After the meeting, Wang Yue did not leave immediately, but stayed to report to Yang Fan about the work of the week.

"Director Yang, I have some information here that I need you to look at. In addition, there is a report on the work of the first week of September."

"Sister Yue, just call me Yang Fan in private."

"It's better to call me Director, it's more formal."


Yang Fan shrugged and said.

"Sister Yue, is there anything you need to report?"

"Well, there are a few things."

Wang Yue took out two printed sheets from the folder, handed one to Yang Fan, and kept one for herself.

"First of all, it's about the autumn outing for senior high school students. I went to No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School. The leaders of these two schools have verbally agreed to it for the time being. If everything goes well, it can be organized a few days before the National Day holiday. But there is a problem that is still at a stalemate."

"What's the problem?"

"The price of the tickets. The school hopes to lower the price. They plan to pay for the students to play for free. So we want to save costs as much as possible, preferably not more than 100 yuan."

"Okay, 80 yuan, let the children have fun is the most important thing. But on that day, each class needs to take a group photo in the amusement park, and each class needs to send me a group photo."

"Oh? Principal Yang, is it you?"

"Hehe, the mountain people have their own ingenious ideas."

"Well, I will meet them again tomorrow."

The reason why Yang Fan did this is to promote the amusement park through the school.

Organizing a "Most Beautiful Youth" selection event on the official website and WeChat public account is actually a comparison of likes.

Now many companies hold various likes and evaluation activities. In this process, the promotion of their own brands has an immediate effect.

"There is another thing next. Yuma Company wants to use the large LED screen in our parking lot for advertising. They promised to give us two luxury buses for free to pick up employees or tourists."

"How long do you want to advertise?"

"Tentatively one year."

"It is probably because the amusement park is in the limelight recently, and they are tempted. But they dare not guarantee what it will look like in a year, so they cautiously proposed a short period of one year."

Yang Fan analyzed carefully.

"Yeah, it should be."

Wang Yue affirmed Yang Fan's guess.

"I agree. However, I want them to give me two more small vansღ( ´・ᴗ・` )"


Wang Yue carefully wrote down the additional requirements proposed by Yang Fan.

"One last thing. There are several milk tea brands and a fast food brand who want to ask if our park's food store is available for rent. They want to move in."

"Let me think about this. You can tell them that we plan to renovate the food store in a few days to match the style of the amusement park. As for the rent, I may ask for 15% of their profit. If you can accept it, we will continue to discuss."


"Anything else?"

"No, for now. I will go to the sponsor to see if there are any other areas."



Wang Yue reported her recent work content to Yang Fan. In just seven days, she contacted the school, the car factory and several catering brands.

This work ability really surprised Yang Fan.

As Wang Yue left the meeting room, Yang Fan went upstairs to the director's office and prepared to have a good rest.

The next day, the directors and supervisors of each department conveyed the spirit of the meeting to the employees of their respective departments.

Each department also recommended one or two people to form a Mid-Autumn Festival event planning team.

In addition to some simple warm-up activities for the Mid-Autumn Festival, the most important task of the group is to consider how to make the century-old banyan tree play its due value.

Everyone agreed to let the banyan tree be a wishing tree, but the real key issue is how to decorate it so that it can become a beautiful scenery in the amusement park.

The team members expressed their opinions under the tree, and Yang Fan also came here at this time, intending to see the results of everyone's discussion.

At this moment, the banyan tree also has some shadows of the wishing tree.

I saw its green shade like a cover, and the lush tree trunks were full of red wish blessing ribbons. After these employees wrote down their wishes and made wishes to the tree, they threw them on the trunk.

The onlookers saw this scene and curiously asked the staff for a blessing ribbon. And made the best wishes to the "wishing tree", hoping that the wishes and dreams can come true and give their hearts a sustenance.

"Director Yang, you are here."

Li Ke, the temporary leader of the Mid-Autumn Festival planning team, saw Yang FanLooking at the banyan tree behind him, he hurried over to greet Yang Fan.

"Well, come and take a look, it's a bit interesting now."

Yang Fan looked up at the banyan tree.

"Thank you for your affirmation, Director."

"Tell me if you need anything."

"Well, OK. Director, there is indeed one. We want to surround the banyan tree with a low fence to prevent tourists from coming in to touch the bark of the banyan tree or causing damage to the banyan tree."

"Well, this is OK."

"There is another thing. Director Yang, we want to buy two blue peacocks and put them here. First, they can be used to take photos and check in, and second, to add some vitality to the amusement park."

"Oh? Peacocks? This is a good idea. Who came up with it?"

"Her." Li Ke pointed to a female employee who was taking photos of the banyan tree, and then shouted: "Liu Shuang, come here."

"I'm here, what's wrong?"

Liu Shuang put his mobile phone in his pocket and turned to walk towards Li Ke and Yang Fan.

"Hello, Director Yang!"

Liu Shuang greeted Yang Fan.

"Did you come up with the peacock idea?"

Yang Fan asked.

"Well, I think it would be great to put two peacock climbing frames here and two blue peacocks. Some scenic spots use this to make money by taking photos, 20 yuan per photo."

Liu Shuang likes peacocks very much, so he had this idea.

"I am also interested in your idea of ​​peacocks. It is not difficult to buy peacocks, but you need to find a professional who knows how to raise peacocks, and it will take some time to get used to it. In addition, in winter, the weather is cold and problems are likely to occur, so this matter is somewhat difficult."

"Sorry, I didn't think so much."

Liu Shuang felt a little sorry that he was too superficial. It was just that he liked peacocks, so he was a little obsessed for a while.

"I don't mean to blame you. Although it's difficult to do it in a short time, I'm very interested in your idea. If you have time, write a plan and give it to me. As long as the logic is reasonable, it is possible that your idea will become a reality in the future."

"Really? Thank you, Director. I will write it as soon as possible."

"Well. You guys continue to be busy. I'll go somewhere else."

After Yang Fan left, he prepared to go to the staff cafeteria.

With more and more employees, the cafeteria is obviously not enough to rely on Wu Xing and other three chefs. He plans to use Wu Xing's connections to see if he can recruit a few more capable chefs.

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