There is less than a month left before the trial operation of the water park. During this period, the purchasing department is undoubtedly one of the busiest departments.

The purchasing department was originally called the purchasing group, which is the same department as the current external relations department, called the external relations department.

At first, the external relations department sent people to discuss cooperation with other units, and then the purchasing group made the purchase.

However, as the scale of the amusement park grows, the external relations department needs to discuss cooperation with different companies or units almost every day, and the procurement also needs to "buy, buy, buy" almost every day.

In order to facilitate management, Yang Fan also reduced the number of department staff and improved labor efficiency. He split the external relations department into the external relations department and the purchasing department, with Zhang Wenwen and Fan Yi as the heads respectively.

The external relations department is still responsible for external contact business, seeking to establish cooperation with external companies and strive for resources, etc.

The purchasing department is specifically responsible for purchasing all the materials needed for the amusement park, including amusement facilities, daily necessities, materials needed for food courts and canteens, etc.

After Fan Yi became the head of the purchasing department, he often encouraged the department employees ideologically.

After all, the purchasing department is not a department that often shows up compared to other departments. Like the logistics department, it is the veritable "behind-the-scenes hero" of the amusement park.

This also creates the department culture of the purchasing department of "low-key life, high-profile work", "not seeking fame, but seeking a clear conscience".

"Although we cannot be as conspicuous as the human resources department, external relations department, publicity department and other departments. However, the importance of everything we do is definitely not less than theirs!"

This is what Fan Yi often says at every department meeting.

In the past month, as the trial operation of the water park is getting closer and closer.

The purchasing department needs to rent amusement facilities and purchase cruise ships and speedboats from water parks in surrounding cities.

In addition, to decorate the water castle and various shops around Li Lake, it is also necessary to purchase some equipment, decorations and various supplies.

Although not everything requires Fan Yi to do it himself, everything needs his approval.

For example, when buying cruise ships and speedboats, you need to compare prices from three different stores and consider issues such as cost-effectiveness and after-sales service.

For example, when renting amusement facilities, you need to check the quality carefully and consider how to determine the responsibility if there is a safety problem.

This workload is actually not small at all, which also makes Fan Yi's hair, which was not thick to begin with, even thinner.

On this day, the purchasing department had a very important task to complete.

In ten days, it will be the Dragon Boat Festival.

Shendong Amusement Park plans to hold a Dragon Boat Festival event at Li Lake.

Its main purpose is naturally to warm up the water park that will be open for trial operation on July 1st in advance and advertise the water park in advance.

Assistant to the director Wang Yue has also told Fan Yi in advance that the two most important parts of this Dragon Boat Festival event are: one is the dragon boat race and the other is the zongzi wrapping competition.

The responsibility of renting dragon boats naturally falls on the purchasing department.

In addition to renting dragon boats, you also need to buy glutinous rice, zongzi leaves, red dates, meat, etc.

"If nothing unexpected happens, it will be another battle between sweet and meat dumplings!"

Fan Yi stood up and sent the work schedule for the next week that he had just made to the department group.

Each task of the purchasing department is generally assigned to a specific group, and the number of people in each group is generally no more than four.

Each group only needs to do the work assigned to it.

Fan Yi did this to avoid low work efficiency due to too many people and the situation where someone fishes in troubled waters.

A few days ago, the team responsible for renting dragon boats had set off for Haidong City.

At this time, they have already borrowed the dragon boat and are on the way back. If nothing unexpected happens, the dragon boat can be transported to the amusement park before dark.

There are many things to say about renting dragon boats.

This time, the amusement park rented a total of 15 dragon boats, including three decorative dragon boats for display and 12 dragon boats for competition.

The price and appearance of dragon boats for competition are different from those for display.

The dragon boats used for competitions are more practical, while the dragon heads and tails of the decorative dragon boats are beautifully carved, and they are mainly used for decoration, for taking photos and publicity.

To put it bluntly, it is a face-saving project, and in fact it cannot be put into the water.

In addition to the dragon boat itself, some accessories such as drums, dragon heads, dragon tails, paddles, etc. are all rented.

The sun is about to set, and the busy day is coming to an end.

At this time, three large trucks and a crane drove into the amusement park. They passed through the main park and drove into the water park where the main entrance had not yet been built.Park.

Fan Yi also hurriedly brought several department employees to the water park.

Four vehicles stopped near the Lihu Wharf, and the crane began to unload the dragon boats from the truck.

Dragon boats usually need a crane to unload, otherwise they are easily damaged and will be broken into two if they fall.

After nearly two hours of hard work, all fifteen dragon boats were unloaded steadily.

Among them, twelve dragon boats for competition have been fixed to the dock.

And three decorative dragon boats were temporarily placed on the shore and covered with plastic sheets.

"You guys have worked hard all the way!"

After the three trucks and a crane drove away, Fan Yi said to the several employees who were responsible for renting dragon boats who followed the car back.

"Tomorrow, you guys can have a good rest at home for a day. This trip to Haidong is also very tiring. I will go to the Human Resources Department tomorrow to apply for a day off for you."

Fan Yi felt very sorry for these employees. Renting dragon boats was a hard job, but these employees agreed without hesitation.

After renting the dragon boat from Haidong, they immediately followed the truck for nearly 400 kilometers, and it was a tiring journey. They must have had a sore back from the bumpy ride, and they probably didn't have a good meal that day.

"Thank you, Minister Fan!"

"Thank you, Boss!"

"Thank you, Boss!"

Several employees were very moved by Fan Yi's words. After all, there are not many leaders who can understand and care about their subordinates so much these days.

"Okay, okay, everyone pack up. Those on the day shift can go home directly, and those on the night shift should go to eat quickly, because the amusement park will be open for the night soon."

Fan Yi clapped his hands and said to the members of the purchasing department present.

After the members left, he took a lot of photos of the dragon boat and sent them to the executive group.

Minister of Purchasing Department-Fan Yi: [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] The dragon boat has been borrowed and is parked by the Li Lake~

Minister of Publicity Department-Pan Lili: Wow⊙∀⊙!

HR Director-An Dongni: Wow٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)ᵒᵏᵎᵎᵎᵎ

Director Assistant-Wang Yue: Got it!

Director-Yang Fan: Got it! Thank you for your hard work!

"Have you rented out the dragon boats? It seems to be going very smoothly. We must promote the name of the water park during the Dragon Boat Festival!"

Yang Fan was sitting in the director's office at this time. He saw the message in the group.

"In 6 days, the main entrance of the water park will be renovated! It seems that the time is just right!"

Putting down the phone, he picked up the calendar in front of him.

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