Chapter 665

Everyone is very smart and of course knows what is needed. I also understand what these things mean to my own people.

The new development model is tantamount to changing the current situation of embarrassment, and can also clear the past haze, at least not to make the situation so chaotic again.

They have been fighting secretly with each other for so many years, and now it’s hard to come up with someone who can take care of things.

If you deny other people’s economic situation so easily, isn’t this deliberately looking for fault? !

“This student, I don’t have any other intentions. I just don’t think that some conservative forms need to be maintained.

We have a better way of development, no matter from any angle, we do not have any big problems in doing so.

Whether you question me or doubt the way of development, it’s normal. ”

As long as healthy competition can be formed, these things are nothing. As long as it is not a vicious question, then question it.

After all, Lin Fan also knows that he is not perfect, and it is normal for some things to have gaps.

After all, you need to face these things calmly. If you have problems or mistakes, you don’t know to correct them, and blindly avoid them. On the contrary, it violates Lin Fan’s original intention.

“Isn’t it? This is the attitude that a big event person should have. You are purely looking for fault.

As a human being, you can’t be too much. Those who deserve to be respected must be respected. That person is indeed very good, there is nothing to say about this at all! ”

It was just a small episode, and they weren’t too embarrassed with each other. Of course, Lin Fan also knew: These young people are naturally unconvinced.

Everyone is the same age, so why does Lin Fan own a company?

It can even control the life and death of this group of people in front of them, but in turn, people like them: They have been fighting in the workplace for several years, but they still stand still.

Of course, this is not because they are not capable enough, but because everyone has their own position.

The leader in the entire business system is certainly very important, but these people selected by the leader also have an unshakable position.

If they can’t believe their own words, then this company will not be long from destruction.

“This is the end of our first stage of learning. Your chairman has sent you over to learn from this experience.

Then there is how to achieve further cooperation. Although the purpose has been achieved now, then don’t rely on me…”

The young men looked at each other and smiled.

The purpose of their coming here is not just to learn this little experience.

If given the opportunity, they hope they can become the person in charge between the two companies, at least as a unique docking person.

In this way, their status in the company can be much higher than before.

Such a treaty alone is enough to double the salary and even the status, including the importance of the company.

Companies are profitable, and every entrepreneur is not a charity.

Public welfare undertakings are to be done, but their own employees must not be able to soften their hearts.

They must be able to develop enough abilities, otherwise this is destroying themselves.

Similarly, this is also destroying the company, and such an approach that outweighs the gain is far from being recognized. .

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