"System, use the artificial lake monitoring system."

[Use successfully]

[Time required: 8 hours]

Yang Fan sat in the boss chair, turned on the computer, and logged into the recruitment website again.

Recruiting employees is a major event that every developing company must face, and it is also a very difficult thing.

The current employee structure of the amusement park is very unreasonable. Almost all employees are newcomers to society who have just graduated or even have not graduated yet.

And those who used to work hard with Yang Fan's father have long lost contact with the amusement park.

"It seems that we still need to recruit a few experienced people first, and then cooperate with the school to let the school send some outstanding graduates, so that we can develop healthily."

Yang Fan sat slumped in the boss chair, staring at the ceiling.

Obviously, he did not receive many resumes today, which made Yang Fan somewhat frustrated.

"Alas~ To those experienced people, I am probably just a kid who hasn't even grown all his hair yet. How can I be poached so easily? It seems that we should first increase the popularity of the amusement park. With fame, we will naturally attract excellent talents!"

Yang Fan sighed, comforted himself, and repeated the work of the previous day, and began to call the people who submitted resumes to arrange interview times.

Because there were not many resumes, Yang Fan had finished all the calls around eleven o'clock. But he did not go to rest directly, but planned to wait until after twelve o'clock.

Because a total of 8,245 tourists came to the amusement park to play in the past two days. He thought that if nothing unexpected happened, it would reach 10,000 today. In this way, another stage of achievement tasks can be completed.

However, the number of people finally settled at 9,997, which made Yang Fan feel very embarrassed, and he went to bed angrily.

On Pan Lili's side, after making the promotional video of the cruise ship, she immediately posted it on the official account of the amusement park.

This video is very well made. It first takes a macro shot of the artificial lake and the dock, and then takes a close-up of the scenery of 50 cruise ships lined up on the shore. Finally, when the cruise ship is driving automatically, the five completely different navigation modes are displayed one by one.

At the end of the video, there is also a striking text:

"Tomorrow at 1 pm, the cruise ship dock will be open to the public on time. At the same time, you can interact with the koi at the observation deck to show the harmonious coexistence of man and nature!"

Netizens soon left messages below the video.

"This shark cruise ship is so cool! This speed! It's much more exciting than surfing, I like it!"

"What kind of fish is this? Is it a ray? This is good, very romantic."

"The turtle can be taken with children. Finally, there is one suitable for children. That carousel is too scary. I dare not sit on it."

"Haha, this squid is really interesting, and so is the crab."

"Okay, let's go tomorrow!"


At this time, in a very luxuriously decorated room. There was a middle-aged man with a big belly and thin hair.

This person was Pan Dahai of Guangtai Real Estate. He looked at the video posted by Pan Lili and gritted his teeth.

"Yang Zhi, Yang Zhi, you really gave birth to a good son."

After saying this viciously, Pan Dahai closed the video.

Last time, he sent three people to find the safety hazards of the carousel, and also asked employees to lead the rhythm in Pan Lili's live broadcast room, but unfortunately the effect was not very good.

However, this time the cruise project is definitely a godsend.

Water amusement projects are one of the projects most prone to safety problems. As long as there is a tourist "accidentally falling into the water" and then leading the rhythm, the amusement park's "lack of safety awareness" will be confirmed.

If the commotion is a little bigger and a few aggressive reporters are found, it would be perfect.

Even if it is finally determined to be a misunderstanding, it is too late to make up for it.

Reputation is something that is easy to ruin, but it is very difficult to restore.

Thinking of this, Pan Dahai took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, it's me."

"Notify everyone in the department to have a meeting at 7 o'clock tomorrow night in Conference Room 3 on the 15th floor of the headquarters."


Pan Dahai hung up the phone with a weird smile on his face⌓‿⌓

The next day, the number of tourists increased significantly compared with the previous day.

Pan Lili's promotional video had a good effect. Many tourists came and went straight to the cruise ship terminal, and even brought their own disposable raincoats.

Because there were too many people who wanted to take a cruise, Yang Fan set a rule that each boat could only be taken for one hour, so that more people could experience the fun of the cruise.

Although the cruise ship was only at 1 pmOfficially open to the public, but some tourists, in order to be able to ride it as soon as possible, spent the whole morning resting on the first floor of the cruise ship dock, waiting for the moment when the cruise ship opens.

It was not even eleven o'clock yet, and some people had already started to roll in. They lined up spontaneously, and others followed suit. For a while, the number of people in line was even comparable to that of the carousel.

Yang Fan interviewed 6 new employees, signed employment contracts on the spot and started working immediately. The sound of the system also sounded again.

[Achievement Task 2: Expanding the Team]

[Task Description: Continue to recruit new employees to expand the amusement park team]

[Phase 3 Completed: 50/50 Recruited, Received Phase 3 Reward - Achievement Task Pack 3]

[Current Task in Progress: Phase 4: 52/200 Recruited]

Yang Fan had no time to care about the task reward. He needed to bring 6 newcomers to the dock immediately. Just now, the group said that the other party was about to collapse and needed support.

The time finally came to 1 pm, and the cruise ship was officially opened to tourists. The first batch of lucky people successfully boarded the cruise ship wearing life jackets.

Under the explanation of the staff, the tourists had a preliminary understanding of how to manually drive and automatically drive the cruise ship.

Some tourists even made the staff's explanation process into a guide and posted it on the Internet.

The shark cruise ship is the most popular. After all, the people who come to the amusement park are mainly young people, and they are more keen on exciting experiences.

The cruise ship left the dock and quickly scattered on the lake. Soon, water splashes appeared, and tourists on the shore raised their phones to take photos and record videos.

"Wow, look at that boat, it's so fast!"

"Is that boat spinning in place? A gyroscope? Haha!"

"Did you see that? The two boats almost collided, and then they made a sharp turn and staggered. It was so exciting!"

"When will it be my turn? I feel like today is tough enough!"

"Fuck, it moves in a 'Z' shape!"

"The cruise ship in the park is weak compared to this one!"

"What do you think is the principle of this automatic driving?"

"It's very simple, but someone is controlling it remotely."


Soon, hot words such as "Shendong Amusement Park Cruise", "Shark Cruise", and "Principle of Automatic Driving" quickly became hot topics and fermented online.

Not only in Shendong City, but also in many other cities and even provinces, people began to notice this amusement park that had disappeared for many years and now reappeared in everyone's sight.

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