the Baolong V6 drag the big guy running fast, the scene was too shocking.”

“I don’t care about the Ford F350 at all. I just want to know when the Baolong V6 will be launched. I heard that it only costs $30,000. Such a car is worth my own…”

With the broadcast of the TG program, TG used the Baolong V6 to tow 32-ton tanks to add to the fire.

In turn, Baolong V6 has also received more and more attention from the free nations.

Baolong V6 pickups, whether it is the Google search index or the spread of the face social software, its popularity soared and the spread was so wide that it even surpassed the NBA summer league that day.


At this moment, I just made a big talk about Ford in the last TG program. With the F series pickup truck, he won the sales champion for five consecutive years.

He called the lawyers from the company’s legal department and shouted hysterically: “Damn the TG program group, damn Baolong, they are discrediting our products, and I will sue them. Now, immediately!”

The lawyers in the Legal Department looked helpless: “Uh, Mr. Director, we still have to be more cautious about your request, because our prosecution cannot be won.

First of all, TG is a variety show. We learned that the F350 really can’t drag more than 30 tons of big guys. They did not maliciously slander, that is, they are explaining a fact.

Secondly, you said that the Powerlong Group discredited our products. We watched this program several times carefully from beginning to end. Nobody from the Powerlong Group appeared to act or describe it. We have no evidence to prove this. ”

Philip quickly exploded: “Should they just pour dirty water on us like this? Our Ford is a century-old car company. We must not let a small business that builds vans insult them at will. We must sue them.”

The lawyers looked at each other, spread their hands and said, “Mr. Director, if you insist on doing this, as a member of your company’s legal department, we will of course do so.

But from a company perspective, we don’t think it’s a good idea to sue TG and Baolong. We believe that cold treatment is the best way to deal with it…”

At this time Philip was already dizzy, and shouted at the lawyers of the legal department who were eating dry meal one by one: “Did you not understand what I said? I said, sue! They! They!” .

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