The next day.

Yang Fan took Wang Yue to the district government to meet with District Chief Feng and completed the handover of the last few materials.

District Mayor Feng Jianyu also talked a lot with him, including the recent land issues, and also learned about some recent developments in the amusement park.

After returning to the amusement park, Yang Fan first announced that the northern area had been divided into the Shendong Amusement Park.

Then, after listening to the senior management of the amusement park report on the recent work arrangements of various departments, they returned to the director's office.

He put the relevant materials he had just retrieved from the district government into the safe.

[The amusement park map is being updated...]


【update completed】

Yang Fan was also stunned when he heard the sound of the system.

"This should be considered the official expansion of the amusement park!"

The lake in the north of Shendong Amusement Park is called Li Lake. It is very large and occupies most of the western half of the area allocated to the amusement park.

With such a large area, even if all the water recreation facilities are built, there will still be a large area of ​​vacancy.

This also posed a difficult problem for Yang Fan: how to make better and more reasonable use of Li Lake.

Feng Jianyu also told Yang Fan before at the district government. A considerable number of people are still opposed to dividing this area, especially Li Lake, into an amusement park.

They believe that if the amusement park develops Li Lake, it will cause damage to the ecological environment.

In fact, there are many small natural lakes in Shendong City that have been turned into resorts or parks.

Although Li Lake is indeed a bit big, Yang Fan is confident that he can make good use of the lake without damaging the ecological environment too much.

For example, ice and snow sports, winter fishing, speedboats, yachts, dragon boats and other sports can be carried out here next winter.

"System, I want to build a water castle on Li Lake."

After Yang Fan said that, he determined the location to build the water castle on the newly updated map.

[Construction failed]

[The water quality of the lake is too poor to allow construction]

[Please host to purify the lake water before proceeding with construction]



[It is recommended that the host purchase lake water purification devices, interception nets and microbial delivery devices in the system mall]

"However, I have very few tourist spots, and I still want to use them to buy an artificial lake."

[It is recommended to install the lake water purification device first. Only when the water castle is built can the expansion be considered a real success, and it will have many benefits for the host and the amusement park]


Yang Fan was heartbroken and spent the tourists' money to buy a purification device, an interception net and a microorganism delivery device.

Although Li Lake is not a backwater, its water quality is quite average.

The main reason is that the purification is not good, and the place cannot be taken care of once a year or two.

Therefore, most people are in favor of handing over Li Lake to Shendong Amusement Park, because if the amusement park wants to develop and utilize Li Lake, it must purify it.

This can save government departments a lot of trouble, as well as a lot of human and financial resources.

Since Shendong Amusement Park pays for the purification itself, why not do it?

As for the small group of opponents, they are verbally accusing that handing over Li Lake to Shendong Amusement Park will damage the ecological environment.

But that's not what they think in their hearts. As for whether the environment is broken or not, they are not interested.

They simply don't want Shendong Amusement Park to become bigger and stronger, and they don't want to see Yang Fan making money. It's just that I don't like others.

Of course, there may be some interests involved behind them, but we don’t know.

"System, I bought all the devices for water purification."

[Hire a system construction team to install the water purification system]

"...I only have 20,000 tourists left."

[If it is not broken or established, it will be over after use]


"Okay, let's hire it and install it directly. I remember that I hired a construction team before, and it seemed that it cost 5,000 tourist points, right? Now a quarter of the tourist points are gone T_T"

[The lake water purification device needs to operate underwater, which is difficult. So we need 10,000 tourist spots]


【Hire successfully】

[It is expected to be installed within three days]

[According to system calculations, after installing the water purification device, it will take five days to purify the water]

[Note: After purification, water purification needs to be performed at least once a week]

"Once a week, five days at a time?"


"So, does it cost electricity?"

【Very expensive】


"Okay, let's fix it."

Eight days later.

[The lake water has been purified]

"System, build a water castle."

After eight days of waiting, Yang Fan built the water castle as he wished.

【Built successfully】

[Time required to build the water castle: 80 days]

[Due to the establishment of the water castle, the system mall has put some water amusement facilities and related items on the shelves]

"Huh? It only takes 80 days to build this water castle? It's more than half less than the fairy tale castle."

[The scale of the water castle is smaller than that of the fairy tale castle, so the construction time is relatively short]

"Oh, okay, okay."

Yang Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

Recently, Ninghai TV station also interviewed him, and the content was mainly about water purification and environmental protection issues in Li Lake.

After seeing that the originally turbid lake water slowly became clearer, those who opposed handing over Li Lake to Shendong Amusement Park had no excuses and could only shut up.

However, several unpleasant events occurred during this period.

Since Li Lake has been allocated to Shendong Amusement Park, Li Lake has been surrounded by guardrails.

This makes some fishing enthusiasts restless, thinking that Shendong Amusement Park has affected their normal lives.

As a result, they gathered together to cause trouble at the entrance of the amusement park, vandalized the fence, smashed the glass and large screen of the amusement park ticket office with bricks, and insulted the amusement park employees who came in and out every day.

Naturally, Yang Fan would not let this kind of irrational and uncivilized behavior go unchecked.

As the police intervened, they sat on the "apology chair" at the police station, burst into tears, and began to reflect on their mistakes.

However, if I had known today, why would I do it in the beginning? Financial compensation, written apology and even several days of detention are all indispensable.

After confirming that the construction of the water park would begin, Yang Fan continued to sit at his desk and flipped through a picture album in front of him.

Pan Lili gave him a picture album two days ago, saying that it was produced by Liu Jiahui. If he thought it was good, he could try to cooperate with the kindergarten.

Yang Fan is also very interested in this. The cost of a picture album is not high. If you go to a printing shop to print a large number of copies, even if it is in color, it only costs about ten yuan per copy.

If the picture album is successfully promoted in kindergartens, the benefits will be huge, and the benefits here are not just monetary gains.

Even if the promotion fails, he will only lose a few thousand yuan, which he can afford.

"Well, that's it!"

Yang Fan slammed the table and shouted.

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