As the sun slowly sets and night falls, the originally bustling crowd on the lake has gradually dispersed.

After packing up the last fish and sending away the last tourist, Shendong Amusement Park closed its gate again.

This closure also officially declares that the Ice and Snow World of Shendong Amusement Park has completely come to an end.

The amusement park will also enter a state of winter closure again like last November.

The amusement park employees stayed to handle the remaining work, clearing away stalls, lighting equipment, billboards, fishing equipment, garbage, etc.

For some college students who are in the internship period, today is also their last day of working in the amusement park.

Yang Fan has completed communication with the leaders of their school not long ago, and the internship period will officially end.

In the next period of time, they will go back to their homes to rest for a few days, and then return to their schools in March to prepare for their graduation thesis and defense.

Therefore, Yang Fan planned to hold a brief farewell party for these interns with the amusement park executives on this evening.

This time, he did not go to a hotel to book a private room and make a big deal out of the farewell party like before. Instead, he wanted to hold it in a low-key manner in the cafeteria of the amusement park.

Chef Wu Xing will lead his team of chefs to cook a delicious and sumptuous dinner for everyone.

The main dish is naturally the fresh fish caught from the lake today.

There are about 80 interns and senior executives combined, which can fill eight tables.

Wu Xing and his team of chefs started preparing the meal in the afternoon.

The dishes that the employees usually like to eat appear on this menu.

As for the eight fat-headed fish that weighed more than ten kilograms and were nearly half a meter long, delivered in the afternoon, Wu Xing was even more excited and said that he would cook them himself.

The chefs first used a spatula to give the fish a full-body massage to remove its scales, then remove its internal organs, and finally washed it several times to remove stains and blood.

Then he handed the cleaned fish to Wu Xing, who was holding a kitchen knife and smiling.

Wu Xing took a deep breath, put the fish on the chopping board, held down the fish that could not be saved with his left hand, and then used his right hand to hit the fish with a knife "snap, snap, snap".

This will not only add more flavor during the pickling process, but also prevent the outside and inside from being cooked during the stewing process.

After cutting out a few beautiful parallel lines on both sides, cut the fish into two equal parts with a sharp knife.

He planned to make two dishes for each fat-headed fish, the first half of which would be a home-style fish stew, and the second half of which would be a fried fish tail.

In order to make the fish more delicious, he first cut the lower half into slices.

Add salt, MSG and various seasonings, plus the "three-piece set" of onion, ginger and garlic, stir together and marinate for a period of time.

Place the marinated fish fillets on the pan prepared in advance and start frying until the fish fillets squeak.

At the same time, prepare a large pot to stew the fish and light a fire to heat it.

After heating the pot, add some meat oil on top of the soybean oil, then add the cooked star anise to the pot, then add the onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry.

After stir-frying, add soul bean paste, add a little vinegar to enhance the flavor, then add sugar and chili segments and stir-fry.

Finally, put today's protagonist - the fish with its big mouth open and no longer salvageable - into the pot, cover the pot and simmer for a while.

Take the stewed fish out of the pot.

The steaming hot and fragrant braised fathead fish lay quietly on the huge plate. After pouring the sauce, the plate was completed, waiting for Yang Fan and his employees to come.

As for the fried fish tail, the fish was fried to a golden color, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, without any burning in the pan.

These two hard dishes must be the top of the many dishes tonight.

As more than ten dishes for each table were cooked one after another and placed on the dining table.

At this time, Yang Fan also brought the amusement park executives and interns to the cafeteria.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

“It looks better than a hotel!”

"That's for sure. I heard that Chef Wu used to be the boss of a certain restaurant."

"After eating today, you have to go back to school and eat in the cafeteria."

"Zhuo! Say something nice."

After the employees entered the canteen, they took their seats while talking.

After taking their seats, everyone took out their mobile phones to take photos and videos.

After all, before eating a big meal, if you don’t take a photo and post a message on WeChat or Tik Tok, it’s basically the same as not eating.

"Okay, okay, let me just say a few words."

Yang Fan stood up, holding a microphone.

Next, he talked about the outstanding performance of the interns in the past six months and the amusement park's expectations for their future.

The intern representative also choked up and spoke.A journey of the heart during work.

After a period of sentimental talk.

"Let's start eating!"

Yang Fan said to everyone.

He felt that there was no need to continue sentimental talk. If he continued, the food would be cold.

With Yang Fan's order.

The canteen was immediately filled with the sounds of "ding ding bang bang" and "ba ji ba ji".

This meal was the best meal the interns had in the amusement park.

Of course, for most interns, this is definitely not the last meal.

After they really graduate, they are also willing to continue working in Shendong Amusement Park.

After all, the working atmosphere here is relaxed, the relationship between superiors and subordinates is simple, and the salary and benefits are also good.

Although there are very few rest days, it is also easy to ask for leave in advance.

Everyone talked a lot this night. Many people here not only gained work experience and a little salary in the amusement park, but also gained friendship and even love.

As the interns left the canteen, their last activity during the internship at Shendong Amusement Park also ended.

When the sun rises again, they will no longer be members of the amusement park, but will resume their status as college students.

The amusement park that was closed for rest and recuperation had a much lighter workload, so the departure of the interns did not have much impact on the amusement park.

At night, Yang Fan dragged his tired body back to his home.

"If Hua Tuo were alive again, all the foreign worship would be cured. Foreigners come to learn Chinese characters, which inspires my national consciousness..."

The brisk ring of the mobile phone rang, and he glanced at the incoming call.

"Huh? It's District Chief Feng calling?! Is the expansion of the amusement park settled?"

Yang Fan's eyes lit up, he said to himself, and answered the call.

"Hello? District Chief Feng? What's up?"

"Yes, this is Director Yang. I have good news for you. The higher-ups have agreed to the expansion of the amusement park. Are you free tomorrow? Come to the district government. There are many things that need to be discussed in detail. It's definitely hard to explain in a few words."

"Okay! Thank you very much, District Chief Feng. You've worked hard during this period."

"No, it's not hard. See you at 1 pm then."

"Okay, okay."


Yang Fan hung up the phone and threw the phone on the bed, his mouth almost grinning to his ears.

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