Wang Hongwei and Zhang Ying called their parents and said that they met classmates in the amusement park and planned to play together.

They agreed to meet under the pendulum before leaving.

The two chose to ride the pendulum first.

During the ride, they didn't feel much at first, but when they were completely weightless, especially when the cockpit changed its axis, the feeling of fear appeared.

The thought in their minds at this moment was: What if the safety system is not done well and they are thrown out? Is it a horizontal motion? How far will they fly? Will they land head first? Will it be on the headlines the next day?

Today's pendulum performed very elegantly.

In order to give students a good experience, the pendulum deliberately extended the time it stayed at the highest point.

Let everyone have a feeling of "standing on the top of the mountain and looking down on all the mountains".

It was close to noon, and the two felt a little hungry. They decided to have lunch first, and then walked quickly to the staff cafeteria.

Today's staff cafeteria is very different from before the renovation. After the renovation, the staff canteen has improved in both area and decoration compared with the past.

Yang Fan also ordered people to temporarily decorate the staff canteen to look like a school canteen, and uniformly purchased meal bowls.

In terms of dishes, several common dishes in school canteens were also reproduced.

Even several canteen aunts from Shendong No. 1 Middle School were temporarily hired to be responsible for serving dishes, the purpose is to fully demonstrate the essence of hand shaking.

As soon as Wang Hongwei and Zhang Ying entered the canteen, they saw a group of student-like tourists holding meal bowls, queuing at the window to get food and dishes.

"My God, this is exactly the same as our school canteen! Of course, it's cleaner and more hygienic here."

Wang Hongwei couldn't help but sigh when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Yeah, I just don't know if the aunties' hands will shake in the same way, and they just happen to shake off the meat!"

"No way, no way. This is an amusement park after all, it's not going to go that far, right? That's too cruel, we don't deserve to die!"

The amusement park prepared three dishes and one soup for the students' lunch.

Wang Hongwei and Zhang Ying decided that everyone would choose three different dishes, so that they could eat each other's dishes and have more types of dishes.

"Auntie, I want pineapple sweet and sour pork, soft fried pork tenderloin and four-happiness meatballs, and rice is fine as the staple food."

Wang Hongwei handed over the bowl and pointed at the three meat dishes.

"Okay, okay."

The cafeteria aunt heard what Wang Hongwei said and took out two four-happiness meatballs, a spoonful of soft fried pork tenderloin and a spoonful of pineapple sweet and sour pork.

The four-happiness meatballs were nothing special, but when it came to the soft fried pork tenderloin and pineapple sweet and sour pork, the touching scene finally appeared.

The aunt's hands began to shake, and a residual image could be vaguely seen.

One-third of the spoonful of soft fried pork tenderloin fell back, and a few pieces of meat in the pineapple sweet and sour pork also fell out, but the pineapple pieces were still as stable as a rock, without a single piece falling out.


Wang Hongwei and Zhang Ying behind him couldn't help but feel a pang in their hearts.

When getting food, the most painful thing is that the meat in the pineapple sweet and sour pork or the meat slices and eggplant keeps falling out.

"Classmate, take the bowl, is there enough rice?"

The aunt handed the bowl back to Wang Hongwei.


Wang Hongwei and Zhang Ying were extremely familiar with this voice. In fact, at first they just felt a little like they had heard it somewhere, but this time they were completely sure.

The two looked around at the other aunts who were getting food, and then looked at each other. They saw surprise in each other's eyes.

"Isn't this the aunt from our school cafeteria? This amusement park is so cruel that they invited all the aunts from our school cafeteria?! This director is a devil!"

Wang Hongwei and Zhang Ying only had this thought in their minds.

Next, it was Zhang Ying's turn to get food. She chose three vegetarian dishes, so the aunt's hands didn't shake so much.

The two found a seat by the window and sat down, eating heartily.

"It's okay, the taste is okay. It's better than the school cafeteria. If you look closely, there's still a lot of meat."

"Yeah, but with this atmosphere now. I feel like I want to go to the study room to study after dinner."

"Haha, I have too, it's true."


After lunch, the two rested for a while and planned to take a boat ride on the artificial lake. They heard that there was a drifting bottle activity in the afternoon, so they planned to participate in it.

The drifting bottle activity is to put a gel pen or a small toy, and a card with a blessing in it into a beautiful bottle.

The bottle was thrown into the artificial lake and floated on the surface.The door uses the clamps used to clean up the garbage on the lake to collect drifting bottles.

The items in the collected drifting bottles can be taken away directly. As for the bottles, they can be kept as souvenirs because of their exquisite workmanship.

In order to avoid danger, tourists are absolutely not allowed to take off their life jackets or unfasten their seat belts. If you don’t want the bottles, you can also put them in the drifting bottle recycling box at the pier.

Wang Hongwei and Zhang Ying chose a crab cruise ship.

"This kind of crab cruise ship is the easiest to collect drifting bottles."

Wang Hongwei said to Zhang Ying while wearing a life jacket.


"Look at the style of this crab boat, it has many legs, which are intertwined with each other, making it easier to capture drifting bottles. Let’s put it this way, as long as we hit the drifting bottle with the boat, we can jam the bottle, and then simply clamp it with the clamp!"

Wang Hongwei said confidently, and did not forget to push his black-framed glasses.

"Oh, is this the strength of a top student? He used such clear logical reasoning to participate in a game activity (๑°⌓°๑)!"

After an hour of hard work, the two collected a total of one drift bottle, which can be said to be the least among all the participants.

"Alas, there are some mistakesಥ_ಥ"

Wang Hongwei said embarrassedly.


"I can only say that I am a little out of shape today."


"Of course, it may also be that the lunch was not fully digested, which affected my performance."

"Haha, man."


Wang Hongwei and Zhang Ying left the cruise ship terminal and prepared to line up for a ride on the carousel.

The two believed that only by riding the pendulum, the ring of hell, the cruise ship and the carousel once, could they continue to participate in other activities with peace of mind.

There were not many people queuing for the carousel. With the opening of the pendulum and the ring of hell, the carousel has fallen out of favor.

After riding the carousel, Wang Hongwei and Zhang Ying rode several other projects together and participated in some other small activities.

At around five o'clock, they dispersed on the spot and went home happily.

The first day of the school festival ended like this, and the tourists left the amusement park with satisfaction.

The employees of the amusement park are still busy. They have to clean up the amusement park before dark to welcome the next two days.

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