Chapter 608

Lin Fan certainly knows that Liu Chunlei has extraordinary energy and hopes that Liu Chunlei can become a member of the company.

The so-called 10% of the shares is just a nominal subtext. The real meaning is that there is nothing more than the hope that Liu Chunlei can become a shareholder of the company.

In this way, the company’s good or bad development is linked to him, and it should be no problem to invest some capital for this company.

Although Liu Chunlei has this idea, after carefully investigating Lin Fan’s company, he should also clearly realize:

Although the potential of Lin Fan 29 is very large, its foundation is not so solid.

Without the guarantee of a solid economic foundation, it is difficult for a company to go far, as big guys can guess.

But the facts are not absolute. Liu Chunlei hopes that Lin Fan can make timely changes and correct the big guy’s stereotype of the new company.

And Lin Fan also hopes to use Liu Chunlei’s hands to develop faster, and the two people can be regarded as mutually beneficial to a certain extent.

But one is from a personal point of view, and the other is for the overall development of the company.

“The two of us can be regarded as confidant friends. Although we have only known each other for two days, I will not hide some things.

I hope: You can become a partner of our company, and it is best to bring capital injection and personnel support.

In this way, I can produce more ideas and constructions for the future. ”

“I am very pleased that you can say this to me so frankly, but I am not 100% able to decide about investment.

So there are some limitations, I have to tell you clearly.

Unless you can have a reliable and implemented new R&D program in a short period of time, I can invest in such a name.

But it’s just an old product. I can’t give enough support. If you don’t say it, I don’t agree.

Even the external media think that there will be some personal relationships between the two of us, so that all our previous efforts will be in vain. ”

This is indeed a very serious issue, and it also occupies great limitations.

Both of them know very well that all the previous efforts cannot be easily put on hold, nor can they be wasted in a hasty way.

This was an opportunity that was finally won. If you were ruined by yourself under such a stupid decision, then you would really hit yourself in the foot and let the old guys get what they wanted.

Lin Fan also understands that as a rich young master, investment is of course no problem, but the two people’s vision is not at the same level.

At this point, Lin Fan did not dislike him, but rather agreed with Liu Chunlei’s approach.

If it can involve products with a higher vision, then the development of the professional direction of racing drivers proposed by the chairman of Tianhe Company, Zhao, is indeed a point worth discussing.

But the road has to go step by step and eat one bite at a time. Such hasty progress in the racing field will only give the company an uninteresting reputation.

“I do have a good plan here, but that is estimated to be a product that will not be implemented until a year later.

The most important thing now is the development of civilian vehicles, which are now urban vehicles, and the car body frame developed next is mainly used for field trips. ”

“Let’s talk about it, if it’s not bad, I don’t mind investing in it.”.

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