City: I Can Make Divine Choices

Chapter 111: Inhumane And Awesome!

The limited edition Knight XV was left at Yangcheng Airport.

When they arrived in the magical city, Chu Feng and his little baby had no means of transportation.

Of course, at the beginning, Chu Feng planned to ask Li Mingcai to drive over to pick him up.

And we arranged it this way before getting on the plane.

Even the ticket for the first boarding of the plane was purchased by Li Mingcai.

Chu Feng estimated that Li Mingcai was already driving his car and waiting in the airport parking lot.

But now there are armed helicopters.

Then of course we take the big and little babies with us on the plane!

As a big city, Shanghai has very heavy traffic jams.

Moreover, these two and a half hours before.

Chu Feng found that his daughters seemed to like flying. ,

Maybe it was my first time to fly, but I was very excited anyway.

The most excited person among them is the sixth daughter, Nannan.

This daughter is the youngest, has the weakest constitution, and is the most clingy to Chu Feng. She is the first daughter to be reunited with Chu Feng.

Currently, like the fifth daughter Nini, she has no talent activated.

Chu Feng deliberately wants his daughter to activate her currently unclear talents as soon as possible.

So I took my fifth daughter Nini to the Magic City to see the giant pandas.

And now, looking at the excited girl.

Chu Feng couldn't help but feel moved in his heart.

"Nanny likes starry sky science fiction and stuff like that."

"Maybe I can drive a helicopter gunship and take my little daughter around in the sky more.

"Maybe I accidentally helped my little daughter and activated her talent!"

While passengers in other cabins were still waiting.

Chu Feng had already begun to get off the plane under the eager and eager eyes of several beautiful stewardesses.

"Beibei Jingjing Huanhuan Yingying Nini, follow your father, watch your steps and don't fall.

"Dad, don't worry, we know."

"Yes, Dad, we are all smart babies!"

"Dad, have we arrived in the Magic City now? It feels so fast!"

“That’s it, I arrived in a new city before I knew it.”

"Dad, when I can come back, can I still take a plane?"

While talking, my little daughter Nannan said, somewhat reluctant to get off the plane.

The beautiful CEO Liu Qingcheng knew that her youngest daughter was in the worst shape and was worried that her daughter would feel uncomfortable when flying.

Now that I am about to get off the plane, I can’t even get enough of seeing my daughter jumping around.

She was finally relieved after having been worried.

Liu Qingcheng picked up her little daughter Nannan and said with a smile:

"Nanny, if you like to fly, then we can continue to fly.

"Great! Then you can fly again!"

Chu Feng touched the excited little daughter's little head: "There is no need to wait to turn back. We can fly again as soon as we get off the plane."

Liu Qingcheng and the little Lolita couldn't help but be stunned.

Just got off the plane and got on the plane again?

The youngest daughter Nannan asked: "Dad, aren't our destinations all the same?"

The fifth daughter Nini also asked: "Yes, Dad, didn't you say you would take us to see giant pandas?"

The other four little lolita also cast inquiring looks.

Even the two beautiful stewardesses in the first class cabin looked curiously.

"Where is this powerful person?"

"I booked a first-class seat on the plane just to see the giant pandas for my daughter?"

"Just because my daughter still wants to fly, she still wants to continue flying once she reaches her destination?"

"It's so embarrassing! There's no one with a surname!"

Two beautiful stewardesses are eager to try.

Although the powerful man in front of him has a woman and six beautiful sextuplets daughters.

But Chu Feng is handsome, handsome and extraordinary, which is really heartwarming.

"Master Chu, a cousin of mine works at the airport ticket office."

"If you want to take another flight, I can call and have her arrange it right away!"

One of the tall flight attendants volunteered.

Another flight attendant was not to be outdone.

"Master Chu, I know there is a plane taking off in half an hour, and a good sister of mine is on duty on that plane.

"If that's right, that plane is very suitable..."

Before the stewardess finished speaking, Chu Feng waved her hand.

"No, thank you, I have my own private jet."

The two beautiful flight attendants were very confused when they saw Chu Feng taking his family off the plane.

They looked at each other, dumbfounded.

"Young Master Chu, isn't he too treacherous?"

"I have a private jet, and I even took my woman and daughter on a first-class flight."

"Is this a different feeling of experiencing different aircraft?"

Chu Feng naturally ignored the secret exclamation of the beautiful stewardess behind him.

But he enjoyed the adoring eyes of the big baby and the little ones.

"Dad, do we really have our own private jet?"

"In other words, we will be able to fly every day in the future?"

"This is really great! Dad!"

"Dad, where is our plane?"

“I’m so looking forward to it, I really want to see our plane now!”

Chu Feng has withdrawn the reward.

That armed helicopter is at this airport.

All the aircraft information and procedures are now in Chu Feng’s storage ring.

Like the previous Knight XV, he also stopped at a special place.

Then all procedures are legal and compliant, there are no flaws, and there is no fear of investigation.

Chu Feng just got off the plane and told his daughter that she would be able to see her family's private jet soon.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the phone ringing.

"Hello, Mr. Chu, I am Liu Zhen, the general manager of Magic Capital Airlines."

"The armed helicopter you entrusted me to purchase for you has already been parked at our airport."

"All inspections have passed and all procedures are complete."

"Do you need us to send someone to take you there now?"

Chu Feng told Liu Zhen that he was at the airport now.

There is no need for planes to deliver goods to your door, now you can come and drive them yourself.

Soon, Chu Feng and Liu Zhen agreed on a meeting place.

Then Liu Zhen led the way directly, taking Chu Feng and others not far from the armed helicopter.

"Master Chu, look, this is your armed helicopter."

"This is an aircraft banned for military use. At first, I thought it would be impossible to fulfill Master Chu's entrustment.

"I didn't expect that you had already made arrangements."

Chu Feng smiled lightly.

I laughed and cursed in my heart... I arranged this nonsense.

They are all arranged directly by the system.

You don't have to worry about anything, just get awesome rewards.

This armed helicopter is overall in camouflage military green.

Armed helicopters are helicopters equipped with weapons and developed to perform combat missions. They are divided into ordinary armed helicopters, stealth helicopters and high-speed armed helicopters.

Armed helicopters can be divided into two categories: special-purpose and multi-purpose.

The special-purpose type has a narrow and long fuselage and strong combat capability; the multi-purpose type can be used not only for attack missions, but also for transportation, landing and other tasks.

In the ranks of military helicopters, armed helicopters are a veritable offensive weapon and equipment, so they can also be called attack helicopters.

Its advent has brought military helicopters from the second line of battlefield logistics to the forefront of combat. They have transformed from a "peace dove" with no offensive power to an "eagle" that fights prey at the height of the treetops.

As a kind of weapon and equipment, the armed helicopter is essentially an ultra-low-altitude firepower platform.

Its organic combination of powerful firepower and special maneuverability is most suitable for the combat principles of modern warfare: "active, deep, sensitive and coordinated".

It can effectively carry out precise strikes against various ground targets and ultra-low-altitude targets, making it another important conventional weapon after artillery, tanks, aircraft and missiles. It has an irreplaceable status and role in modern warfare.

Of course, Chu Feng's helicopter gunship is mainly for taking the family for a ride.

Maybe I might go to a more remote place for fun in the future. This kind of armed helicopter is safer.

In short, this helicopter gunship from Chu Feng.

It can carry ten people.

The nose is equipped with four 12.7mm machine guns and a reserve of 1,500 rounds of ammunition. Four anti-tank missiles can be mounted on the short wing tips. Four 57mm rocket launchers can be mounted on the four pylons under the short wings, with a total of 128 rockets. If no rocket is mounted, a 1500kg bomb can be mounted.

Even Chu Feng can hang anti-tank missiles if he wants!

Don't be too awesome!

Like the previous limited edition Knight XV, the style of this private jet is also tough, domineering and luxurious!

The appearance of the aircraft and the weapons loaded on it are unparalleled.

The interior decoration and accessories inside are extremely luxurious.

Compared to the limited edition Knight XV, it’s even better!

When they saw this plane outside, the little lolita exclaimed in surprise.

Big baby Liu Qingcheng was also extremely shocked.

Even if he knows that his male idol Chu Feng is very rich and prestigious.

He is the chairman of Yida Plaza Investment Company.

He is also the boss of Ivy Private Hospital.

Owns a 100-story Qingyun Building.

There is also Morgan Stanley, a Fortune 500 company.

But armed helicopters like this are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

He actually got his man without saying a word.

Liu Qingcheng couldn't help but was shocked! Shocked again!

After entering the plane.

Chu Feng’s big and little babies were even more shocked!

Those interior accessories are so luxurious.

The various advanced instruments that are incomprehensible are dazzling!

Even Liu Zhen, manager of Magic Capital Airlines, who came in with him, looked like Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

"Master Chu, the various technological instruments of your aircraft are at least 20 to 30 years ahead of modern aircraft of the same type!"

"This aircraft has also obtained a special license."

"You can take this plane and fly over any city in the country."

"However, if you need to travel to other cities, you still need to report to the General Administration of Aviation to apply for a waterway."

"Master Chu, you don't have to worry about trouble. Your plane has special permission, and those applications are just to facilitate other planes to make way for you."

"Other planes may have a little trouble, but here it's very simple."

Chu Feng took the information portfolio sent by Liu Zhencheng.

There are some special permits inside, as well as some permission to fly documents...

A huge pile of various documents.

Chu Feng glanced at it and stopped looking at it.

Anyway, the system has already solved all possible troubles directly.

Just two words...awesome!

If you have to add some difference between these two words, it would be... Awesome Plath! 247

"Master Chu, according to regulations, this armed helicopter requires a special pilot to fly it.

"It's just that we only have first-class pilots here. You see..."

Chu Feng waved his hand and said with a faint smile:

"Don't bother me, I'll

Just open it yourself. "

After a while, Liu Zhen sat in the passenger seat.

Chu Feng sat in the driver's seat.

"Dad, can you really fly a plane?"

"Our dad is very powerful!"

"Although I haven't seen my father fly a plane, it should be similar to driving a plane, right?"

"I think so….…."

In fact, it’s not just the pretty little loli who thinks so.

Chu Feng himself feels the same way.

He has never flown a plane and has never learned to fly.

But he has the title of Akina Mountain Racing God!

Wearing this title, he is a well-deserved car god!

Possessing god-level driving abilities!

This god-level driving ability, although it refers to cars.

But everything is clear.

As long as he has a little understanding, Chu Feng believes that this private jet will not be any difficult for him.

Chu Feng asked Liu Zhen to explain the functions of buttons on some aircraft equipment and instruments.

Just like my baby daughter has related talents.

Chu Feng wears the title of Qiu Mingshan Car God and has god-level driving ability.

You can understand what Liu Zhen explains as soon as you listen to it.

Ten minutes later, Chu Shu said:

"Manager Liu, I have learned to fly a plane."

"You get off the plane, I'm going to take my daughters to see giant pandas!"

Got it?

Will this happen?

Just talk casually and you can fly a plane?

Liu Zhen got off the plane in a daze.

Soon, he discovered that the armed helicopter flew very smoothly!

"Oh my God!"

"Young Master Chu is too awesome, isn't he?!"

"If I hadn't known, Young Master Chu really didn't know how to fly a plane, nor did he understand the functions and uses of the instruments used in the plane."

"I even doubt whether Master Chu is a super pilot!"

Liu Zhen looked at the plane and even performed a relatively difficult flying maneuver in the air.

This man stood there stupidly, not only shocked and amazed, but also shocked and amazed!

at the same time.

Li Qingci, wearing a cheongsam, and a woman wearing black casual clothes came to the zoo together.

"Miss, be happy."

"If I have a chance in the future, I'll just go back to Yangcheng."

"I heard that the giant panda here gave birth to a baby panda. Let's go in to see the national treasure and relax!"

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