After Yang Fan and his party returned to Shendong City, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

They decided to write a report on what they saw and felt at Haidong Amusement Park after returning home, and share it with other senior executives at a high-level meeting a few days later.

The three of them dispersed on the spot at the train station and went back to their homes.

Yang Fan returned home, washed up, and thought about what he had gained from the day.

It seems that there could be a tourist canteen and an amusement park museum inside the castle.

The tourist canteen is not a big problem. Let the chefs from the canteen come over to help.

If there is really not enough manpower, you can recruit a few more people, or even build a fast food restaurant and water bar in the castle.

As for the amusement park museum, Shendong Amusement Park may not be suitable for the time being, because there is really nothing that can be used as a souvenir.

Those old amusement facilities have long been replaced by systematic amusement facilities, and the gates have been replaced, so it is definitely not possible to play the emotional card.

There might still be discussions if it could be turned into a calligraphy and painting exhibition or something like that, but it's definitely not that interesting in the short term.

There must be artificial lakes and bridges around the fairy tale castle.

Although Haidong Amusement Park is doing very well, Shendong Amusement Park must not imitate it too much, otherwise it will require a lawyer's letter to warn it.

In fact, Yang Fan also had preliminary ideas, but he still planned to see other people's ideas first, and then consider them comprehensively when the time comes, and finally decide on a perfect plan.

In addition, there are also some details to control, such as tickets, souvenirs around the amusement park, guide signs, etc. Detailed records were also made.

The only regret is that the water park is not open, so there is no reference value at all.

A few hours later, Yang Fan was tired from writing and wanted to get a bottle of drink from the refrigerator, but found that the clock had already pointed to two o'clock.

"How does it go by so fast? Every day! It's so scary!"

He felt that every day passed too fast now, and it felt like the day passed as soon as he opened and closed his eyes.

Especially in the more than half a year since he became the director of the amusement park, he felt that the time passed much faster than when he was at school.


Yang Fan drank the drink in one breath and prepared to rest. At this time, news came that the construction of the amusement facilities was completed.

[Indoor amusement ride Escape from Alcatraz Island has been completed]

[Note: Indoor amusement facilities have no dormant state]

[You can watch game videos at any time]

[You can enter the tutorial mode of Escape from Alcatraz at any time]

"Haha, the second indoor amusement facility has also been built ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و!"

"But I'd better wait until daybreak. I'm really sleepy and tired now, and my eyelids are fighting."

After dawn, Yang Fan arrived at the amusement park and went straight to Escape from Alcatraz Island.

Because he had watched the video of Escape from Alcatraz in the morning and felt that it was somewhat different from what he imagined.

Arriving at the Escape from Alcatraz building, Yang Fan felt extremely small.

This is a disk-shaped building with a large area and a diameter of more than one hundred meters.

Above the building, a giant demon crouched.

In addition to this demon, there are many zombies, vampires, ghosts, etc. scattered around this demon, which looks very oppressive.

After Yang Fan entered the control room, he turned on the power.

[Enter Escape from Alcatraz Tutorial Mode]

[Please host close the door to prevent outsiders from entering]

After everything was ready, Yang Fan came to the game area.

In front of him were many open-top cars parked. Each car was like a cardboard box, with four seats and could accommodate four people.

The car is not free to move, but travels on a fixed route through tracks on the ground, somewhat similar to a roller coaster.

There is a large box at the queue with many fake pistols in it.

[Host, get a pistol, fasten your seat belt, and get on the first trolley]

Yang Fan took the pistol and got into the first car. After fastening his seat belt, the car started moving.

The car drove into the door with "Entrance" written on it.

After entering, it was pitch black and almost nothing could be seen. However, he could feel that the current speed of the car was not slow.

About a minute later, Yang Fan felt that the car seemed to have stopped.

The surroundings also became brighter.

"Ouch, shit Σ(,,ºΔº,,*)!"

Yang Fan couldn't help but spit out the fragrance. He was shocked by the surrounding scenery.

The environment he is in looks like an isolated island, surrounded by a circle of "sea". Of course, these seas are just special effects.

The island was in dilapidated condition, with broken trees and animal carcasses everywhere.

Looking up, the weather seems to be overcast.It looks like it's going to rain.

[Host, this is the scene of holographic projection]

"This is too realistic. Is technology so advanced now?"

[Yes, now all countries have invested heavily in the research of holographic projection, which has also led to the rapid development of holographic projection]

Holographic projection technology is a type of 3D technology, which originally refers to the technology of recording and reproducing the real three-dimensional image of objects using the principles of interference and diffraction.

Then, with the guidance of science fiction movies and commercial propaganda, the concept of holographic projection gradually extended to commercial activities such as stage performances and exhibitions.

Although the development of holographic projection technology in China is not the best in the world, it has a bright future.

[Host, let me tell you how to play]

[After the game starts, a large number of demons will appear from underground, the sea, and the sky. The host needs to shoot with the pistol in his hand. Once the demon is hit, it will disappear immediately]

[After killing 400 demons, a giant demon will appear. The giant demon needs to be hit 100 times before it disappears]

[When the giant demon disappears, the trolley will move towards the exit]

[During this period, the demon will still attack, so you need to continue to use the pistol to fight back until the trolley safely reaches the exit, and the game ends successfully]

[During the game, if you are hit by the demon ten times, or fail to reach the exit safely within five minutes, the game will be declared a failure]

[It is recommended that the host give certain material rewards to tourists who successfully escape after the game is opened. This game is quite difficult. For someone like the host who is not good at shooting games, it is almost impossible to pass it.]

"Well, I understand. Come on! You are wrong. I am best at shooting gamesᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ!"


[Game starts]

Thirty seconds later...

The blood-red words "YOU LOST" appeared in front of Yang Fan.

"Ahem, system, I'll do it again."

Thirty seconds later...

"System, do it again."

Thirty seconds later...



Thirty seconds later...

"Forget it, I already know how to play this game."


Yang Fan left Escape from Alcatraz, came to the outdoors, opened the corporate WeChat group, and sent a message:

"Family members who like shooting games, come to Escape from Alcatraz immediately. I will take you to play the newly built amusement facilities."

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