Chapter 691

“Forget it, I really can’t tell you, since you want to say it, that’s fine.

But buying two more sets of clothes at most is enough, I’m still not used to dressing like this! ”

“no problem!”

The waiters around are all in a nervous mood. Who knows that Lin Fan is still hesitating? Who can really understand the minds of customers~!

It’s nothing more than hoping that I can sell more clothes. It’s nothing more than hoping: I can get more profit. As for other things, it’s just a piece of cake.

With such thoughts, no one can figure out what these two distinguished guests want to do.

When Lin Fan and Liu Chunlei walked to a blue shop, the faces of the two waiters at the door almost changed to smile.

“Welcome to the two gentlemen. Our shop has newly added some of the best handmade flags of this season. I think you will need it very much!”

“That’s the case. After inquiring, Mr. Liu is a distinguished customer of our shop. According to our new activities, Mr. Liu enjoys a 10% discount. If the two make the order together, they can enjoy a 20% discount.”

In fact, there are very few companies in hand companies that come to the door for business, just like those dartists in ancient times.

As long as they can sell a suit, their service staff will receive 30,000 or 40,000 as a rake.

In fact, it is not too high, but in comparison, this kind of benefit is higher than that of the average waiter.

A tip of 30,000 to 40,000 a month is higher than that of the company’s young white-collar workers in a year.

Feeling the quality of the clothes on his body, Lin Fan kept sighing, is this life different?

You must know that Lin Fan had never been in contact with such a world before, but now and then.

The times are completely different.

“Sir, this suit is very suitable for you to wear. It suits your temperament. A big boy who looks immature like you is very suitable for such dark clothing.

It will not only make you look white and tender, but also reflect your good figure. ”

Lin Fan listened to the compliments of the service staff, and didn’t know if it was true or not, and Liu Chunlei also joked with him:

No one dislikes complimenting too much, even boys.

············Ask for flowers·········

“Okay, okay, since this suit suits him so well, let’s make it so.”

The two big men bought them for three hours, and finally got together ten clothes.

And when Lin Fan sat in the back seat, he felt how difficult it is to shop. I really don’t understand where those women have such great fun. Wouldn’t it be a pain in your waist to buy something for a day? !

. …… 0

“I said, do you often go shopping with other girls, so you are so experienced!”

“You are slandering people by saying this. I do go out often, but I definitely don’t go shopping. As a five-good young man in the 21st century, of course I am exercising when I have nothing to do. Who do you think is like you? .”

The two joked with each other and returned to Liu Chunlei’s home. With reference to a series of attendance lists tonight, the two discussed where they should start.

“I think we can find some companies in the entertainment industry and let them make a decision. I can see that my popularity still has a lot of face.”

“Can’t you choose by yourself?” Yi.

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