Chapter 611

“Hello, is it Mr. Lin Fan? I’m Secretary Wang of Chairman Lin of Hengyuan Group.

I hope you can spare an afternoon to take the chairman of our company for a visit. We are interested in reaching a cooperation with your company. ”

Lin Fan has never refused to take the initiative to come up with cooperation, as long as it is a cooperation is good for the company.

Especially now, it is the time when funds are needed. Although these are icing on the cake, they are no less effective than giving charcoal in the snow.

Everyone saw the glamorous side of Lin Fan and thought that Lin Fan could take the limelight this time.

But who really knows, at this moment, Lin Fan’s funds are already in sight.

If there is no new capital injection, it is very likely that there will be a shortage of capital chains, and even if there are more research and development programs, it will be too late.

“No problem, I will be in the company this morning waiting for Chairman Lin’s arrival. Of course, please tell me ten minutes in advance before coming. I’m ready to meet you. After all, I also need an office.”


When he hung up the phone, Secretary Wang was very disdainful in his heart, although he invited Lin Fan according to Chairman Lin’s intentions and planned to conduct an on-site inspection.

But in Secretary Wang’s view, a small company like Lin Fan is nothing to be afraid of.

A company with no economic strength will be eliminated sooner or later. No matter how good the design concept is, it will be difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

No matter how much you spend, you can’t change the situation with the existing funds, right? !

“Have you made an appointment? Remember, this matter is very important to the development of our company.

Whether it can be promoted from a small and medium-sized company to a domestic enterprise depends on how well this move is made! ”

Regarding Chairman Lin’s statement, the Secretary Wang found it a bit ridiculous. Perhaps his own chairman was forced to panic too much by the pressure.

It may also be the influence of peers in the industry. Some of them are too insinuating, which makes their chairman so at a loss, that he rushes to the doctor in an emergency.

When Secretary Wang took the vice chairman of the company to visit in the afternoon, the disdain in the language was even more lingering.

············Ask for flowers·········

“Vice Chairman, we, Chairman Lin, don’t know what the wind is. We have to cooperate with Lin Fan’s company. You have heard about Lin Fan’s company.

For a new type of company, there is not enough funds to make a base, and it almost faced bankruptcy a few days ago, and the wind reviews are also on the verge of crisis.

Despite the salvation, wouldn’t cooperating with such a company have any impact on our reputation? ”

. 0 …….

“Okay, Secretary Wang, let’s just leave it alone as Chairman Lin wants to do. Just let him do it. They are just going to investigate, and they don’t have to cooperate.”

The vice chairman and Secretary Wang have the same views. It is a waste of time for such a small company to negotiate cooperation.

However, due to Chairman Lin’s strength, the two of them had no choice but to come and inspect.

“Who are these two people? Have you made an appointment in advance? Our company has implemented some new regulations. If there is no appointment in advance, please let me give a notification first.”

“I already told your chairman in advance, open the door quickly…” Yi.

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