Chapter 618

This meeting was attended by Lin Fan and Chairman Zhao.

Compared with the overall rhythm of this meeting in the past, the overall rhythm is much more overwhelming, and even the attitude of one by one is very ambiguous.

Everyone knows that it is the Tianhe Company of Chairman Zhao, and chooses to believe in Lin Fan at the most difficult time.

Choosing to stand with Lin Fan has indirectly achieved such a reputation. If you choose to abandon Tianhe Company at this time, will it be too cruel? !

But from an economic point of view, 29 said that it is not suitable for making such a reckless decision. There can be better solutions and better partners.

Even if you need to ask for specific requirements in a low voice, even if you may not agree to it, it is far better than standing still.

From this point of view, Lin Fan is very worried about their attitudes, even if they are ambiguous.

“What the big guy says, don’t cover it up, say the most truth.

For both of us, the most important thing at the moment is how to truly establish a united front. Regarding the development of new products, I believe that the big guys have already made a preliminary plan.

Although Tianhe is not a professional in cross-country, I believe you should be able to see that the cooperation between our two companies is already on the line and we have to make progress. ”

Lin Fan gave the final statement, it depends on what the group of guys in the company want to do. There must be a rhetoric in the end, and it cannot be avoided forever.

And these old guys can see that Lin Fan just wants to reach a cooperation with this Chairman Zhao, and he is stubbornly unable to do it.

Since there is no way to avoid it, just face this problem head-on.

“Chairman, since you have said so, let’s give our heartfelt suggestions and ideas.

To be honest, we are not particularly optimistic about the company’s development of off-road projects. We feel that this is likely to bring unnecessary trouble. ”

“Yes, we have moved a lot of people’s cakes. It would be inappropriate to move this cake again.

It is very likely to misunderstand others and cause some unnecessary troubles. I hope that our company will develop step by step.

The sustainable development of civilian cars will bring us a lot of prestige. ”

Chairman Zhao is not happy to hear this. Why, isn’t an off-road vehicle a civilian vehicle? !

As long as the nature of the off-road vehicle is combined with the characteristics of some RVs, there is a better idea of ​​expansion. There is no need to rest on its own feet and be limited to the embarrassing and embarrassing situation like this.

“Everyone, I think you might have some misunderstanding about this matter.

We have a better plan, and there are more possibilities. There is no need to play tricks on this matter. Do you think that off-road vehicles can not bring enough profits, then listen to my next article Report it! ”

Chairman Zhao really didn’t regard himself as an outsider, he directly took out a plan and presented it to everyone.

Obviously, before he came, he had already guessed that it would be such a situation, and such precautions made Lin Fan feel relieved.

Having such a reassuring partner is really great for the overall development. .

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