Three days later, and two days before the leaders came to attend the completion ceremony, the water castle was completed.

However, Shendong Amusement Park did not release any relevant news, but planned to wait until the completion ceremony was held before announcing it to the public.

That morning, Yang Fan took Wang Yue and some amusement park employees to the water park area to see the completed water castle and study how to decorate it.

The walls of the water park have been built, and most of them were redeemed by Yang Fan in the system mall by spending tourist points.

However, because the water park area is so large, he spent a lot of tourist spots.

As for the cement pavement in the park, we have already received some in the level gift package, plus part of it redeemed from the system mall. At this time, the main roads in the water park have been laid.

As for the new office buildings, staff dormitories, complex buildings, tourist hotels and other buildings issued by the system, they are all under construction on the east side of the water park.

It's just that construction takes a long time. Each building has only six floors, but it takes 280 days.

That is to say, it will be next year when all these are completed.

The water park does not yet have a real main entrance. It can only be entered from the north gate of the main park of Shendong Amusement Park. Tickets are also sold at the north gate.

As for whether to sell tickets independently or be bundled with the main area of ​​the amusement park, it is still under discussion and no final decision has been made.

Yang Fan plans to build a separate main entrance for the water park when conditions permit, and then build a spacious road, square and parking lot.

This will differentiate the water park from the main park.

When you come to the water park, you can see that several amusement facilities have been placed in Li Lake.

Coupled with cruise boats and the soon-to-be-completed water castle, the water park already has ten items for tourists to enjoy.

"Wow, is that a water castle?"

One employee pointed to a building in the lake that looked like a conch and said.

"Yeah, let's go there."

Yang Fan said to the employees.

Everyone took a pedal boat to the location of the water castle.

The water castle is surrounded by lakes and appears like an isolated island on the surface of Li Lake.

After getting off the boat, you can see that this place is somewhat similar to the floating islands on the artificial lake in the main park, but there are many differences.

First of all, this is not a floating island. The depth of Li Lake is average, only about 2.5 meters on average.

The water castle is built from the bottom of the lake. The foundation is very stable and will not shake with the fluctuations of the lake water.

From the appearance point of view, the water castle is a huge conch. If the top part of the castle is included, the height is about 20 meters.

But in fact, if you don't count the underwater part, it can be seen that the castle has only four floors.

On the third floor of the castle, four sliding tracks spiral out and extend to the surface of Li Lake.

In other words, visitors can slide down the track on the third floor of the castle like a slide and eventually land in the water.

After watching for a while, Yang Fan led the employees into the water castle.

They first came to the first floor of the castle.

Like the fairy tale castle, this is also a hall with a stage and auditorium, where you can also perform shows, watch movies, etc.

But the scale is indeed a bit smaller than the fairy tale castle, and it can only seat more than a hundred people.

"Let the circus and the 'SAG' combination get used to the venue tomorrow. The leaders will come the day after tomorrow, and then let the leaders come here."

Yang Fan said to Su He, the circus leader, and Li Xiaolu, the head of the Entertainment Department.

Next, everyone came to the second floor of the castle. It was empty and surrounded by more than a dozen rooms that were not too large.

"It seems like you can shop and rest here."

Yang Fan looked at those rooms, they were just shops one by one.

In fact, his first idea was not to build a store, but to build a food court here.

However, as the number of floors of the water castle increases, the area of ​​each floor will decrease.

The area of ​​this floor is no longer large. Compared with the food court of the fairy tale castle, it is only one-third of its area at most, and cannot accommodate many people for dining at all.

So Yang Fan gave up the idea of ​​building a food court in the castle. He believed that there would be other places where a water park food court could be built in the future.

When we arrived on the third floor, as expected, it looked like a playground. In the four directions of this layer, east, west, north and south, you can see the starting points of the tracks leading to the outside.

It seems that this is where tourists sit on the track and then slide down the track into the water.

"This layer should beIt is a place for relaxation and entertainment. Look, there are many claw machines and game machines around. "An employee with a sharp eye saw the claw machines and game machines at a glance.

"Well, yes, this is a bit like the second floor of a fairy tale castle, but the area is not large." Yang Fan nodded, agreeing with the employee's statement.

The fourth floor is even smaller, so Yang Fan decided to use this floor as a warehouse temporarily.

After visiting the water castle, everyone returned to the first floor to leave. They wanted to go back to get some decorations and items to decorate the water castle so as to better welcome the completion ceremony.

"You guys go ahead and do your work. I'll leave in a while. Don't forget to leave a boat for me." Yang Fan said to the employees who were about to leave by boat.

"Okay, Director Yang."


"System, I want to go to the negative first floor to take a look. ”


The system had informed Yang Fan that only the first four floors of the water castle were open to the public.

The underground first floor was the sewage treatment room.

Yang Fan came to the underground first floor and saw a lot of water pipes and various instruments.

【This is the sewage treatment room. They will treat the excrement and debris in the toilets of the water castle and then discharge them through the pipes】

"It's not discharged into the lake, right?"

【No, it's discharged outside the lake】

【By the way, I would like to remind the host that the water quality of Li Lake must be guaranteed, and more lake water purification devices must be prepared, although it consumes a lot of electricity】

"Well, I understand. ”

The cleanliness of the water in Li Lake will directly determine how far the water park can go in the future.

This kind of water park built with the help of natural lakes faces far greater challenges than ordinary water parks.

Fortunately, there are not many fish in Li Lake, and water recreation facilities are generally not far from the lake. Even the water castle is not far from the shore.

In the deep center of Li Lake, there may be fish and shrimps, but they dare not swim to the lake.

As for tourists, except for rowing and speedboats, they will hardly go to the deep center of Li Lake to disturb them.

After Yang Fan finally inspected the water castle, he planned to leave.

He was going back to the director's office to prepare a speech and prepare for the completion ceremony two days later.

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