City: I Can Make Divine Choices

Chapter 182 Are You Ready?

Chu Feng felt relieved when he saw that the little lolita were so sensible.

They plan to stay at home for a few more days this time.

It will take about three days to find the last medicinal material.

After eating, they went to rest separately.

The little girls had their own rooms, but at dawn the next day, Chu Feng heard someone knocking on the door outside.

He quickly got up and went to open the door.

Sure enough, six little lolita stood outside.

They hugged the little pillows in their arms, raised their heads and talked to Chu Feng very cutely.

"Dad, we want to go in."

The little girls wanted to come, and Chu Feng certainly agreed.

One by one, they put the little loli into bed.

Chu Feng touched the tips of their noses.

"Why are these little villains here so early?"

"We miss Dad."

"We want dad to take us out to play."

"Dad, can we go hiking?"

The little lolita were so stupid that they revealed their purpose.

"Then where do you want to go hiking?" Chu Feng couldn't laugh or cry.

It would be a bit too hard for a few little lolita to go hiking. Chu Feng felt heartbroken when he thought about it.

"We can go anywhere. We watched a cartoon yesterday, and the children in it went hiking."

"We also want to climb mountains and be brave children."

Chu Feng was very pleased that the little lolita had such ideas.

"Okay, go and clean up obediently. Dad will take you to climb the mountain."

If you want to take the little lolita to climb mountains, you can't make them too tired.

After all, little lolita have short arms and short legs.

It will be very hard if you keep climbing the mountain.

So Chu Feng searched around and found a mountain with a cable car.

Every once in a while, if you can't hold on, there will be a cable car stop next to it.

They can choose to ride or continue climbing to the next cable car location.

After climbing up the mountain, the scenery is particularly beautiful.

There is also a suspended restaurant on the mountain, which is just right for little lolita to experience.

Chu Feng was already excited after reading the introduction, and immediately decided to take the little lolita here.

The little lolita obediently went to the bathroom, washed their faces and brushed their teeth.

Because I have to climb a mountain today, I have to wear light clothes.

Put on clothes one by one, little lolita have strong ability to take care of themselves.

They came to stand in line in front of Chu Feng again.

Six cute little lolita are wearing the same clothes, they are so cute.

Chu Feng was so fond of them that he touched their little faces one by one.

Now that you are ready, you can go downstairs to eat.

Li Qingci prepared a Western-style breakfast today, which was fast and delicious.

Although the taste is a bit lighter.

But since we have to climb a mountain today, it is more suitable.

To avoid eating too much and causing stomach discomfort.

After all, they are all children, and their body's tolerance is not that strong.

Mellow milk with slices of bread, lettuce and bacon inside.

After finishing the nutritionally balanced breakfast, the little lolita looked at Chu Feng expectantly.

They couldn't wait.

"Let's go~々."

Chu Feng waved his hand, and the little lolita applauded happily.

Chu Feng drove the car, with Li Qingci and Liu Qingcheng sitting behind him.

Behind them was a little girl. This off-road van could fit the whole family in.

The appearance is still very smooth and handsome.

The place we drove to was a mountain in this city.

After development, it has become a famous tourist area.

There are trees planted all around and the scenery is particularly beautiful.

The place that extends from the mountain is made of transparent tempered glass, and then a restaurant is built.

It's a coincidence, even though Chu Feng has been to so many places.

But in fact, they haven’t taken a good look at the area around the city where they live now.

It took the car more than an hour to arrive.

During this hour, the little lolita sat in the back and ate a lot of snacks. Children are always like this when sitting in the car. They inevitably want to eat something, otherwise they will feel very bored.

Now that we have finally arrived at our destination, the little girls can’t wait.

Li Qingci went down first, and after opening the car door, the little girls immediately extended their hands.

I picked up the little lolita one by one. The scenery here is already very beautiful.

They are now outside the scenic area and can be seen from here, surrounded by trees on both sides.

The air is very fresh and you can hear the chirping of birds.

The little lolita were already very excited, and their little eyes were looking around.

Li Qingci and Liu Qingcheng stood on both sides, and Chu Feng led them into the scenic spot.

To climb the mountain from here, stairs were built.

"Are you ready?" Chu Feng turned around and asked before starting.

"Ready daddy."

The little lolita are eager to give it a try and can’t wait now.

"Then set off immediately."

Chu Feng was still walking in front, with Xiao Loli and the others following behind.

The journey in the beginning is always easy.

Looking up at the top of the mountain, I walked a lot without realizing it.

Not only can you climb towards the top of the mountain step by step, but you can also look at the scenery on both sides.

Mountain climbing is a very stress-relieving sport.

While Chu Feng was leading the way, he also looked back to observe the situation of the little lolita.

Little lolita can persevere!

Although they didn't walk fast, they climbed up step by step.

Looking at their little figures, Chu Feng felt very proud.

It was easy at first, but soon my body became tired.

First, my legs felt extremely heavy, and it took a lot of effort to lift them up every time.

Chu Feng doesn't feel much yet, but the little girls can no longer hold on.

The small figure's speed slowed down significantly.

Chu Feng did not urge or ask, but also slowed down his speed.

"Come on sister!"

"Come on, sister!"

"Let's work hard together!"

The little lolita cheered each other on, their already somewhat red faces full of determination.

Watching (Qian and Li's) help each other, Chu Feng felt even more relieved.

The little lolita held each other's hands and began to persevere.

Although the speed was already very slow, he didn't say anything about giving up.

Li Qingci and Liu Qingcheng were separated in two directions.

They are on the sides and behind, also protecting the little lolita.

No one said anything, watching the little lolita continue to persist.

But he also pays attention to them, and if it doesn't work, he will immediately let go.

The little girls are starting to sweat now.

Their little faces were red, and Chu Feng felt a little distressed when he saw them.

"Would you like to take a break?"

Chu Feng asked, but he couldn't help it anymore.

"We still want to take a few more steps." The little lolita raised their heads.

"Okay, then when we get to the front, we can take the cable car, okay?"

This time the little lolita did not refuse and nodded obediently.

They also wanted to try the feeling of riding a cable car. .

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