Chapter 606

“Chairman, I have to admit that your approach is indeed very good, but it is still a bit sloppy. Although Mr. Liu Chunlei’s contribution to our company is very great, but…”

“But what? Couldn’t Mr. Liu Chunlei be a partner of our company?”

Have you forgotten how embarrassing our company was before?

At that time, none of you could think of a good way to change the situation of being blocked. It was Mr. Liu Chunlei who took a big risk to give us such an opportunity. Are you going to repay your morals with grievances? ! ”

Lin Fan can see it: these people who are profiteering are really unpopular.

Although they chose to stay and become strong partners in the end, they also chose to stand on the same front.

But in some small interests, they are not willing to give up, and even in their opinion, vacating a certain amount of shares to Liu Chunlei is simply a waste of company resources.

Most other people have the same view, that the actors are ruthless and the businessmen are profiteering.

In the eyes of this group of guys: Liu Chunlei is a propaganda person to some extent. Of course, there is nothing wrong with giving a certain salary according to the company’s regulations~.

However, if you want to divide a part of the shares of the foundation that you have worked hard from starting from scratch, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible.

“Mr. Chairman, this is not that we are repaying morality with grievances, but for our company, every capital-is extremely important.

We don’t have any opinion on asking you to get your shares in exchange for a part of the investment.

But if the cooperation between you and Mr. Liu Chunlei is based on 10% of the shares, then I’m sorry, I’m afraid there is no way we can agree to your approach. ”

Lin Fan looked at the group of guys in front of him, and didn’t know what to say.

From the perspective of the entire business, their statement is not wrong.

At this moment, although Lin Fan’s crisis situation has been alleviated, the tires also have hope, the assembly line can operate normally, and the customers are also widely praised.

But if you give up the idea of ​​financing at this time, you will be limited by your own economic situation and there will be no way to open up more market directions.

In this way, after all, it can only become a small company, and there is no way to fight against the traditional old-brand powerhouses.

············Ask for flowers·········

Everyone has persisted until now, who has not been so ambitious, and who hopes to just gradually develop in this small company?

The market pie of studying new-type automobile policies must be divided into a big piece to meet their psychological expectations.

It fits that they took big risks and insisted on staying here. If Lin Fan only gave such an answer sheet, they were not satisfied.

. 0 …….

They even think that Lin Fan’s disrespect for them if he submits this answer sheet so hastily.

“I understand what you mean. I won’t hand over the shares for the time being, but I hope that in the next work, you can work harder.

Don’t be ashamed to have such a hope and trust in you, after all, I have given up the best partner. ”

Lin Fan felt a little heavy when he disbanded the meeting, even though he and Liu Chunlei did not make such an agreement.

But this is what Lin Fan wants to give Liu Chunlei a reward, and it is also a hurdle in Lin Fan’s heart at this moment. 100 million.

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