"Lingli, how long do you plan to stay at the amusement park today?"

Yang Fan sat back on his seat and said to Li Lingli.

"I have nothing to do today. I plan to stay until the evening and wait for the fireworks show to end."

"Well, let Sister Yue take you around. Now there are many more rides in the amusement park. You must like it."

"Then, won't that delay Sister Yue's work?"

Li Lingli felt that her arrival seemed to have caused trouble to the amusement park, and she even regretted it.

She actually had good intentions and wanted to create a surprise for Yang Fan and Wang Yue.

In addition, I have gained some popularity recently, and I can also help the amusement park advertise and attract tourists.

"It's okay, I don't have any work today, you two sisters just have fun."

Yang Fan didn't feel that Li Lingli had caused him any trouble, but instead thought that she was his lucky star.

Especially after seeing the fans who were at the door before, Yang Fan firmly believed that Shendong Amusement Park would not be popular today.

"Okay then."

Li Lingli took Wang Yue and left. She planned to have a good time.

At the same time, she also told the assistants who came with her to let them move freely without following her, and they could play whatever they wanted.

Of course, in the end, these assistants didn't play anything, they just watched Li Lingli from a distance.

After all, if something happened, they would be guilty.

At this time, Yang Fan, who was still in the conference room, took out his half-charged mobile phone and sent a message to the executive group on corporate WeChat:

"Everyone, take a look at how many employees are available in your department. Let them follow Assistant Wang and Li Lingli from a distance to prevent fans from acting irrationally. If there are any signs, immediately step forward to maintain order. 』

He was worried about something unexpected happening to Li Lingli.

If it were just some fans who wanted to sign autographs and take photos, that would be fine.

If there are irrational fans or negative fans, and something unexpected happens to Li Lingli, he can't afford the consequences.

Therefore, for Yang Fan and the amusement park, Li Lingli's arrival is definitely a double-edged sword.

In addition to the amusement park staff having to stay alert, Yang Fan also needs the help of police comrades.

However, if you ask the police to help maintain order, you need to apply in advance and negotiate with the local public security department.

For example, what activities are to be carried out, at what location, during what time period, how many participants are there, what purpose is to be achieved, what precautions are required, and several types of plans, all require a written application to the police.

The public security department will consider the approval and send relevant personnel to the scene to maintain order.

It is absolutely against the rules for Yang Fan to apply for a certain amount of police force to help him.

But he still wanted to try again, so he called Sheriff Wang Qiang.

Wang Qiang met Zhang Wenwen from Shendong Amusement Park in the previous incident of Bear Child and Bear Parents.

Later, after he heard Yang Fan describe Zhang Wenwen's personal situation, he started his crazy pursuit with Yang Fan's help.

Zhang Wenwen also had a good impression of Wang Qiang. After going back and forth, the two of them fell in love and successfully held hands.

So Wang Qiang is very grateful to Yang Fan, and he often runs to the amusement park whenever he has something to do.

"Hello? Sheriff Wang?"

"Director Yang, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"Well, there's something. Li Lingli came to the amusement park today, and I see that many fans are also here. I'm afraid something might happen, so I want the police station to help maintain order in the amusement park."

"Oh, Wenwen told me about this just now. However, the police dispatch you mentioned, Director Yang, requires a written application a few days in advance. When celebrities come, a lot of police will definitely be needed. If there are few people, Fortunately, I just said I was out on patrol and secretly took a few people over."

"Maybe a dozen people are needed?"

"That's a bit much. I suggest you ask our director, and then communicate with District Director Feng to see if you can handle it specially. After all, this matter is indeed quite special."


Next, Yang Fan began to make calls to the director, district chief and others, hoping to help him.

The whole morning was spent with him constantly making phone calls and waiting for notifications.

Fortunately, there were no accidents on Li Lingli's side. Occasionally, a few fans came to take photos or sign autographs, and there was no excessive behavior.

At noon, the float parade begins.

Perhaps because the number of floats is relatively small, and most tourists are eating or riding amusement facilities, there are very few tourists coming to watch the float parade.

Wang Yue and Li Lingli only watched for a short time.He left in a few minutes.

The two of them decided to have lunch on the third floor of the fairy tale castle and then go check out the chocolate making activity that started at 1 p.m.

One p.m.

Pastry chef Wang Yang and his two assistants appeared at the stall that had been set up in advance.

There were several amusement park staff around to maintain order.

In addition to Wang Yang's main booth, there were more than ten tables surrounding this chocolate making activity, all of which were prepared for tourists.

Visitors can use materials prepared in advance by the amusement park and make chocolate together.

After the production is completed, Wang Yang will grade it on site.

The top three tourists will receive a special gift prepared by the amusement park - a figure of the mascot giant panda "Shen Chen".

Most of the people participating in the activities were children, and their parents basically watched their children from the sidelines.

Most adult tourists usually just sit around and watch for a while, and then go about their business.

After all, the main reason for coming to their amusement park is to have fun.

Compared with before the winter break, the amusement park has many more rides. If you don’t have enough time, you won’t be able to enjoy them all, so you can’t waste too much time.

The chocolates that tourists need to make are also in the shape of giant pandas.

The amusement park prepared the production method in advance, printed it in a book, and put it on the table.

There is also a small pot on the table for melting chocolate, as well as some tools and materials such as gloves, carving knives, molds, airbrushes, and food coloring.

The work of melting chocolate is done by amusement park staff, and there are safety risks for children to play with fire.

Since there are molds, the overall production difficulty is not high. However, he is a child after all, and although he is very serious, he does have some clumsiness.

Chocolate even splashed on their faces, but the children still talked and laughed, and the whole venue was filled with joy.

After all, an amusement park is a place that makes people happy.

"Oh, what is this? This is not okay. You can't do this. When carving with a carving knife, you have to hold your breath while carving, otherwise your hands will shake. The movements must be coherent, otherwise there will be no soul. There is also the demoulding. When spraying, you need to go through cold water. When spraying, the speed needs to be... Oh, my technique is really bad, I will give it 40 points, 100 points. "

A discordant sound appeared, and the surrounding tourists looked sideways.

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