The next day, it was a sunny day.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the Human Resources Department officially issued the appointment notice for the regional manager of the main campus.

Zhang Wenwen stood out in the competition and became the regional manager of the main park of Shendong Amusement Park. She will officially take office on July 1.

In the next period of time, the amusement park needs to find a new director of the external relations department as soon as possible to fill the vacancy caused by Zhang Wenwen's departure.

After the employees of the External Relations Department learned the news, the office was filled with joy. Everyone congratulated Zhang Wenwen, and Zhang Wenwen also said that she would treat everyone to dinner in a few days.

Compared with the joyful atmosphere of the External Relations Department, other departments seemed much duller. Employees in some departments were very unhappy that their ministers were not elected.

Fortunately, the ministers were broad-minded and accepted the result calmly.

They believe that Zhang Wenwen really stands out from the crowd.

If you have time to complain about others, you might as well work harder to improve yourself and perform well the next time you compete for a water park regional manager.

Here in the office building, there are still many empty offices on the fourth floor.

Yang Fan sent a message to Zhang Wenwen to come to the principal's office, and planned to let her choose an empty office on the fourth floor to use as the manager's office.

The original minister's office will be given to the next minister.

In fact, Yang Fan once wanted to move the principal's office to the attic of the fairy tale castle.

Although the fairy tale castle only has six floors, there are several independent attics above the six floors.

Most of these attics are very small, just a small room with a window, and they are more used as decoration.

However, the largest attic in the middle is quite large, and the windows are facing the main entrance of the amusement park. The view is very wide, making it very suitable for use as the director's room.

After repeated consideration, Yang Fan finally gave up the idea.

After all, the conference room and most of the amusement park's senior executives work in the office building. If he moved to the castle to work alone, it would cause a lot of inconvenience in work and communication.

In addition, the current principal's office is where his father used to work. It means a lot to him, so he will try not to move if possible.

After a while, Zhang Wenwen came to the principal's office, and she gently knocked on the half-open door.

"Director Yang, I'm here."

"Sister Wenwen!"

Yang Fan stood up and walked to the door.

"Sister Wenwen, please choose a room on the fourth floor as your office."

Yang Fan took Zhang Wenwen around the fourth floor. The area of ​​each floor of the office building was not too large.

This fourth floor has ten offices, a bathroom and a storage room, for a total of twelve rooms.

All rooms are on one side of the corridor, and the staircase is in the middle, dividing all rooms into two directions.

In one direction there are bathrooms and five offices, in the other direction there are storage rooms and five more offices.

Yang Fan's principal's office and Wang Yue's assistant's office are no longer available, so Zhang Wenwen still has eight offices to choose from.

"Then I'll choose the one next to Assistant Wang."

The principal's office is at the end of the corridor, and the assistant's office is next to the principal's office. Zhang Wenwen chose the office next to the assistant's office.

"Okay, I'll ask someone from the logistics department to take care of it when the time comes."

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you, Director Yang."

"By the way, Sister Wenwen, do you have any suitable candidates? To succeed you as the Minister of External Relations."

"Well... there really is one. My current assistant is pretty good. His name is Liu Feng. He's a young man with quite some ideas."

Zhang Wenwen thought for a while and started to say.

"Well, tell me about it in detail. I will decide on the new minister as soon as possible so that you can hand over the work. Our cooperation with Yuma Company is about to expire, and this has to be handled by the External Relations Department. "

After Yang Fan finished speaking, he made a call to the Logistics Department, and then returned to the principal's office with Zhang Wenwen, preparing to discuss the candidate for the new director of the External Relations Department.

Half an hour later.

Yang Fan has already had a preliminary understanding of the employee named Liu Feng. If Zhang Wenwen's description is not exaggerated, it seems that he is indeed a good candidate.

"Well, Sister Wenwen, go back and let him prepare for his work report. Then he will still choose among the several people competing for the position."


Just as Yang Fan was talking to Zhang Wenwen.

[Amusement facilities - go-kart (beginner level) completed]


Yang Fan was stunned for a moment.

"Director Yang, what's wrong?"

Zhang Wenwen saw Yang Fan in a daze and asked with concern.


Yang Fan quickly came to his senses and pretended to have a message on his phone.

"The construction team just told me that the go-kart on the west side of the artificial lake has been built. I want to go over and have a look. Sister Wenwen, what are you doing?Are you going?"

"Sure. I like karts, too."

After that, Yang Fan and Zhang Wenwen left the director's office and headed to the west side of the artificial lake where the karts were located.


When you come to the karts, you can see a small garage with 30 high-tech karts parked in a row.

"What is this? A runway made of solar cells! ?"

Zhang Wenwen was a little surprised to see the solar runway. This was her first time seeing a real solar runway.

"Yes, a solar runway."

Yang Fan came to the control room next to the garage and pulled down the power.

"System, I want to check the kart's information. ”


Facility name: Kart [Solar Track]

Facility status: Started

Power system: Normal

Thrill index: 1~40

Detailed data: Each lap of the solar track is 1,200 meters long and 3.5 meters wide. The maximum speed of the electric kart is 40 kilometers per hour.

"Seeing that this thrill index is actually a range, I feel that this kart is not ordinary!" Yang Fan thought to himself.

The previous few amusement facilities with uncertain thrill indexes were not simple, and obviously this kart is also.

He looked up at the solar track, which was a slightly "U-shaped" track, which should prevent the kart from flying out when turning.

After analyzing the possible situations that may occur during the kart's driving, Yang Fan decided to ask the kart in the group.

After all, as the owner, he should say hello to the kart as soon as possible.

Although it is completely possible to ask the system directly for specific details.

Yang Fan opened the system chat group, and sure enough, the kart Kart has joined the group chat and is chatting with other amusement facilities.

Yang Fan: Welcome! @kart

Kart: Thank you for the welcome!

Yang Fan: I want to take a ride. Is there anything I need to pay attention to?

Kart: There is nothing much to pay attention to. What difficulty do you want to challenge?

Yang Fan: What is the difference?

Kart: The difference is mainly reflected in the speed and track. The solar track can swing up and down. If the speed is fast, it can even make the car fly.

Yang Fan: Oh oh.


"Sister Wenwen, let's experience karting? By the way, have a race?"

Yang Fan walked out of the control room and said to Zhang Wenwen.

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