[The principle of the horror house is that holographic projection cooperates with staff, props, special sound effects, special light effects, etc., so that tourists can experience pleasure spiritually]

"Oh, that's good, that's good. I was a little worried before. After all, the amusement facilities in our amusement park are not very normal. If there are real ghosts in the horror house, it will be difficult to explain."

[Where are the ghosts? ! Nowadays, China is peaceful and prosperous. How can demons and monsters run rampant in China? What's more, the most sinister thing in the world has never been a ghost, but the human heart]

"Well, you are right."

"By the way, system, build the horror house near the ring of hell. In the future, that area will be dedicated to building such amusement facilities."

[Well, when the amusement park is upgraded to level D, the host can move the amusement facilities. Then we can plan how to place various amusement facilities.]


[Construction successful]

[Time required to build the horror house: 200 days]

"Next, for the cable car, I want to connect the amusement park with the water park in the north, so that tourists can travel between the two areas by cable car."

[Host, please set the location of the boarding and alighting station and the cable car route]


Yang Fan set the boarding and alighting station to the west of the main entrance of the amusement park, not far from the artificial lake.

There are no amusement facilities nearby for the time being. In winter, it is the entrance to the Ice and Snow World, which is very suitable for building a cable car boarding and alighting station.

The other end of the cable car is temporarily set near the north gate of the amusement park.

Since the water park is under renovation and there is nothing for the time being, it is not easy to determine the location of the cable car boarding and alighting station, so it is temporarily set at the junction of the two parks.

After everything was prepared, Yang Fan took a look at the executive group of the enterprise WeChat.

Most people in the group have sent messages, indicating that the preparations for their departments have been completed.

Although it was already late at night, it was clear that there was a blue computer screen logo next to the heads of the senior executives, which meant that they were still using computers to log in to WeChat for Business.

Logging in to WeChat for Business using a computer probably meant that the person was still working.

Yang Fan was very satisfied with the work attitude of the senior executives. The various intrigues between employees and bosses that he saw on the Internet did not happen to him.

Perhaps because the amusement park was about to reopen, Yang Fan was very excited and had no sleepiness at all. So, he planned to chat with the amusement facilities more.

Nowadays, there are more and more amusement facilities in the system chat group. Every time I look at the messages in the chat group, it shows 99+.

The content is even more varied, and everything is discussed, although most of the content has nothing to do with the amusement park.

It was already dawn at 6:30 in the morning.

Yang Fan chatted with the amusement park facilities until dawn.

"Oh my god, I really didn't sleep all night. The last time I stayed up all night was when my father passed away a few years ago."

"Ah! Damn it! It's over! I forgot to charge my phone and it turned off automatically!"

He quickly plugged in the charger, washed his face and refreshed himself, then prepared to go to the subway station to have breakfast, and then go to the amusement park slowly after breakfast.

The opening of the amusement park this time did not have any fanfare, salutes, peace doves, balloons, etc.

Circus Director Su and Entertainment Department Director Li Xiaolu had discussed with Yang Fan whether it was necessary to perform acrobatics and magic in the fountain square or let the dance troupe dance at the opening.

All of these were rejected by Yang Fan one by one, which also shows that he is really very low-key and wants to keep everything simple.

After eating a deluxe version of hand-grabbed pancake with sausage, egg and meat floss, Yang Fan took the subway to the amusement park.

Walking out of the subway station, he felt that there were obviously more people today than before, and the people around him walked very fast. He seemed very anxious and strode towards the amusement park.

"Are you all so impatient?"

Although Yang Fan said this, he was happy in his heart and even walked more lightly.

"I say, hurry up, there will be more people soon."

"Oh, I know, why are you in such a hurry, she can't fly."

"What do you know? When the amusement park is officially opened, how can we have so many opportunities to get close to her?"

"You old pervert."

"Get out, hurry up!"


Two young men in their twenties passed by Yang Fan from behind, talking non-stop and walking quickly.

"Huh? What does this mean?" Yang Fan thought to himself, he didn't quite understand what the two men meant by their conversation.

As the distance to the amusement park got closer and closerRecently, he seemed to understand what was going on with the two young men just now.

At this time, the fountain square at the main entrance of the amusement park was already crowded with people, and a police car was parked on the roadside.

Several police officers and several burly men surrounded a woman.

Many young men and women also surrounded the woman, taking pictures and screaming.

Yang Fan took a closer look and found that the woman surrounded was none other than Li Lingli, the singer of the theme song of Shendong Amusement Park.

"Why is she here?" Yang Fan was a little confused. As the director of the garden, he had no idea that Li Lingli was coming.

"Director Yang!" Several amusement park staff saw Yang Fan and ran over.

"Director Yang, you are here. Assistant Wang and Director Pan couldn't get through to you on the phone. They are very anxious now."

One of the employees said breathlessly.

"What's going on?" Yang Fan pointed at the fountain square.

"We don't know. At about seven o'clock, the minister suddenly asked a few of us who were still in the amusement park to come to the main entrance quickly, saying that the female star Li Lingli was here."

"As soon as we arrived at the main entrance, we saw Assistant Wang and Minister Pan coming, but they couldn't get through to you when they called you. I don't know where they are now."

"Oh, that's it." Yang Fan took out his mobile phone after hearing the employees' stories.

The phone is still turned off. Although it has been charged for almost twenty minutes in the morning, it has not been turned on.

He hurriedly turned on his mobile phone, and the phone beeped. There were many corporate WeChat group messages, WeChat messages and missed calls.

"LiLi! LiLi! LiLi!..."

A deafening roar came from the square.

Yang Fan was going to call Wang Yue to ask about the situation, but the surroundings were too noisy. So he trotted all the way and entered the amusement park through the employee passage.

After entering the park, he could still clearly hear the roars of Li Lingli's fans.

"Good guy, you really can't underestimate the power of fans."

"I originally wanted to open in a low-key manner, but now it seems that is impossible."

Yang Fan wiped his sweat and dialed Wang Yue's phone number.

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