The five-minute experience ended quickly.

After leaving the slide, Zhao Jie and his team felt dizzy and their hair was messy.

"Zhao Jie, how do you feel?"

When Yang Fan saw Zhao Jie coming down from the carriage, he went up to him and asked.

"Director, this big loop is actually within the tolerable range. It's just that at the highest point, because the head is facing down, it hurts the shoulders a little bit."

"However, it may be because it is dark at night, so the LED screen in front of me is particularly bright, which is a little dazzling. I have a little eye pain now, but I guess it should be fine during the day."

Zhao Jie rubbed his eyes and temples, with a slight pain on his face.

"Yes, Director, I actually feel the same way."

"Me too. I feel a little headache too."

"It feels a bit like a migraine."


Other employees also talked about their current conditions.

"Well, I see. It's probably because the light is too bright, so it's shaking."

"Someone will come to fix the streetlights tomorrow, and it will probably be much brighter then. We don't have a night show now, so if it's during the day, this problem shouldn't occur."

Yang Fan said to everyone.

Zhao Jie and others walked down the platform, and Liu Yang's team of employees who were riding the Warm Ring also left the pulley.

Unlike Zhao Jie and others, Liu Yang and 19 female employees were smiling.

Yang Fan just observed the Warm Ring.

It was different from the Speed ​​Ring, which turned nearly 20 big loops.

The Warm Ring only had three big loops in total, and most of the other times it was swinging 90°~120°, with a slow speed and low acceleration.

Moreover, the content displayed on the LED screen was completely different, and the picture was very relaxed and happy.

"Liu Yang, how do you feel?"

Yang Fan wanted to listen to the tourists' thoughts on the two different rings of the Hell Ring from their perspective.

"Very good, I think it's better than the carousel and the pendulum. It's not particularly scary, nor is it particularly boring. It's stress-relieving and not too stimulating."


Next, the second, third, and fourth groups took the ride one after another.

Yang Fan took the Speed ​​Ring and the Warmth Ring once and experienced it himself.

And Pan Lili took the Warmth Ring in the fourth group at the request of netizens.

"Okay, our live broadcast ends here today, good night everyone!"

After everyone took the Hell Ring, the trial ride ended successfully, and Pan Lili also closed the live broadcast.

"Lili, please post a video after you go back. It will be the video of the opening of the Hell Ring tomorrow. Also, I would like to remind everyone that there are still three days before the school festival begins."

"Okay, okay!"

"Then everyone should go back and rest. Thank you for your hard work! Good night!"

"Okay, good night, Director!"

"Good night, Director!"

"Good night (๑´ㅂ`๑)!"


Yang Fan returned to the director's office. The system had just notified him of the completion of the task.

"System, is this street light maintenance voucher based on the existing street lights in my park?"

[No, the street light maintenance voucher is actually a reinstallation]

"How long will it take?"

[The system is calculating...]

[According to the system calculation, the current park needs 1066 street lights, which will take 10 hours]

"Is that so? It's past ten o'clock now. It can't be used today. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Yang Fan did not want tourists and employees to see the system construction personnel, especially not to let them talk to each other.

Of course, he himself had never seen the system construction staff speak. They were all working silently, and drove away after finishing the work.

Yang Fan had also secretly checked the license plate numbers of the system construction team's trucks. Surprisingly, those license plate numbers actually existed and the vehicle information could be found.

The system later explained that all data, items, and personnel related to the system were reasonable, legal, and compliant, and could be found in the relevant departments.

Yang Fan also readily accepted this explanation. After all, the system was there, and it was understandable if something else appeared.

In the next few days, due to the opening of the Ring of Hell, the amusement park once again welcomed a wave of tourists.

In addition, due to the increase in facilities, tourists had more options to choose from, and complaints and bad reviews were getting less and less.

As for individual tourists who insisted on complaining and giving bad reviews, Yang Fan chose to ignore them. After all, it is impossible to satisfy everyone by doing anything.

There are many people with dark minds. Even if they are given a dailyEven if you give him 10,000 yuan, he will still say how bad you are.

Moreover, some of these people are likely to be professional bad reviewers sent by other companies. After all, it is not just Guangtai Real Estate that is thinking about the amusement park.

Finally, it was the last night before the opening ceremony.

Yang Fan and other employees moved the souvenirs to the ticket office and took care of some detailed decorations.

In the center of the small square just after entering the park, there was originally a statue of the amusement park mascot, but later the mascot's head fell off and was removed.

Yang Fan and his team planned to set up a lottery point at this location, and the teaching materials as prizes were placed in piles behind. Mascot dolls and bouquets were also placed on the books as decorations.

The style of the amusement park is now similar to that of a university campus, with many banners on both sides of the main road with chicken soup slogans printed on them. For example:

『Those who endure the most hardships can become the best』

『Today's students will become the pillars of the country in the future』

『Use ideals as a guide, use diligence as a paddle, and move towards higher goals』

『Integrity and rigor carry forward the past, seek truth and innovation to create brilliance again』


Zhao Jie and others also hid 200 gel pens in various places in the park, and recorded the numbers and locations one by one in a notebook.

After three hours of busy work, the preparations were finally completed almost perfectly.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Yang Fan clapped his hands and said to all the employees.

"There are three consecutive days of activities next, which are probably not easy. Let's get through this period together."

"By the way, starting tomorrow at 10 o'clock for three consecutive nights, there will be a big red envelope activity in the group!"

Yang Fan used red envelopes to motivate everyone again. For many people, money is much more effective than drawing pie in the sky.

The proposal of salary increase is not suitable to be said when the work is the busiest, which will make it look too ugly and suspected of taking advantage of others' misfortune.

"Thank you, Principal!"

"Thank you, Principal!"

"I feel full of strength!"


The next day.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, many tourists with backpacks and childish faces were already at the main entrance of the amusement park.

Some of them followed their parents, and some came in groups of three or five, preparing to have their last wild time before school started.

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