City: I Can Make Divine Choices

Chapter 172: The Curiosity Of Little Lolita Is So Strong!

After returning to the hotel room, Nana calmed down and quickly started her live broadcast.

Originally, the live broadcast room was suddenly closed, and these viewers were still a little worried.

Now that they saw Nana reappearing, they felt relieved.

Nana started complaining inside again.

She complained, and a bunch of people below comforted her, and then quickly gave her gifts.

Seeing these gifts and thinking about the money entering her wallet, Nana felt a lot more comfortable.

But it was still a little too early for her to worry.

Of course Chu Feng couldn't just let her go.

After Nana finished her live broadcast today, several people suddenly broke into her room at night.

After these people broke in, they arrested Nana without saying a word.

Of course she will still do live broadcasts in the future, and she has to do it even if she doesn’t want to.

It's a pity that it's not a good live broadcast.

This is just a simple episode and will not affect their mood.

The little lolita had a lot of fun and had a lot of fun.

They had no idea that someone had just filmed them.

After dealing with the little anchor, Chu Feng walked up to the little lolita.

"Dad is here, take a look at our castle."

"Huanhuan and I built this together."

"The small room next to it was made by my daughter and I.

Several little girls gathered next to Chu Feng and began to explain the desert castle they built.

Chu Feng couldn't help but nodded.

"Well, you guys are awesome. Do you want to go fishing?"

"I want to." The little lolita shouted.

"Then let's go."

Chu Feng took the little girls to the place where the cruise ship was rented.

This cruise ship is large and suitable for their family.

Chu Feng was very satisfied after seeing it and decided to rent it directly.

Later, Li Qingci and Liu Qingcheng were notified.

They boarded the cruise ship together, and the captain was responsible for driving the ship.

Soon, they entered the sea.

They were surrounded by a sea of ​​blue.

Sitting on a cruise ship and on the beach are completely different feelings.

The little girls were very excited and ran around on the deck.

Chu Feng doesn't stop her, as long as the little lolita don't get hurt and protect their childlike innocence.

There is also red wine and various ingredients on the boat.

Chu Feng opened a bottle of red wine and Japan poured him a glass.

The three of them sat down together and enjoyed the relaxation and comfort on the sea.

"Sir, if you want to experience sea fishing, we also have fishing rods here, you can do it yourself." "

The service staff next to me came over and spoke to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng turned around and saw the fishing rod placed not far away.

So I nodded to him, it would be good to experience sea fishing on the sea.

But there’s no rush yet.

The little girls looked at the boat from top to bottom and felt a little bored and wanted to find something to do.

"Dad, we also want to drink something."

The little lolita guys have been playing for a long time, and they are indeed thirsty.

There are bottled mineral water on board.

The staff brought the mineral water quickly.

"Thank you, brother." The little lolita said their thanks seriously.

The staff was almost adorable.

"You're welcome."

He stepped back and continued working. The little girls looked at the sea, and then turned to Chu Feng.

"Dad, are there mermaids in the sea?"

"Dad, what is there in the sea?"

Little lolita are so curious.

Chu Feng was really dumbfounded when he heard their questions.

"Things in the sea..."

Of course there are many things in the sea, but Chu Feng thinks about the things in the sea. Instead of listening to him, it is better to let the little lolita see for themselves.

"You will know what is in the sea later."

Chu Feng blinked at them.

The little lolita were so dazed that they didn't understand, but they just nodded after what their father said.

After finishing the glass of red wine, Chu Feng stood up and walked not far away.

He picked up the fishing rod that was lying here.

"Can daddy fish for you?"

Chu Feng turned his head and the sea breeze blew, making him feel particularly cool.

"Okay, Dad."

"Daddy is great."

"Dad, hurry up and fish."

"Is it edible fish?"

The little lolita clapped their hands.

Chu Feng turned his head confidently and threw out his fishing rod.

When the fishing rod falls into the sea, you have to wait calmly.

"Dad, does he have any fish now?"

"Dad, did you catch a fish?"

"Dad, why don't you bring up the fishing rod?"

The little girls were even more anxious than Chu Feng, sitting aside as supervisors.

"Don't worry, it will be done soon.

Chu Feng comforts the little lolita.

The sea is still very calm now. When the fishing rod starts to move, you can quickly bring the fishhook up.

Chu Feng sat in the middle and waited quietly. The little girls squatted next to him, and then stared at the sea attentively.

Li Qingci and Liu Qingcheng were still sitting in the back, holding wine glasses in their hands.

"Look how clingy they are to their father." Liu Qingcheng was a little jealous.

"...Isn't this okay? The two of us can take it easy.

Li Qingci smiled, and Liu Qingcheng turned to look at her and nodded in agreement.

That makes sense.

"The sea breeze outside is blowing too much, and I still feel a little headache. Should we go in?"

Li Qingci turned around and asked.

Liu Qingcheng nodded, she also wanted to go in and sit.

After the two women agreed, they got up and entered the cabin together.

The little girls followed Chu Feng and continued to squat.

Finally, the fishing rod moved slightly.

Chu Feng had quick eyes and quick hands and quickly pulled it up.

There is a colorful fish hanging on it, like a small rainbow.

The two colors are similar to each other, and white and orange look particularly beautiful.

After catching the fish, Chu Feng quickly put it in the bucket.

The little girls gathered around and turned to look at Chu Feng.

"Dad is so awesome, he caught such a beautiful fish."

"It's great, Dad, for catching the fish so quickly."

(Nord's) "Dad, what kind of fish is this?"

"Dad, can this fish be eaten?"

"Let's not eat it, okay? We raise this fish."

Several little lolita talked at once, and Chu Feng, except for a little pride in his heart, quickly responded.

"Okay, if you don't want to eat this fish, just don't eat it. We'll keep it well, and daddy will catch a few more fish for you, okay?"

"Okay, long live dad!"

The little girls jumped up together, surrounded Chu Feng and hurried to catch the remaining fish.

Chu Feng shook his head with a smile, hurried over and swung the fishing rod to fish for the little lolita.

The same is true for a fishing rod that enters the seawater with bait and feed hanging on it, attracting the surrounding fish?

After waiting for a few minutes for the fish ditch to move slightly, Chu Feng quickly stood up, and the second fish was also hooked.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Feng caught two more fish in a row until he had six fish, one for each daughter. .

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