Li Haihua is the regional manager of Haidong Amusement Park Water Park. He has been working for nearly 20 years and is a veritable veteran of Haidong Amusement Park.

This time he came to Shendong Amusement Park Water Park with a purpose.

Today, the influence of Shendong Amusement Park in the province has obviously exceeded that of Haidong Amusement Park.

This also made Haidong Amusement Park feel a little uneasy. Taking April and May as an example, sales dropped by 20% and 35% respectively compared with previous years.

Although the data for June has not yet been released, it is estimated that it will drop by about 30%.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this number has dropped like a "cliff".

Although the director of the garden, Hou Haibo, didn't say anything, everyone could see that he was holding a fire in his heart.

Later, after hearing the news that the Shendong Amusement Park water park was about to open, Hou Haibo finally couldn't sit still.

Originally relying on the huge advantage of the coast, they were far ahead of all the water parks in the province, and they absolutely could not accept losing to Shendong Amusement Park, which was far away from the sea.

Therefore, Li Haihua, as the regional manager of the water park, took three young employees and a group of four to Shendong Amusement Park for an "inspection."

Their purpose is not to destroy the friendship between the two parties, nor to stir up trouble.

Rather, it is necessary to record the advantages and disadvantages of the Shendong Amusement Park Water Park and learn from each other's strengths to achieve better development of your own amusement park.

When the four people arrived at the main entrance of the water park, they were stunned by the float and "SAG".

Haidong Amusement Park also has floats, but they have never thought of using the float as a stage for several girls to dance on it.

"Manager Li, that is the 'SAG' group mentioned before. It seems to be a girl group created by Shendong Amusement Park. It is quite famous on the Internet and can be considered an Internet celebrity group."

An employee said to Li Haihua.

In fact, as early as when the "SAG" group had just gained some fame on the Internet, someone at Haidong Amusement Park suggested that in the Internet age, they should also have such a group.

However, as a long-established amusement park, Haidong Amusement Park has a lot of "old antiques" and is not very able to accept new things, so this proposal was not approved in the final voting round.

Li Haihua was one of those who voted against it.

But when he saw "SAG" dancing enthusiastically on the float and the surrounding tourists cheering like a tsunami, he felt that he seemed to be wrong.

"Let's write this down first." Li Haihua thought to himself.

Then, the four of them entered the park and followed the flow of people to the changing room near Li Lake.

Here, tourists who want to play water sports can provide a place to change clothes.

Because Shendong Amusement Park opened in a hurry, the changing room didn't look very good, and even a little shabby.

Of course Yang Fan knew this, but the changing room in the system mall was actually a two-story building that took 80 days to build, and there was no time at all.

So we can only wait until the weather gets colder and the water park is closed to build a changing room.

Li Haihua and his party changed into swimming trunks and swimsuits in the changing room, and wore a thin sun protection suit on their upper body, and then hung their mobile phones around their necks.

There are two projects they plan to focus on, one is the water castle that has become famous online, and the other is the tornado, a newly built amusement ride.

As for other rides, Haidong Amusement Park has them all and even looks better.

It doesn't arouse their interest at all. If you have time, just play it again.

The four of them first prepared to experience the tornado. They first stored their mobile phones and sun protection clothing in lockers, and then went to the staff to receive four-person cushions.

After more than ten minutes, it was finally the turn of the four of them. They were guided by the staff to the entrance, put down the cushions, and sat on them facing each other.

"Three handsome guys and one beautiful woman. What level do you want to experience? There are three levels: 'low', 'medium' and 'high'."

asked a staff member at the entrance with a walkie-talkie in hand.

"Huh? Level?" Li Haihua didn't understand what the staff was talking about. He had never heard of tornadoes being divided into different levels.

In fact, the different levels of tornadoes have been mentioned in the promotional video.

It's just that Li Haihua didn't do his homework in advance and was completely unaware of this matter.

After all, he is already the veteran of Haidong Amusement Park. Even if there are some negligence at work, few people dare to touch him.

"We choose the intermediate one." One of them said to the staff.

"Intermediate, reply received. Repeat, Intermediate." The staff member shouted into the intercomsaid.

"Okay, handsome guys and beautiful girls, let's get started."

The worker gently pushed the cushion with his foot, and the cushion slid down the track, and screams came.

The intermediate difficulty mode of Tornado mainly changes in the bends and the final water outlet.

When the cushion comes to the bend, the track will shake with it, causing the cushion to shake more and faster.

When the cushion comes to the water outlet and is about to leave, the water outlet will suddenly rise.

This also makes the cushion fly in the air, probably more than three meters away, and two staff members will wait three meters away.

With a scream and a splash of nearly two meters high, Li Haihua and others left the water outlet and fell into the water.

"It's so fun! It's so exciting, much more exciting than the tornado I played before."

"Yeah! This is almost as exciting as a roller coaster!"

"Manager Li, how about we play it again?!"

The three Haidong Amusement Park employees who came with Li Haihua all felt very excited and wanted to play it again.

But Li Haihua didn't feel anything, and didn't want to play it again.

Maybe he is old, and there is a generation gap with young people, and he can't understand the taste of young people anymore.

But seeing the expectant eyes of the three employees, he really couldn't refuse.

"Let's go to the water castle first. When we're done, you can move freely and play whatever you want." Li Haihua said.

"Wow, thank you Manager Li."

"Manager Li is great!"

"Hehe (^o^)/"


After that, the four of them prepared to take a pedal boat to the water castle.

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