City: I Can Make Divine Choices

Chapter 136: Like An Emperor!

Li Qingci has never taken the initiative to contact Qiu Laohu.

She is extremely smart and knows that this is the case, so she can take the initiative.

And in fact, this is also true.

In a courtyard in the imperial capital, Xia Chan came to Qiu Laohu's room.

In her hand, she held Qiu Huhu's mobile phone.

"Qiuhu, Miss Xiping doesn't care about you."

"You have been missing for such a long time, and she has not even taken the initiative to contact you."

"It seems that even after you have protected the young lady for so many years, the young lady doesn't think much of you."

After hearing Xia Chan's words, Qiu Laohu smiled instead.

"Miss, she is much smarter than you think. Her behavior makes me even more happy."

"Maybe, anyway, I originally thought that the lady would take the initiative to contact me, but now that she hasn't taken the initiative to contact me, I'll give her a call!"

Qiu Laohu frowned slightly: "Xia Chan, you don't want to be disadvantageous to the lady like others, do you?"

"No, don't worry. But it's not a problem for the lady to keep running away like this. There are some things that you still have to face."

Xia Chan told Qiu Huhu that this was her idea and the idea of ​​the person behind her.

She took Qiu Laohu's cell phone and started calling Li Qingci.

Li Qingci looked at the caller ID on her phone and answered it immediately.

After thinking about it, I decided to wait until the second redial and it was about to end automatically before pressing the answer button.

At this time, she had already walked away in a hurry.

The matter is still unclear. She did not stay in Huxinting where Chu Feng and others were.

Soon, Li Qingci heard a somewhat familiar voice.

"Miss, it's me."

"Are you... are you Xia Chan?"

Li Qingci felt very surprised.

When she was very young, her mother arranged for four women to take care of her.

They are spring orchids, winter plums, summer cicadas and autumn tigers.

They took care of Li Qingci for more than ten years.

Then something happened at home. twenty one

Her mother asked Qiu Laohu to take her away, traveling to many places, and finally arrived at Yangcheng...

Some things from the past appeared in Li Qingci's mind.

"Xia Chan, is my mother okay?"

"Miss, let me tell you the truth, the situation is not very good.

"Then is my mother with you? I want to say a few words to her!"

"Miss, I am in the imperial capital, and your mother is still in the original manor.

After a pause, Xia Chan said again: "But miss, your mother's sister is also in the imperial capital. I am now working with Miss Smith."

Hearing the voice on the phone, Li Qingci frowned slightly.

The Miss Smith Xia Chan mentioned was her mother's biological sister.

There is also another name called Li Xiuting.

Li Xiuting and Li Qingci's mother Li Xiuli are biological sisters, but their relationship is not good.

The two often have some quarrels.

Even what happened back then, the two of them had different opinions.

Ji Touting has always wanted Li Qingci to go back.

"It turns out to be my aunt...where are you?'

"Miss, please wait a moment and I'll ask Miss Smith."

In a courtyard in the imperial capital.

Xia Chan hung up the phone and escaped Qiu Huhu's stealthy approach.

"Qiuhu, your business ability is worse than mine, but your skills are far inferior to mine. I advise you not to waste your efforts."

"Xia Chan, it turns out that you are still following Miss Smith. You clearly know that Miss Smith has been expecting her to go back, but she doesn't want to go back.

Qiu Huhu tried to persuade Xia Chan.

But Xia Chan is not so easy to convince.

"Qiuhu, don't worry, I won't be detrimental to Miss. Miss Smith also said that I won't be detrimental to Miss."

Xia Chan told Qiu Huhu that Ji Qingci's mother was in very bad health.

Miss Smith hoped that Li Qingci could go back to visit.

"Xia Chan, if this is really the case, you probably haven't seen it in person, right?

"If that's really the case, it's okay.

"I'm afraid it's Miss Smith, this is a way to deceive Miss Smith.

At this moment, a plump woman came over.

"Miss Smith!" Xia Chan shouted quickly.

When Qiu Huhu saw the woman, he frowned slightly but said nothing.

This woman is somewhat similar to Li Qingci.

The clothes she wears are all top brands.

The same goes for the accessories on the body.

If an outsider saw it, they would be very surprised.

After all, she is often on TV and magazine covers.

Xia Chan talked about what happened before.

"Let Celadon come over and I'll have a good chat with her in person."

Xia Chan agreed and immediately used Qiu Laohu's mobile phone to call Li Qingci again.

Prince Gong’s Mansion.

Li Qingci waited nervously.

When I saw my cell phone ringing, I was immediately ready to press the answer button.

At this time, Chu Feng's voice came from the side.

"Celadon, if anything happens, you should tell me. My daughters all regard you as family.

There is another sentence that Chu Feng did not say.

He not only felt that they were his little darlings, but also regarded Li Qingci as family.

Even my eldest baby Liu Qingcheng is like this!

Li Qingci was at a loss for words at this time. When she saw Chu Feng's solid shoulders, she immediately leaned on him involuntarily.

Chu Feng did not refuse.

He asked with concern: "Did something happen to Qiu Laohu?"

"Don't worry, she is my subordinate."

"I won't ignore her affairs."

Li Qingci raised her head, looking at Chu Feng brightly with her beautiful misty eyes.

"Young Master Chu, my cousin is indeed in some trouble."

"But it's not what you think. It's not because of Cai Xu."

"This matter, how should I put it... is related to my family."

Chu Feng stretched out his hand and said calmly:

"Give me your phone and I'll take care of it for you.

Li Qingci has inexplicable trust in Chu Feng.

She handed the phone into Chu Feng's hands without thinking.

Chu Feng saw the phone ringing again and pressed the answer button directly.

"Miss, please go to No. 28 Qiuhua Road now...

"Wait a minute, we don't know the location you mentioned. It would be better for you to come here."

"Who are you?"

Xia Chan was a little confused when she heard the man's voice.

"You don't need to worry about who I am, you can just come directly to Prince Gong's Mansion now."

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Whether in negotiations or business activities, the stronger party often has the advantage.

Li Qingci, who was leaning on Chu Feng's shoulder, was very grateful for Chu Feng's decision.

There is a man who gives her an idea.

Li Qingci felt a warm feeling in her heart.

She knew that her aunt and her mother always had conflicts, but relatively speaking, they were not bad for her.

At most, the ideas and concepts are different.

Chu Feng's decision will not cause danger to her cousin Qiu Huhu.

Moreover, the location of the negotiation is set to be the largest and most luxurious Prince Gong's Mansion in the imperial capital.

You can also gain an advantage in the subsequent interview with your aunt.

"Master Chu, based on my understanding of my aunt, she probably won't come over right away."

"But she will still come, but the time will be later."

"It's almost noon now, Mr. Chu. I'm going to find where the kitchen is."

"Then prepare lunch for everyone."

Prince Gong’s Mansion is very large, covering more than 60,000 square meters!

To be precise, it covers an area of ​​about 61,120 square meters, of which the mansion occupies 32,260 square meters and the garden occupies 28,860 square meters.

Chu Feng found the structural plan and floor plan of Prince Gong's Mansion from the information documents he obtained.

With this, finding a kitchen is much easier.

The beautiful housekeeper went to the kitchen, and Chu Feng returned to Huxin Pavilion, taking the big baby and the little ones to continue playing.

Zhao Ya was embarrassed to stay here any longer.

It's just that her parents repeatedly asked her to stay with Chu Feng if necessary and find ways to have a good relationship with Chu Feng.

The little loli Beibei and Zhao Ya had a pleasant chat.

And the two of them found a lot of sculptures here!

The two people who have the same hobbies and the same language become happier the more they chat.

Zhao Ya herself also wanted to see more of the largest and most luxurious palace in the imperial capital.

Because of these, she stayed.

When she called just now, she had already asked her parents to send sandalwood from home.

In this way, it seems justified to stay.

Chu Feng didn't care whether she stayed or left.

Seeing his eldest daughter Beibei happy, he didn't care even more.

Chu Feng holds the information, which means he is the guide who is most familiar with the situation here.

It is also very convenient to play with big and small babies.

Everyone first came to Yin'an Hall.

There is also a common name here, called Yinluan Hall, which is the main building of Prince Gong's Mansion.

This is the main hall of the palace.

Then the group came to Jiale Hall.

This is a building from the Heshen period.

There is a plaque of "Jia Le Hall" hanging on the side.

This plaque is suspected to have been given to Heshen by Emperor Qianlong, but there is no signature or seal on the plaque, so there is no way to confirm it. However, Heshen left the "Jia Le Tang Poetry Collection", which shows that it is the name of Heshen's family.

After walking around, Chu Feng led everyone to the back garden again.

The back garden of Prince Gong's Mansion, also known as Jincui Garden, has a high artistic level in layout and design.

The garden is designed to imitate the Ningshou Palace in the imperial palace.

The whole garden is surrounded by "mountain"-shaped rockeries. The east, south and west sides are piled with earth and rocks to form mountains, and the middle road is piled with Fangshan stones to build caves and ravines. The technique is quite advanced.

The summit platform becomes the highest point in the whole park. From a high position, you can enjoy the view of the whole garden.

Wandering in the garden is like walking among mountains and rivers.

Echoing the mansion, the garden is also divided into three roads: east, middle and west.

The middle road has a white marble arched stone gate in the Western architectural style as the entrance, with the Kangxi Emperor's imperial inscription "福" as the center. There is Dule Peak and the Bat Pond in the front, and there is the Green Sky Hidden and the Bat Hall in the back. The layout is evocative. endless.

The grand theater hall on East Road is freshly and beautifully decorated, with purple wisteria flowers in full bloom, making people feel like they are watching a play under a wisteria trellis.

The Mingdaozhai at the south end of the theater and five other scenes, including winding paths leading to secluded areas, the Green Column, the Chanting of Fragrance and the Drunken Moon, and the Liubei Pavilion, form a garden within a garden. In the garden, there are towering ancient trees, numerous strange rocks, surrounded by mountains and rivers, pavilions, pavilions, and winding corridors.

Chu Feng told his big baby and little baby, if it comes at night.

The garden scenery under the moonlight is ever-changing and unique.

At Prince Gong's Mansion in Nuoda, Chu Feng brought his entire family who were amazed and Zhao Ya who was shocked and amazed.

None of them were able to visit the entire palace in one go.

The beautiful housekeeper Li Qingci called and invited Chu Feng and others to have lunch.

Sitting in a palace-like house, the tables and chairs are all made of sandalwood.

The pretty face of the top fair and beautiful Zhao Ya was a little hot.

I have some sandalwood in my home and regard it as a family heirloom.

And here at Chu Feng,

Just some extremely ordinary furniture.

The contrast is too strong!

When the meal prepared by Li Qingci was brought out.

Everyone has the feeling of being in a palace.

The utensils used to serve meals are all the same as those used by emperors and others in TV movies!

Gold and silver in ancient times were extremely rare and precious, and could only be owned by the royal family.

Among the many tableware, there are many gold and silver utensils.

These gold and silver vessels used a variety of techniques such as casting, hammering, engraving, and silk threading, and some were inlaid with colorful and rare gems, jade, and jade.

They are unique in shape, exquisite in decoration, full of royal characteristics, and have extremely high historical and artistic value.

Tang Dynasty gilt cup, gold chiselled teapot with cloud and dragon pattern, gold spoon with sapphire handle, sapphire inlaid red gold chopsticks, red gold fork with sapphire handle

Each of these cutlery and utensils is priceless.

Some of them are also treasures of the museum!

Zhao Ya and the little Lolita were all amazed.

Liu Qingcheng looked at Chu Feng from time to time. Her eyes looked at Chu Feng with more and more admiration.

Li Qingci had already been shocked and amazed, and now she felt better than others.

However, she still couldn't calm down in her heart, and the eyes she looked at Chu Feng became brighter and hotter!

In order to match these utensils, Li Qingci also put special care into her lunch.

Court dishes were specially prepared.

Palace cuisine is the dishes specially served to the royal family.

It is characterized by strict selection of materials, fine production, beautiful appearance and color, and its taste is clear, fresh, crisp and tender.

The famous dishes of palace cuisine include braised chicken breast, poached tenderloin, four big catches, four big sauces, four big cakes, small sugar steamed buns, pea yellow, kidney bean yellow, etc.

The imperial Buddha jumped over the wall, braised shark's fin, roasted deer tendons at Prince Yong's Palace, Wanfu Pork from the Qing Palace...

Everyone couldn't bear to use their chopsticks when they saw the delicious and delicious palace dishes.

Chu Feng smiled, looked at the smiling Li Qingci, and said:

"Celadon, if you do this, I feel like an emperor!"

The beautiful housekeeper immediately imitated the appearance of ancient court ladies and bowed to Chu Feng:

"Mistress Li Qingci, meet the Emperor!"

Several little lolita suddenly burst into laughter.

Can't stop clucking.

"Sister Celadon, our father is the emperor, so what are we?"

"Yes, there is also my mother. What is she?".

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