After entering the forest maze, the group first came to a three-way intersection.

The three gravel roads in front of them, like forest paths, were heading to the left, right, and front in three different directions.

"Director Yang, this should be the first important route choice of the maze, right? Which way should we go?"

An employee turned around and asked Yang Fan.

"Well, wait a moment."

Yang Fan kept in touch with the forest maze through the system chat group.

The forest maze told Yang Fan that this was the real entrance to the maze. The trees in this part generally would not move, and the three-way intersection needed to be maintained.

As for these three roads, there was no right or wrong, and whether tourists could pass through it depended entirely on its mood.

Yang Fan understood the meaning of the forest maze and said to the employees around him:

"Listen to me! This is the first main scene of the forest maze. These three roads can lead to the end, but the process may be slightly different."

"So let's think about it together. What kind of decoration would be more suitable for this location. Remember, we are preparing it for children, so we can't use scary decorations like the gate of hell. It should be cute or in line with the festive atmosphere, and it should be close to the animation made by Jiahui."

The employees heard Yang Fan's words and thought about it.

The maze is very playable, and it is mainly in the decoration.

Depending on the type of decoration, the maze can show completely different effects.

For example, the dream tour of Ai Li in the Magic City brings tourists into the world of Ai Li's dream.

Strictly speaking, many haunted houses are also a kind of maze, that is, indoor mazes.

It's just that at each important node, scary sound effects, lights, props or employees dressed as ghosts are integrated.

The forest maze that Yang Fan wants to build is specially prepared for children. Although the plot has not been written yet, it is definitely related to the five amusement park mascots.

In addition, June 1st is coming soon, and he plans to bring an unforgettable Children's Day to the children.


"Director Yang, since these three roads can lead to the end, why don't we split into three groups, and then take videos with mobile phones at important locations and send them to the group?"

An employee suggested.

"Well, it's okay."

Yang Fan also felt that what the employee said made some sense. This can greatly improve efficiency and will not delay everyone from experiencing the various functions of the forest maze.

The twelve people quickly divided into three groups. Yang Fan, Liu Jiahui and two employees were in one group. The four people chose the middle road and walked in.

Yang Fan still walked at the end. He could see the location of everyone in the forest maze through the system map.

In this process, the twelve people experienced a series of difficulties caused by the movement of trees.

For example, the road ahead suddenly became a dead end;

For example, the route deviated as the trees moved slowly;

For example, it kept circling in one place, etc.

The forest maze showed all the changes and possibilities, which also caused Yang Fan and others to wander in the maze for two hours without getting out.

Finally, Yang Fan opened a road directly to the exit in the forest maze, and everyone got out of the maze.

"Director Yang, I think you are right. We must make more decorations, otherwise all we can see are trees. It was quite fresh at first, but later it felt too boring." An employee said.

"Well, yes. This is why we asked everyone to come. After everyone goes back, write down your ideas and send them to Jiahui."

"By the way, Jiahui, just write down what decorations you need. The purchasing department will customize them at the Mengtu Toy Factory. Just go ahead and do it."

Yang Fan instructed the employees present, and then everyone dispersed on the spot and went back to think about how to decorate the forest maze.


Seeing the employees leave, Yang Fan returned to the forest maze.

"System, I plan to buy some shrubs, mushrooms, flowers and other decorations. Please help me turn the system mall to the corresponding page."

[Okay. The system mall has turned to the forest maze plant decoration items page]

Just as the employee said, Yang Fan also felt that the plant species in the forest maze were too monotonous.

Especially on the surface, the trees seemed to grow out of the gravel, which looked particularly fake.

"It's quite cheap!"

Yang Fan bought some common half-meter-high shrub decorations and mushroom decorations in the system mall.

With these decorations, the forest in the maze will look more realistic, at least the trees will not grow directly from the gravel.

When the time comes, add various dolls and so on to make the forest maze look more realistic.It is not a problem to decorate the palace into the forest in the minds of children.

"Huh? What is this?"

Yang Fan was suddenly startled. He saw two special plant decorations.

Item name: Tree Fairy Decoration

Price: 350 tourist points/tree

Detailed information: 3.5 meters high, average trunk diameter 40 cm.

Available scene: Forest Maze

Illustration: [Picture]

Tree Fairy


Item name: Flower Fairy Decoration

Price: 25 tourist points/flower

Detailed information: 25 cm high.

Available scene: Forest Maze

Illustration: [Picture]

"System, this tree fairy and flower fairy?"

【After the tree fairy and flower fairy decorations are successfully used, they can also move freely in the forest maze. Unlike other plant decorations, tree fairies and flower fairies have eyes and mouths. The host can use it as an Easter egg in the forest maze to increase the fun of the forest maze]

"This is good! This is good!"

In the end, Yang Fan bought a tree fairy decoration, 100 flower fairy decorations, 600 common shrub decorations, 200 wild flower decorations and 100 mushroom decorations. And agreed to deliver them to the forest maze at ten o'clock in the evening.


At ten o'clock in the evening, trucks carrying plant decorations arrived at the amusement park.

According to the system's introduction, Yang Fan only needs to place the plant decorations on the gravel within the range of the forest maze.

The forest maze will automatically combine, and then the plant decorations can move freely.

Yang Fan picked up a flower and touched it. It felt like a real flower, but there was no root, only a base similar to a suction cup.

He placed the flower on the gravel on the ground. You can see that the bottom of the flower is stuck under the gravel, the flower stem is slightly bent, bowed to Yang Fan, and then slid into the depths of the maze.

The same is true for other plant decorations.

Yang Fan worked for two hours and finally put all the plant decorations into the forest maze, including the tree fairy and the flower fairy.

"It seems that the tree fairy and the flower fairy will also appear in the animation."

Yang Fan took a few photos of the tree fairy and the flower fairy and prepared to send them to Liu Jiahui, intending to ask her to add the two characters of the tree fairy and the flower fairy in the animation.

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