City: I Am Building A Red Police Base In Africa!

Chapter 84: The gust that becomes blind, the third brother who is incompetent and furious

There is still a lot of space inside the Century Strategic Bomber.

There are 5 crew members in total.

"Report to the team leader, the radar found 6 Rafales fighting, bearing 0-7-6-0, speed 1.4, altitude 8700, distance 87."

The team leader looked at the radar screen and said with a blank face: "Don't worry about it and move on."

It's not that she looks down on the Rafale fighter, but she doesn't look down on it at all.

Although they said they knew where they were in the airspace, the airspace was so large.

In the case of only knowing a vague latitude and longitude, it still takes a little effort to find them.

And their course was not on their side at all.

"Report, radiation source detected, from Rafale fighter jets."

The team leader twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing a disdainful smile.

"Electronic scouts, make them blind.


Electric scouts are the members of the bomber who are responsible for electronic countermeasures.


"The radar channel of the opponent has been invaded, and the radar jamming mode is turned on."


An invisible electromagnetic wave emanated from the Century Strategic Bomber.

The Rafale fighter group was fried in an instant.

"Report, my airborne radar has been jammed and has failed."

"Report, my radar was also electromagnetically jammed and turned into a snow screen."

"Electronic countermeasures pods on, anti-jamming mode on.""

"No, the anti-jamming failed, the other party's electromagnetic waves are too strong.

"Fake, is there an electronic jammer nearby? Call the early warning aircraft immediately and ask for support."

Baixiangguo is equipped with a Phalcon early warning aircraft, which also has a certain electronic countermeasure capability after the upgrade.

"It is reported that a larger radiation source of 283 has been detected, which is the electromagnetic radiation of the early warning aircraft.

"Ignore it, move on, keep suppressing the Rafale fighter group.""


On the Faircome early warning aircraft, the crew members of Baixiangguo were also confused.

"Why? Why can't you find any trace, are you sure the other party is in this airspace? 35

After comparing the map again, the navigator said: "Yes, it is in the F9 airspace, the altitude is 12,000, and the speed is 1087."5

"Continue to do a full scan of F9 airspace and make sure this bomber finds it.

Unfortunately, the result was destined to disappoint them.

The early warning aircraft of the last century wanted to find the strategic bomber of the century, which was simply wishful thinking.

Plasma stealth technology is a radar black hole, any electromagnetic radiation passing through here will be directly absorbed, and will not be reflected back at all.

Plasma stealth technology has no solution to the existing radar detection technology.

This is why Lin Xuan dared to announce the route.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to see if the plasma stealth technology had this evil.

The Century Bomber swaggered out of the F9 airspace and walked away.

No matter how the Phalcon AWACS searched, it could not find any trace of the Century Strategic Bomber.

This is still in the case of knowing which airspace it is in.

Want to find the Century Bomber, unless they rule out a massive swarm for a blanket search.

The existence of the Century Bomber can only be found using distributed aperture optics.

Obviously, the White Elephant Kingdom does not have this ability.

After working hard for an hour, the pilot of Baixiangguo finally gave up the search in despair.

During this (bbac) hour, their Rafale fighters were completely electromagnetically suppressed.

A fighter jet without radar is blind.

No matter how hard they try, they can't avoid distractions.

Fortunately, the Century Strategic Bomber did not interfere with communications.

Otherwise, their communication system will be paralyzed.

After the high-level officials of Baixiangguo heard the news, their faces were very ugly.

They are still very confident about this action.

When you know the approximate coordinates of the other party, isn't it easy to find out the other party?

And the other side is a bulky subsonic strategic bomber.

They dispatched the top Rafale fighters.

But the result made them a little discouraged.

The Rafale fighters they spent more than 90 million euros on were completely suppressed.

This even made them wonder if the Rafale fighter had been weakened.

"It must be so, Dassault deceived us and asked them to make theories."

When the Century strategic bomber flew out of the Eritrean Sea, Eagle sauce's people found the third brother.

"What was the outcome of the confrontation?"

The third brother still hesitated in the face of the question.

"The weather is nice today, how about we talk about what to eat for lunch today?"

In the face of the result, the three have always kept their mouths shut, not saying a word about this time.

Eagle sauce immediately understood that the third brother was probably at a loss this time, so he was embarrassed to mention it at all.

But how did they suffer? In the area where early warning aircraft and six Rafale fighters were dispatched to deal with a strategic bomber whose traces were exposed, why would they still suffer?

But thinking of the unreliable behavior of the Baixiangguo Air Force before.

Suddenly I felt as if I had found the answer.

"They can't be trusted at all, we can only rely on ourselves."

Eagle sauce pushed the third brother to dispatch, the purpose is to test the other party's details.

But the third brother refused to talk about life or death, which also made them very annoyed.

"Brothers, the latest news is here. The Air Force of the White Elephant Country sent six Rafales and one Phalcon to deal with the bomber. As a result, the whole process was electromagnetically jammed to the point of self-closing. The early warning aircraft could not find any trace of the bomber. Returning without a feather made me laugh to death."

"Shit, is it so awesome? So many planes can't handle a bomber?"

"Electronic jamming? Is this an electronic jammer escort? What about a duel? 39

"Who said that electronic jamming requires an electronic jamming machine? An electronic jamming machine is just a platform equipped with electronic jamming equipment. This bomber is so big, it is normal to carry some electronic jamming equipment, and the power is definitely not small, so it can be used in It was suppressed for so long under the cover of the early warning aircraft.

"It's awesome, Kyushu is invincible, and a bomber knocked down the Air Force of the White Elephant Country, it's invincible."

On the other hand, Eagle sauce is full of question marks.

Didn't you, Bai Xiangguo, keep your mouth shut and say nothing about this matter?

Why do netizens know before them now? What does this mean? Do you have an opinion on them?

And Baixiangguo's side is also in a state of confusion, what the hell is going on? Why did such a shameful thing spread out?

After some investigation, it was discovered that it was an insider who complained to a friend.

Then my friend used it as a talking point to brag about it with my friend.

Friends of friends told their friends again, so the whole network knew about it.

Although it is said that the third brother has lost face in this matter, it also proves one thing.

This bomber has powerful electronic countermeasure equipment, so it cannot be regarded as a strategic bomber.

It is also a powerful electronic jammer.

No wonder Kyushu's side is so confident and dare to let a strategic bomber single out the countries, it turns out that their trump card is here.

However, this method is fine for some weak countries. For them who also have advanced electronic countermeasure equipment, this method alone is not enough.

When Kyushu's Century Strategic Bombers began to pass through Malacca.

Hawk-chan finally got into action.

Diego Garcia military base is the only large military base in the Eritrean Sea.

At the same time, it is also the meeting point of the Cape of Good Hope, the Lion City, and the Kangaroo Country Airway, and its geographical location is very important.

Once it is blocked here, it will cut off the connection between Asia and the West.

Therefore, Eagle sauce is also stationed here with a strong military force.

Just like F22, F35, roaring electronic fighters, early warning aircraft, air tankers, etc. are all deployed.

Aren't you crazy in Kyushu? Trying to provoke them with a strategic bomber.

This time we will let you see our true strength.

Eagle sauce is still very confident about this.

They admit that this strategic bomber in Kyushu is very advanced, even more advanced than their B2.

But the role of stealth strategic bombers is to make long-range raids, not to challenge the air systems of other countries.

And they have the most complete air force system in the world.

If they can't even handle a strategic bomber, their boss for so many years will be in vain.

"Ignorance, it seems that the constant victories during this period have made them inflated. They don't know our true strength at all, and they don't even know that we haven't exerted any strength before."

"I don't care what method you use to intercept it, so that it can't launch missiles normally at all. 55

"When will Kyushu wake up and see how powerful we are."

Defense Secretary Chris immediately issued an order after receiving the order from Washington.

"Block him.

At Diego Garcia Air Force Base, a fighter jet took off from the base.

This time they dispatched 2 F22 Raptor fighters, 4 F-35A Lightning|| stealth fighters, two EA-18 Growler electronic fighters, and an E-3 Watchtower airborne early warning aircraft.

In terms of the strength of this fighter formation, it can already completely abuse the air force of a small country.

If they can't intercept the bomber in this way, then they can hit the tofu to death.

Therefore, the air force fleet of Eagle sauce attacked with confidence, waiting for its arrival in the airspace of the century strategic bomber.

Moreover, Eagle sauce did not shy away from this operation, and directly announced the scale of the operation group.

"Hehe, it seems that they really don't want their faces.

Lin Xuan couldn't help sneering when he saw the size of the aircraft that Eagle sauce dispatched this time.

Stealth fighters/electronic countermeasures aircraft/early warning aircraft were dispatched together, completely aimed at the strategic bombers of the century.

But if they really thought that they would be able to deal with the Century Strategic Early Warning Aircraft, they would be too naive.

This time Lin Xuan will make them feel what is called the insurmountable gap between technology.

Ordinary stealth strategic bombers will definitely not be able to fight against this group.

But the Century Strategic Bomber is no ordinary bomber, it can do it.

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