City: I Can Make Divine Choices

Chapter 107 Chu Feng Is Poisonous, An Unexpected Surprise!

Li Qingci, who had this idea in her mind, was shocked by her idea.

"This is completely different from what I originally thought!"

"Young Master Chu is simply poisonous. I've only known him for a few days and I can't help it anymore..."

Just when Li Qingci was thinking wildly, the little Loli Nannan came to her.

"Sister Celadon, will you go to the zoo with us too?"

The beautiful housekeeper is a little afraid of seeing the perfect man Chu Feng.

If she continued to be in contact like this, she felt like she really couldn't help it!

Her identity is somewhat special.

At the beginning, she just wanted Chu Feng's help.

Even the words she said to Chu Feng when they met for the first time were just her honey trap and temptation.

But now, she is a little stuck.

At this time, Li Qingci did not want to involve Chu Feng in her own affairs.

It's a very simple yet complex feeling.

Li Qingci lowered her head and looked at the amulet given by Chu Feng that was hidden in her clothes and she couldn't see it.

The idea of ​​not wanting to involve Chu Feng became more and more obvious.

"Nanny, you can go on your own, my sister has to clean up Villa No. 2 today.

"Can you come back early? Then my sister will make you the braised lion head that you like to eat!"

The little girls regard Li Qingci as a family member, but they also know that she is still different from their grandfather Nono.

"Nanny, if your sister Celadon doesn't want to go, forget it. If you have a chance next time, I'll invite you to go together."

Chu Feng didn't want his eldest baby Liu Qingcheng to be jealous and angry again.

His limited edition Knight XV is luxurious, sturdy and breathtaking!

The space inside the car is huge.

Chu Feng's family, including his parents and mother-in-law Liu Cui.

There were exactly eleven people in total.

Everyone can fit in and it doesn't feel crowded at all.

On the road, when the surrounding cars saw the Knight XV Limited Edition, they gave way one after another.

What is forcibly blocking the road, and what is deliberately trying to steal the road?

That’s none!

after an hour.

The car arrived at Yangcheng Zoo.

"Beibei Jingjing Huanhuan Yingying Nini, you and Grandpa Nononwai wait outside the door."

"Mom and dad go to the place in front to buy tickets and will be back soon."

The six little lolita are all very well-behaved.

They agreed and stayed where they were without running around.

"Hello, five tickets for adults and six chapters for children."

Chu Feng took out his mobile phone and prepared to pay.

He suddenly discovered that his cell phone had run out of battery at some point.

"Did you forget to charge the battery last night when you were just spending time with your most beautiful woman?"

Chu Feng laughed dumbly and gently pinched the beautiful CEO's pretty face.

"Qingcheng, you are the president and I am the manager."

"The two of us go out together. It must be paid for by you as the leader!"

The beautiful CEO gave Chu Feng a nice look.

"Just tell me if your phone is out of battery, and you're talking about the leader paying for it. When you bullied me, why didn't you say I was your leader?"

Chu Feng looked like he suddenly realized: "Oh, that makes sense, then I will let you bully me tonight!"

"I..." Liu Qingcheng lost her temper towards her bad male god.

She is very thin-skinned, but she can't say anything to bully Chu Feng tonight.

Taking the purchased tickets, Chu Feng and Liu Qingcheng returned to the entrance of the zoo.

Chu Feng brought six little lolita, his own eldest daughter, his parents and mother-in-law Liu Cui.

A group of people wandered into the zoo together.

Chu Feng, Liu Qingcheng and six little lolita are all very good-looking.

Especially the eight of them, all dressed in parent-child clothes.

The return rate is almost 100%!

Not long after Chu Feng and others entered the zoo, a man in a hoodie got out of a taxi at the entrance of the zoo.

"That Chu Feng, what kind of car does he drive?"

"I was almost stuck in a traffic jam, but he drove smoothly and seemed to be going extremely fast!"

The man muttering secretly was none other than the killer who had received Hao's call before.

Yesterday, he had found out a lot of relevant information about Chu Feng through some professional means.

To be honest, this information scared him!

"This target is a rare fat sheep!"

"Maybe I can get a huge sum of money before killing him!"

The killer sneered and bought a ticket for the zoo.

When I was buying tickets, I also asked about it.

Chu Feng's family indeed entered the zoo.

After all, wearing parent-child clothes and having top-notch looks and temperament almost has a 100% return rate.

The killer can get some information about Chu Feng with just a little inquiry.

Chu Feng still knows nothing about the arrival of the killer.

Magic City.

The evidence collected by Li Mingcai and Xiao Yu was enough to keep Wu Fa in prison for the rest of his life.

This news also allowed several small shareholders who were originally closely related to Wu Fa to gradually no longer hinder Li Mingcai from managing and controlling Yida Plaza Investment Company.

Of course, news in the company.

These people still secretly told Wu Fa.

Today, Li Mingcai sent another batch of evidence to the police station.

He also learned that Wu Fa wanted to see Chu Feng. If Chu Feng was not there, he would meet Li Mingcai.

Li Mingcai went to see Wu Fa, and Wu Fa's first words were:

"Is Chu Feng dead?"

"Haha, even if you die, Chu Feng will not die!"

"This is not necessarily the case. Everyone will encounter some accidents more or less."

"Wu Fa, what do you mean?"

"Guess for yourself."

Wu Fa sneered, and Li Mingcai was shocked.

He is now very loyal to Chu Feng, two points higher than the beautiful housekeeper Li Qingci.

A full ninety points!

Many thoughts flashed through Li Mingcai's mind.

And based on his understanding of Wu Fa, he began to make calculations.

He guessed that Wu Fa might have known that his life was doomed, so he might have gone to extremes!

"Wu Fa, are you looking for a killer or something?"

"You are quite smart! I thought you were very smart before, so I specially transferred my son to you, but you have made it impossible for my son to be a man in the future!"

Wu Fa roared loudly, and he no longer concealed some things.

"Li Mingcai, I'm not afraid to tell you."

"I already contacted a killer who owed me a favor the day before yesterday.

"Based on what I know about him, he is already on the way to take action."

"Of course, it is more likely that he has succeeded!"

"If you don't believe it, you can give your Master Chu a try?"

At this time, Wu Fa only felt that he was very happy if he could make Li Mingcai and Chu Feng unhappy.

As for the killer's life and death, he ignored it at all.

And according to his understanding of the killer, he has basically succeeded now!

Outside the iron window, Li Mingcai quickly put down the phone to communicate with Wu Fa.

He hurriedly took out his mobile phone and dialed Chu Feng's number.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off!"

No way?

Was Young Master Chu really killed by a killer?

Li Mingcai dialed the phone again, but the phone was still turned off.

Seeing Li Mingcai's appearance, Wu Fa burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, that Chu Feng seems to be really dead!"

"Great, really great!"

Li Mingcai took a deep breath and started dialing Qingcheng's number.

This time, it was finally connected.

"Hey, Manager Li, what's the matter?"

"Hello, Mr. Liu, I would like to ask you if you know where Mr. Chu is now. I have something urgent to do with him!"

"Wait a moment, Chu Feng is by my side, I'll ask Chu Feng to answer the phone."

Soon, Chu Feng's voice came from the phone.

"Old Li, what's the emergency?"

"Young Master Chu, it's like this. I'm opposite Wu Fa now. From the conversation I just had with him, I learned that he had already found a killer to deal with you the day before yesterday..."

After hearing what Li Mingcai said, Chu Feng calmly expressed that he understood.

"Old Li, tell Wu Fa not to take it too easy. You don't have to worry about me here."

Chu Feng hung up the phone and looked around pretending to be casual.

There were many other tourists around.

There are many visitors to the zoo this weekend.

It is currently unknown whether the killer is nearby.

And it is not easy to find a killer who is good at disguising among the many tourists.

Chu Feng looked around and found no target yet.

At most, I feel that some of them are suspicious.

"Who could the killer be?"

Suddenly, Chu Feng thought of someone.

The family’s beautiful housekeeper Li Qingci.

"No! The time doesn't match!"

"Furthermore, although Li Qingci is said to have hidden talents, I don't know what other identity she has besides being his beautiful housekeeper.

"But her loyalty cannot be fake!"

"The killer definitely can't be Li Qingci, but the excellent beautiful housekeeper should give me a little surprise!"

Chu Feng took Liu Qingcheng's mobile phone and immediately called Li Qingci.

"Hey Qingcheng......"

"Celadon, it's me."

"Ah, Master Chu, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Celadon, please check now. Check the surveillance near the villa within three days, and check the surveillance near the community as well. If there is anyone suspicious, tell me as soon as possible."

Li Qingci was shocked when she heard Chu Feng's words.

"...Has Mr. Chu already seen something?"

"I also noticed that someone nearby has been investigating something in the past two days."

"It looks like my identity is about to be exposed!"

"I don't want to implicate Mr. Chu. Maybe it's time for me to leave."

Li Qingci made a phone call, but it wasn't until the third time that the call was answered.

"Qiu Huhu, how is your arrangement in the Magic City going?"

"Miss, the arrangements have been made. You can pick her up at any time."

"Okay, I will rush to the Magic City as soon as possible."

After finishing the phone call, Li Qingci prepared the last few things for herself as the housekeeper of Villa No. 1.

She quickly called up the surveillance of the past three days near the community and Villa No. 1.

Yangcheng Zoo.

Liu Qingcheng, the beautiful CEO next to Chu Feng, noticed the change in Chu Feng's expression.

She asked in a low voice: "Chu Feng, what happened?"

"Celadon, I'm telling you, but you have to stay calm and don't panic."

Liu Qingcheng nodded.

Soon, she heard Chu Feng whisper in her ear:

"Celadon, Wu Fa, Wu Tian's father, I have asked Li Mingcai to go to the magic city to take care of him."

"However, he found a killer and came to assassinate me."

Liu Qingcheng, who just said that she would remain calm.

Hearing that his male god was going to be assassinated, he couldn't stay calm at all.

She opened her mouth involuntarily, about to scream.

In order to avoid being discovered by the killer hiding in the dark, Chu Feng had to possess Liu Qingcheng so that he could not speak.

After a while, [Qingcheng finally settled down.

The beautiful CEO's pretty face turned red and she whispered:

"Chu Feng, there's something I forgot to tell you.

"Just yesterday, the secretary of my company told me."

"There was a weird man who came to the company and said he wanted to find us.

"If there is really a killer, then that weird man is very suspicious!"

(Good Wang Zhao) Chu Feng immediately asked Liu Qingcheng to contact the company's secretary.

Ask the secretary to send an excerpt of the surveillance at that time.

As long as you know what the suspect looks like, the search will be much easier and more convenient.

Not long after, Chu Feng saw a surveillance video sent by the secretary of the president of Qingcheng Beauty Clothing Company.

"Man in hoodie?"

Chu Feng had glanced around just now and saw two men in hoodies.

Of course, if the man whose face he couldn't see clearly had changed his clothes today, it would be a little difficult to find him.

Chu Feng asked Liu Qingcheng to take her daughters, parents and others to an area with few tourists.

Chu Feng was paying attention to his surroundings along the way.

In fact, Chu Fengri was not worried at all about this killer.

Chu Feng, who has the title of Master of Chinese Martial Arts and amulet, does not need to worry about his safety at all.

The person who needs to worry about his own safety is the killer himself.

Not to mention, Chu Feng also has three teleportation cards.

An hour has passed long ago, and the reward Chu Feng has been withdrawn long ago.

Ready to use at any time.

Chu Feng just didn't want his family to face the threat of a killer.

Even if the family members wear protective ID, even if they are shot by a killer, their lives will not be safe.

Chu Feng still wanted to find this killer and get rid of him as soon as possible.

So as not to leave any future troubles.

Originally, he wanted to find a park with not many tourists, but Liu Qingcheng, who was feeling a little flustered, led everyone to the Tiger Park, which had a lot of tourists.

"Chu Feng, I'm sorry, I will take my family to another remote park!"

Pulling his own top beauty, Chu Feng smiled slightly.

"Qingcheng, don't worry, look at the message Li Qingci just sent me.

My beautiful housekeeper gave Chu Feng an unexpected surprise!

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