Chapter 676

As an official representative, Chen Ke finally compromised. There are some things that don’t need to be confronted to this level. Since it is good for both sides, what does it matter if you make concessions yourself? !

“I don’t think it would be better. Let’s discuss how we can maximize each other’s interests. Is this all right?!”

Lin Fan can be considered appropriately to give a step down. From the point of view of interests, it is understandable that both parties are fighting for the most possibilities for themselves.

And now that the two sides stepped back and shook hands to make peace is also worthy of praise, and it is worth talking about.

“Mr. Lin Fan, it’s great to have your magnanimous collaborator, at least our relevant departments don’t need to have that much pressure.

For us, merchants are often difficult to deal with.

Their difficulty lies not only in shrewd calculations, but most importantly, the profitability of publicity is too low. ”

It’s not that Chen Ke dislikes bad cooperation with businessmen. It’s just that in the numerous previous cooperation and publicity, many facts have proved:

Although the assumption is good, there are still many things that are beyond the original calculation of benefits for hurting people~.

In the official organization, they have put in a lot of energy and given a lot of necessary resources.

But in the end it ended in a thankless end. Who can blame for this? !

“I have investigated many things about our two sides in the past, so I am unwilling to reach cooperation so easily.

For most of us, it takes a very complicated process to re-establish trust. ”

This is the end of the matter, and the two sides have finally opened up about the misunderstanding of each other. Because of the cooperation with the four old guys, each time they failed to meet the original expectations.

There will even be troubles that do not need to be deliberately sought from time to time, which leads to the worsening of the situation again and again.

As a result, there was no real cooperation from beginning to end, but now it is different. The person in charge has been replaced by Lin Fan, and many words have become completely different options.

First of all, from the perspective of propaganda, as a young man, Lin Fan is naturally more receptive to these things and is more willing to help them reach cooperation and avoid conflicts.

············Ask for flowers·········

But the same Lin Fan, as a young man, as the owner of a new enterprise and splitting out completely different new cakes, is naturally qualified to put forward greater conditions.

If you want Lin Fan to cooperate, you must satisfy Lin Fan’s appetite. This is an equivalent exchange and a very cost-effective transaction for both parties.

. ….. 0

The only thing that needs to be considered from start to finish is whether the cooperation with Lin Fan can really achieve the expected vision, or whether it is looking for the skin with the tiger.

If you don’t even know this point, then up to now, all the things are really ruining the last.

Although the cooperation with that group of old guys can’t make enough profits, at least it has promoted the policy.

But if you pay the price with Lin Fan and get nothing, then you really want to cry without tears.

“Mr. Lin, we can give enough preferential policies, but this is our condition.

If you are willing to accept it, then let’s talk about cooperation further. If you are not willing, then you have not heard of today’s thing! “100 million.

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