After the water park closed on the first day of its trial operation, a large number of topics and videos about the water park appeared on the Internet.

For example, the tornado amusement ride is one of the hotly discussed topics. After all, such moving water rides are very rare.

Some people also conducted principle analysis and video comparison of the tornado's three modes of "low", "medium" and "high", which looked extremely professional.

There are also videos of first-person views of tornadoes, and videos of tourists falling into the water and their swimming trunks being washed away by the water, etc., which have received a lot of clicks.

The water castle, with its unique and unique conch shape, has also occupied a place in many hot topics.

Of course, the most talked about and eye-catching topic on the first day must be the "endorsement signing ceremony between Shen Dong Amusement Park and Li Lingli".

Most of the past news about Shendong Amusement Park appeared in the travel section.

Not so this time. In the entertainment channels of major websites, the name Shendong Amusement Park began to appear frequently.

Although rumors and remarks smearing Shen Dong Amusement Park and Li Lingli continue.

However, there are also many sensible media people who have focused their attention on the signing itself and carefully analyzed the pros and cons and future development prospects.

All in all, this night, Li Lingli's fans and anti-fans were destined to fight fiercely.

Employees in the publicity department are also busy, always paying attention to the amusement park's official accounts on major websites.

Once comments and messages contain insults, slander and other uncivilized remarks, they will immediately give the trolls a happy package of "delete + report + block".

At this time, Yang Fan was also following every move on the Internet through his mobile phone at home.

Unknowingly, time has reached zero o'clock.

[Summary of the first day of operation of the amusement park (water park)]

【Welcoming tourists: 1826 people】

[Tickets on sale: 1802]

[Including: 1465 adult tickets; 337 children/student tickets]

[Ticket revenue: 326,466 yuan]

[Total income for the whole day: 342,155 yuan]

[Most popular ride: Tornado]

[Get the first day gift pack]

"Summary of the first day?"

[Has the host forgotten? There is also a summary on the first day of the main park]

"Oh, okay. It looks so lively today, but there are only less than two thousand people."

“Use the gift pack!”

【Successfully used】

[Get water special - water bungee]

[Obtain a common item - 1 ton of beach gravel]

[Obtain common items - 30 coconut trees (fake)]

"Bungee jumping?! This is great!"

Bungee jumping is a very exciting outdoor sport, also called bungee jumping.

Jumpers usually stand on bridges, tower tops, cliffs, cranes or even hot air balloons with a height of more than 40 meters, and tie a long fixed rubber strip to their ankle joints.

Then he stretched out his arms, put his legs together, and jumped headfirst.

When a person falls to a certain distance from the ground, the rubber rope is stretched and tightened, which prevents the person from continuing to fall.

When it reaches the lowest point, the rubber springs up again and the person is pulled up. Then it falls again, and this is repeated many times until the elasticity of the rubber rope disappears.

Then there will be staff below or above to rescue the jumper.

As for water bungee jumping, as the name suggests, it means that the bottom of the jumper is sea water or lake water.

Haidong Amusement Park has water bungee jumping, which is also the highest and most popular water bungee jump in Ninghai Province.

"System, I would like to ask, are the beach gravel and coconut trees used to simulate the beach at the seaside?"


"Yeah, sure enough. But, I understand the truth. What can one ton of gravel be used for?"

[Beach gravel has been put on the system mall, and the host can redeem it through the tourist point]


"System, I want to build both a wave machine and a water bungee."

[Okay, please host select the construction location on the map]

Yang Fan built the water bungee jump not far to the south of the water castle. It is close to the center of Li Lake and is one of the deepest places in Li Lake.

【Built successfully】

[Time required for water bungee construction: 20 days]

After building the water bungee, Yang Fan was ready to install the wave machine, but he never found the ideal location.

The main reason is that the construction of wave machines needs to be within a certain area. Due to the large area of ​​Li Lake, it is impossible to create waves.

If you buy a partition, it is okay to demarcate an area for the wave pool. This area is usually rectangular or oval.

But all the recreational facilities around Li LakeThe facilities are all built next to each other, with no partitions between them.

This will make the wave pool surrounded by a circle look out of place.

If things go wrong, tourists in the wave pool will feel like animals in a cage in the zoo, feeling uncomfortable all over.

"System, can the wave machine be built on the artificial lake?"

[Yes, but it can only be built in the artificial lake within the water park, not in the artificial lake in the main park]

"Well, I want to exchange the artificial lake, build the artificial lake opposite Li Lake, and then build the wave machine in the artificial lake."


Yang Fan made this move with many considerations.

First, since the wave pool will look out of place in Li Lake, then building an artificial lake for it alone and forming a separate area, wouldn't it be a perfect solution?

Second, since the water bungee jumping is built in the center of Li Lake, it has almost no impact on tourists playing by the Li Lake.

But if the wave machine is built by the lake, it will inevitably affect the play experience of nearby tourists.

Third, the wave pool simulates the waves, so the artificial lake is covered with beach gravel, and some fake shells and coconut trees are planted. This is a new area of ​​the water park.

"Sunshine, sea, beach, coconut trees - let you experience the charm of the seaside in Shendong" even has an advertising slogan.

Yang Fan exchanged a 50-meter-long and 40-meter-wide artificial lake in the system mall and built it 100 meters north of Li Lake.

It takes 14 days to build an artificial lake. In this way, the wave machine can only be built after the artificial lake is built.

"System, there is one more thing, build the pirate ship as well."

Yang Fan built the pirate ship on the north bank of Li Lake. There are relatively few tourists here, and the construction of the pirate ship will hardly affect the normal play of tourists.

"Huo ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و It's really a busy and fulfilling day!"

Yang Fan yawned and fell asleep on the bed.

On the other hand, Li Lingli and her agent's phones were almost blown up.

Most of these calls were meaningless, but one call caught the interest of Li Lingli and her agent.

The call was from the website hosting the variety show she participated in. The website wanted to host a water-themed variety show in the summer.

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