"Wow, the exchange of the disc just now is so cool!"

"It's scary to watch. I wonder how those people are doing now."

"I covered my eyes just now and didn't see anything."

"This video is posted online. It's popular again."


The employees watching recovered from the shock just now and were ready to discuss it.

At this moment, they heard another "click" sound, and the suspension cockpit was replaced with the original spindle again.




The employees watching suddenly didn't want to talk anymore. They raised their heads and watched everything happening in front of them silently.

"Click", "click".

Two more sounds came.

After a total of four exchanges, one of the spindles without a cockpit slowly stopped.

And the other one was still swinging, and the amplitude was getting bigger and bigger.

"Is this swing a little too large? Could it be?"

The employee on the pendulum felt a little uneasy.

As expected, the pendulum finally changed from a simple pendulum motion to a circular motion.

"I don't want to play anymore!"

"I want to go home (゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)!"

"Put me downヽ(#`Д´)ノ!"

"I @&$!"



The screams on the pendulum came one after another, and some people's voices were hoarse.

After three rotations, everyone heard a "creak" and the cockpit was fixed at the highest point. The seats also turned 180 degrees, allowing everyone to sit in a normal position.

Some employees who had their eyes closed also slowly opened their eyes.

Accompanied by a "buzzing" sound, all the seats extended forward more than one meter.

The cockpit was still rotating slowly, and soft music was heard at the same time.

The cockpit was currently 50 meters away from the ground, but no one cared about it. Their eyes were looking into the distance, and they seemed to have forgotten the scenes just now.

The reason why everyone made such a move was because they saw a very healing view.

Shendong Amusement Park is located in the western suburbs of Shendong City, with beautiful environment and pleasant scenery. There are no high buildings around, only a few not too high mountains, and you can see far away at about 50 meters.

At this time, everyone's eyes were greeted by the beautiful sunset, and the afterglow just shone on them.

For safety, everyone's head was fixed and they could not see the expressions of the people around them. But everyone believed that the colleagues around them must be like themselves at this time, with a face full of satisfaction and happiness.

In this situation, they just wanted to recite a poem: "But the sunset is infinitely good, why should we be melancholy about the approaching dusk".

About a minute later, the seat was slowly retracted. Everyone knew that this was probably going to start swinging again.


The main axis deflected, and everyone fell quickly from the highest point.

At this moment, Yang Fan, who missed the beautiful sunset, woke up. Just after opening his eyes, he found that he was swinging down at a nearly vertical height.


Yang Fan knew that he had fainted just now. After all, his physical condition has never been very good. If it is too stimulating, it is indeed difficult to control.

As the swing amplitude of the main axis became smaller and smaller, it finally stopped at the lowest point.

This time's experience of the big pendulum also came to an end.

The employees who did not ride the big pendulum rushed over to support their colleagues.

"Let me take a break first!"

"Help me sit for a while."

"My legs are not working, come and help me."


The employees who rode the big pendulum generally felt a little weak in their legs and feet, but everyone had a smile on their faces.

Pan Lili and another employee planned to go over to support Yang Fan. But they found that Yang Fan walked down calmly, and there seemed to be nothing abnormal.

"Director, are you okay?"

The surrounding employees were a little surprised to see Yang Fan walk down by himself without anyone supporting him.

"It's okay, nothing happened."

During the time when Yang Fan fainted, the system was still connected to Yang Fan's brain.

But he really didn't know what happened in the outside world. His last impression was that the cockpit had changed the main shaft, and he fainted during the exchange process.

As for the sunset, he didn't see it at all.

Finally, with the help of the system, Yang Fan woke up before the big pendulum stopped, avoiding making a fool of himself in front of the employees.

"The director is so awesome!"

"You are worthy of being the director!"

"The director is a real man! I was scared enough watching from below."


The surrounding employees praised Yang Fan again.

Yang Fan was a little embarrassed by the praise, so he quickly changed the subject and said: "Everyone, slow down.After a while, have a meal, and then go back to the dormitory to rest. "

After saying that, he turned and left, and slid back to the director's office in two steps.

Yang Fan chose to run away, mainly because he felt that the situation just now made him feel very embarrassed. The director took the employees to sit on the pendulum, and the director fainted. This is really ridiculous.

[Task completed: Get the amusement park bathroom decoration voucher]

[Temporary task completed: Get the pendulum Mid-Autumn Festival theme appearance exchange voucher]

"Huh, I was really embarrassed just now. But these two tasks can be regarded as a little comfort to my young heart."

Yang Fan slumped in the boss chair and muttered.

"By the way, let's take a look at the group chat. "

Yang Fan saw that the group chat icon was flashing, so he clicked it and saw the chat record not long ago.

Merry-go-round: I told you to be low-key. Look how scared they are of you.

Big Pendulum: I was being low-key. Oh my god, it's over (T_T)!

Merry-go-round: What happened?

Big Pendulum: The master fainted! It's over T^T

Merry-go-round: Haha, I told you to be low-key. When the master was riding me, I didn't dare to go too far.

Big Pendulum: This is embarrassing!

Merry-go-round: Haha, I guess you're going to be scolded.

Big Pendulum: Depressed (。ŏ_ŏ)!


Yang Fan: I'm here .

Carousel: Hello, Master!

Big Pendulum: Master, I was wrong!

Yang Fan: ...

Yang Fan: Okay, stop talking, I don't mean to blame you. After opening tomorrow, be more friendly to tourists. Many tourists have limited tolerance, so don't go too far.

Big Pendulum: Well, I will try my best to correct it!

Big Pendulum: By the way, Master, I have a video of you from the first person's perspective. To be precise, it is a video shot by a camera above your head. I will send it to you right away.

Yang Fan: Oh, okay.


"Ding~" Yang Fan's phone vibrated, and he received the video sent by the system, and then forwarded it to Pan Lili.

"System, use the bathroom decoration coupon. ”

[Use successfully, time required: 8 hours]

Then, Yang Fan selected the location for building the Hell Ring near the artificial lake.

[Construction successful]

[System prompt: The facilities issued by the system are built by the system construction team and will not arouse suspicion and attention from the outside world]

[Time required to build the Hell Ring: 10 days]

"Another new facility is coming."

After a period of adjustment, Yang Fan also regained his composure.

He ate a bucket of instant noodles and looked at the time on his phone. It was almost ten o'clock.

"I'll take a rest too!"

He rubbed his eyes. The "pendulum coma incident" had too much impact on him, so he decided to rest early today.

Yang Fan, who fell asleep early, kept talking in his sleep.

The same scene was also happening in the men's dormitory not far away.

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