Yang Fan has confirmed the date of opening, so the next ten days or so will definitely be very busy.

Recruiting employees, purchasing materials, publicity, visiting the industrial and commercial taxation, fire and police departments, etc., at this stage, everything must be done personally.

"By the way, system. How long will it take to restore the facilities here to normal after using the primary maintenance voucher of the facility?"

Yang Fan plans to formulate a work plan before opening according to the length of time required.

[According to the preliminary calculation of the system, it is estimated to take 7 days]

"Well, that's still pretty fast." Yang Fan thought to himself. "Let's solve the employee problem first! In addition to the operators, there are also ticket sales, medical care, and security. These are the priority, and the others will be discussed when they are suitable."

Just as Yang Fan was writing furiously, he saw Pan Lili still fiddling with her mobile phone in his peripheral vision. Suddenly an idea flashed through his mind.

"Hey, that, Lili, I have a question for you|ω・)و ̑̑༉" Yang Fan raised his head and stared at Pan Lili and said.

"What, what happened?" Pan Lili put down her phone when she heard Yang Fan talking to her.

"Have you found a job now?"

"No, I put all my energy into live streaming when I was in school and missed a good opportunity to find a job. If it weren't for the platform's reward sharing, I would have been drilling cement pipes and rummaging through trash cans on the roadside."

Although the money earned from live streaming can solve her food and clothing, Pan Lili, as a girl, still wants to have a stable job.

"I want to reopen this amusement park on the 1st of next month. All the facilities will be repaired in a few days, and other procedures will be resolved as soon as possible."

Yang Fan stood up and stretched his body.

"Oh, then congratulations! If there is any place where I can be used, I will do my best."

The two had a good relationship during college, so they were still relatively unrestrained when talking.

"Why don't you come to work here and be the head of the publicity department. Although you are the only one now, I believe that the team will definitely grow and develop in the future." Yang Fan walked up to Pan Lili and said solemnly.

"Ah? Can I do it? Don't be ridiculous. Don't I know my own weight?" Pan Lili was a little unconfident.

The reason why Yang Fan thought of Pan Lili was indeed related to the more than 700,000 fans behind her. But Yang Fan also knew that Pan Lili must be very suitable for publicity work.

When she was just in college, short videos had just become popular. Pan Lili first introduced the university campus and local famous food, drink and entertainment. In four years, she has accumulated more than 700,000 fans, and she also earned her tuition and living expenses. Yang Fan believes that there is no one around who is more suitable than Pan Lili.

"Lili, it's like this. If you say that I have no idea about your more than 700,000 fans, then I may not believe it myself. But I really believe in your ability and you will definitely help me make the amusement park famous!"

Yang Fan stared at Pan Lili with sincerity in his eyes.

Pan Lili felt a little embarrassed by being stared at. She stood up quickly with a red face and said, "Okay, I promise you. Since you trust me, I can't let you down. Let's see how the effect is when I live broadcast the carousel this afternoon."

"Perfect!" Yang Fan was very happy. The first employee he recruited was a well-known anchor, which made him full of confidence in the smooth operation of the amusement park.

Yang Fan took Pan Lili to sign the labor contract and discussed salary and benefits. He also visited the dormitory, canteen, activity room and various amusement facilities.

When Pan Lili just signed her name on the contract, the system voice came again.

[Congratulations to the host for having the first employee, and start the achievement task]

[Achievement Task 2: A growing team]

[Task description: Keep recruiting new employees to make the amusement park team grow]

[Phase 1 completed: 1/1 recruited, get Phase 1 reward - Achievement Task Pack 1]

[Current task in progress: Phase 2: 1/5 recruited]

"Hey! There is an unexpected gain!" Yang Fan saw the system prompt and said happily: "System, open the gift pack!"

[Achievement Task Pack 1 used successfully! Get the decoration voucher for the amusement park staff dormitory! ]

"Comfortable ᕦ(ò_ó)ᕤ!" Yang Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, someone in the group @Yang Fan, and the classmates who didn't come in the morning were about to come to support him.

Yang Fan went to the subway station to greet his classmates, while Pan Lili was next to the carousel, preparing for the next live broadcast.

"Family! Good afternoon! I am your good friend Lili. The carousel in the video I posted before is behind me now, and several brave warriors will be riding it soon.,let us wait and see. "

"Finally live broadcast!"

“I’m very interested in this carousel!”

"Where is this? Shen Dong?"

“My wife is beautiful again •͈ᴗ•͈ ♡!”

"That's my wife."

Pan Lili started the live broadcast, waiting for Yang Fan to come back and for netizens to enter the live broadcast room.

More than ten minutes later, Yang Fan came back with 12 people. Eight of these people were college classmates, and four of them came with their boyfriends and girlfriends.

Several students saw that Pan Lili was there, and after a brief greeting, they walked towards the carousel.

Since the group had repeatedly emphasized that this carousel was unusual, everyone was prepared and fastened their seat belts obediently. Except for the boyfriend of a female classmate.

Perhaps this boyfriend wanted to show off his boyfriend power and insisted on riding on a wooden horse with his girlfriend without wearing a seat belt.

Tens of thousands of viewers had already poured into the live broadcast room. They were disgusted by the unexpected dog food and began to curse mentally.

"Okay, everyone, sit tight, we are about to start." After Yang Fan finished speaking, he walked towards the control room, and finally looked at the "brave" boyfriend sympathetically.

"Boom~" The carousel started. Just like before, there were no abnormalities in the first two laps.

"That's it?" the boyfriend said disdainfully: "Baby, are all your classmates a bunch of idiots? Are you scared to death? It's like an old lady getting into bed - making me laugh."

The female classmate sitting in front of him didn't reply. She hugged Trojan's neck tightly and clamped her legs tightly.

Suddenly the wooden horse they were riding on began to swing. Although other Trojans also have their own methods of movement, it is obvious that these two people have received key "care".

"Creak~" When the pendulum movement reached its highest point, the wooden horse suddenly stopped. It suddenly stopped, and then the boyfriend's nose hit the female classmate hard on the back of the head.

"Ah! I@$&#" the female classmate and her boyfriend yelled together.

Next, rotation, circular motion, piston motion, S-shaped motion, acceleration motion, etc. were all experienced by the young man who wanted to show off his boyfriend power.

These three minutes were so long to him.

These "three black minutes" brought a shock to his soul. Either he would never ride the merry-go-round again, or he would awaken some new attributes.

As the carousel gradually came to a stop, this round of the game came to an end.

The boyfriend quickly dismounted, left his girlfriend behind, and fled the amusement park without looking back.

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