After hanging up the phone, Yang Fan returned to his desk.

Turning on the computer, he saw a file in his mailbox that had just been sent to him ten minutes ago.

He downloaded and opened the file, read it from beginning to end, and basically understood Pan Lili's intention.

"Shaved ice festival? Now is a very hot time, we can indeed hold one."

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of the figure of Yongzi, a warrior who is immune to all poisons.

Yongzi smiled, holding shaved ice with hand sweat, pigments and masala made with the sacred Ganges elemental periodic water on the streets of India.

"Get out! Get out! Get out!"

Yang Fan shook his head, trying to clear the "clean and hygienic" Indian street shaved ice from his mind.

"Sister Yue, Lili has a good activity plan, let's discuss it together."

He sent a message to Wang Yue, ready to discuss the feasibility of holding a shaved ice festival together.

Shaved ice is a high-end cold drink made by shaving ice into snowflakes, pouring condensed milk, syrup, and various fruits or other ingredients.

Yes, you read that right! At first, shaved ice was positioned as a "high-end cold drink"!

Shaved ice tastes delicate and melts in your mouth. And the sugar content is controllable, and it has an excellent cooling effect. You won't feel full even if you eat more. Of course, eating too much can easily cause diarrhea.

It is very popular in countries such as Japan and South Korea, as well as in China's Baodao Province.

In recent years, it has gradually become popular in mainland China. Jiangnan Province, Tianjin City and other provinces and cities have held large-scale shaved ice festivals.

Among them, amusement parks, restaurants and even real estate companies have organized and held shaved ice festivals.

Yang Fan and Wang Yue agreed that the idea of ​​the shaved ice festival proposed by Pan Lili is very good. It is not only suitable for the current hot summer, but also very beneficial to the promotion of amusement parks.

Pan Lili was also called to the director's office. There were still some details of the activities in the plan, which needed to be improved by the three of them.

At the high-level regular meeting the next day, everyone will check for deficiencies and try to make a complete plan for the activity.


On the second day, after a day of research, the senior executives of the amusement park finally improved some details of the shaved ice festival activity plan.

First of all, the venue of the event.

Two locations are tentatively set.

The first location is the open space in front of the fairy tale castle in the main park.

That is where Wang Yang took the children to make chocolate on Children's Day.

This will be the main venue.

The second location is an open space not far to the south of the wave pool of the water park. It is not far from the beach and food street of the wave pool.

This will be a branch venue.

Of course, whether it is the main venue or the branch venue, the types of shaved ice are the same.

It's just that the main venue will be larger, after all, there are more tourists visiting the main park than the water park.

The second is the purchase of ice and the rental of shaved ice machines.

Shendong City is a large seafood and meat distribution center. The local ice-making industry is very developed, and there are several ice-making factories. So the problem of ice is easy to solve.

For festivals like the Shaved Ice Festival, which is held at most once a year, there is no need to buy a brand new shaved ice machine. You only need to rent it for a few days at a place that specializes in renting shaved ice machines.

Buying ice and renting shaved ice machines are the work of the purchasing department.

In addition to ice and shaved ice machines, the ingredients and supplies needed to make shaved ice, such as condensed milk, syrup, fruit, honey beans, disposable bowls and disposable spoons, etc., are also the responsibility of the purchasing department.

The last is the production of shaved ice.

The production of shaved ice is still very simple, and almost all chefs in the amusement park can do it.

However, the chefs also have their own work to do. On the day of the Shaved Ice Festival, it is impossible for all of them to come out to make shaved ice.

So after the shaved ice machine is rented, they will teach some of the amusement park employees how to make shaved ice.

Since the process of making shaved ice is very easy to learn, it is basically enough to watch it once. The most difficult part is probably the amount of ingredients.

As for the health permit and other certificates, the amusement park itself has them. Next, Wang Yue will go to the relevant departments for filing.

After all, shaved ice is also a kind of food. It is obviously impossible to sell it at a stall, but it needs to be approved by the relevant departments.

In terms of pricing, the amusement park also intends to take a people-friendly route. The initial price is set at 6 yuan, 12 yuan, 18 yuan and 30 yuan per serving.

Ninghai Province has only held a shaved ice festival three years ago, which was held in Haidong Amusement Park, which was once the first in Ninghai Province.

And this time, Shendong Amusement Park will be the second time in Ninghai Province, and it will be unprecedented in scale.

When Haidong Amusement Park heldThe shaved ice festival in China only has a few stalls and dozens of tables.

Although the original plan was for the event to last for a week, in fact only the first two days had people curious to come and take a look, and from the third day onwards there were basically no people.

So much so that some people later even used the Shaved Ice Festival venue as a resting place.

This was also the main reason why Haidong Amusement Park later decided not to hold the Shaved Ice Festival.

A few days later, the shaved ice machine was rented, and the ice cubes had to be delivered by a transportation team on the day of the event.

Shendong Amusement Park itself also has some ice cubes. Although the amount is not much, it is more than enough for employees to practice making shaved ice.

Each chef stood next to an ice-shaving machine, surrounded by three or four employees.

The chefs first demonstrated the use of the shaved ice machine themselves, and then added various ingredients to the disposable bowls.

The whole process is indeed very simple, and the employees quickly mastered it.

The prepared shaved ice must not be wasted. It happened to be a hot day, so the employees ate all the test pieces themselves.

Wang Yang and others were responsible for making several beautifully shaped shaved ices that looked like works of art, and then the publicity department was responsible for filming and producing promotional videos.

Three days before the Shaved Ice Festival, the promotional video was played repeatedly on the official website and major platforms.

On the day of the Shaved Ice Festival.

Although there was no huge crowd as expected, there were still many people gathered at the two shaved ice festival venues.

In the venue, there were several tourists who were international students from Shendong University. They took advantage of the summer vacation to travel in China and had returned to Shendong early.

They happened to hear a classmate from Hua Guo say that there was a shaved ice festival, so under the leadership of this Hua Guo classmate, they came to Shendong Amusement Park in groups to find out.

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