Chapter 694

Although Lin Fan has experienced a lot from starting the company to the present, but carefully dressed up, he looks no different from a high-spirited young man.

Even after putting on this dress, he was like a rich young master who came out to explore the world.

Compared with Liu Chunlei’s image, although it is inadequate, his temperament is completely different.

Liu Chunlei belongs to the kind that can make people look lingering at a glance, but in contrast, Lin Fan is the kind that looks more attractive.

“Little brother and sister, although I said that I was deceived before, it is still not as unfamiliar as the young people now.”

The meaning of these words is not obvious _ Liu Chunlei was afraid that he had acted before, but it was a pity that he did not succeed.

And now, the woman Liu Chunlei had never conquered before took the initiative to sit next to Lin Fan, not knowing if it was because she was too focused.

So much so that the men in the audience couldn’t help but glanced at Lin Fan twice, they were very curious:

How does Lin Fan, a guy who looks a little ordinary, has such a big attraction?

“Who is that guy over there? It’s not quite right to be able to make Miss Lu so caring, and to take the initiative to do the past thing~〃!”

“I heard that that guy seemed to be brought by Liu Chunlei. What kind of good stuff does that kid’s friend and dog friend have? Can such a pig eat such a good cabbage!”

The opinions of these phoenix men are surprisingly unanimous. In their opinion, such a good opportunity cannot be cheapened by outsiders.

Especially Lin Fan didn’t look so fit in his clothes, and it felt a bit patchwork.

In fact, it’s no wonder they look down on it, it’s just that Lin Fan rarely wears this kind of more suitable formal dress for parties on weekdays.

So it’s a bit awkward to put it on for a while, and forget to clean up when you get out of the car, it looks so strange.

“Miss, I don’t know why you are going to come over, but it’s not appropriate to focus the attention of the audience on me like this?

Could it be that you are the organizer of this party? ”

Lin Fan has never been a high-profile person, and he doesn’t want to cause unnecessary trouble, especially since this matter has something to do with Liu Chunlei.

Although it is not clear to set aside the specific value, it is definitely not easy for a woman to lose Liu Chunlei.

“¨”I, I’m actually a very simple person. My last name is Lu Yaxuan. You can just call me Miss Lu!”

“Then, Miss Lu! What do you mean by sitting here?!”

Lin Fan remained extremely vigilant from beginning to end, as if he would be eaten if he didn’t pay attention.

The more Lin Fan did this, the more she aroused Lu Yaxuan’s curiosity. After all, this thing would happen to her less.

As the so-called slender lady, gentlemen are so easy to go on the road, how can she be willing to be ignored like this because she is a woman in the wind field (good for the king) wherever she goes?

I don’t know if it was a sudden interest, Lu Yaxuan took the initiative to step forward to help Lin Fan get the winner, who looked a little messy.

The sudden gesture of favor made Lin Fan a little at a loss. Such a scene made the male compatriots who have been paying attention to the situation stare.

Even Liu Chunlei, who was among the flowers, couldn’t help but raised his eyebrows. .

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