Chapter 643

Widecasting the net is a good way to recruit personnel, but what Lin Fan needs now is a new type of talent that is reliable enough to ensure that there will be no mistakes in key links.

There must also be a master to conduct multiple audits. If you want to meet so many conditions at the same time, only a headhunting company can find sufficiently good senior technicians.

In fact, those graduation certificates on paper are nothing at all, and all kinds of degree certificates are not necessarily reliable with decades of experience.

Among the remaining technicians, although there are many masters, it is quite difficult to meet such a large-scale production cooperation and to be able to judge whether the parts are qualified with their own eyesight. It is also a heavy job.

Just relying on these few people, the task is too heavy, and the teachers may be overwhelmed.

“Headhunting companies may indeed need your help in this matter. It hasn’t been long since I first entered this industry, and I am not particularly familiar with the rules of this industry.

I don’t really understand what kind of talents can be appreciated by headhunting companies. I have already sent the request as an email to your mailbox. If I have time, help me screen it.

As for basic employees, if you have idlers, you can also send them over. After all, it is safer to use your own people! ”

Lin Fan only used Liu Chunlei to find some senior skilled workers, and still wanted to recruit through the market, but Lin Fan never thought:

Liu Chunlei actually took advantage of his vast fan base to bring some unemployed people to the company.

There are a lot of people, and it seems that all of them have experienced the vicissitudes of life.

On the second day, Liu Chunlei brought these unemployed people to Lin Fan’s presence.

“Can Lao Liu really do this small company? I think your evaluation really gives this company a high evaluation.

The overall facilities, including some details, are handled very well, but can they really accommodate so many of us? ”

This question is very objective and very real. When you see a company with such a small size, any individual will wonder: Can it accommodate so many employees?

There are such problems, it is reasonable, but some problems can not be explained in two sentences, and Liu Chunlei only said two words symbolically:

“Don’t worry, you can just listen to me for a while. Mr. Lin Fan is actually very good at talking. The two of us can still talk very well!”

Having said that, some of his fans can only let it go. After all, they chose to believe in Liu Chunlei.

Now that I have come here, there is no reason to shrink back.

Lin Fan looked at the group of ordinary people who were only 20 years old, but they looked like 30 years old, and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion:

“The current society is really cruel, oppressing people like this, but then again, is there anyone among your fans?

Although these people can help me fill in some loopholes, I need more manpower due to assembly line problems! ”

“I do have more staff, but I suggest that you integrate these people into the company first, and then consider the expansion of recruits. I know your assembly line production pressure is very high.

But now you have opened up a new assembly line, and four are enough for you to make that kind of promise in public.

No matter how much it is, it is easy to develop and expand, and there will be some uncontrollable accidents. “.

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