After the circus came to an end, Yang Fan looked at the work plans for October sent by the heads and supervisors of various departments in the director's office.

There are three main focuses for October's work: the first is the operation during the National Day; the second is the autumn outing for students in mid-October; and the third is Halloween on October 31.

The seven days of National Day are the most critical, and the top priority for whether October's performance can be improved.

Looking at October 1 alone, the number of tourists has reached nearly 10,000.

This is a significant improvement compared to the dismal data in September.

Just when Yang Fan was about to add some new activities to the work plan for October, the system's voice suddenly sounded.

[The system detected that the amusement park had stopped selling tickets to the public on that day]

[Get National Day Reward: National Day Seven Days Gift Pack]

[Description: During the National Day, after the ticket sales stop every day, the gift pack can be opened once. After opening, the host will receive a random reward, which can only be opened once a day. Rewards include but are not limited to amusement facilities, holiday skins, amusement park items, etc.]

[Tip: On the first and seventh days, there is a high probability of obtaining new amusement facilities]


"This is great!"

"Then I will open today's gift package."

[Open successfully]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a food store construction voucher]


"Didn't it say that there is a high probability of amusement facilities on the first day?"

[Yes, the host also said that. A high probability does not necessarily mean that you will get amusement facilities]

[It's just that the host is unlucky]



The amusement park welcomed nearly 10,000 tourists on the first day of the National Day, which was a good start for the entire October.

In the next few days, except for the last day with only more than 6,000 tourists, the number of tourists on the other days was basically stable at more than 7,000 per day.

During this period, Yang Fan opened the National Day Seven Days Gift Package five times and received some small and medium rewards. These include:

100 amusement park theme trash cans.

5 ray boats.

500 packs of amusement park theme tissues.

5,000 festive fireworks.

Halloween theme skin for carousel.

Yang Fan was slightly excited when he got the Halloween theme skin for carousel, but he was always bitter at other times.

It was the last day of the National Day holiday.

"System, I want to prepare for today's gift package and open it later, okay?"

Yang Fan suddenly thought of something, so he asked the system.

[Yes, you can open it anytime before midnight]

"Well, okay."

He changed into his new work clothes that he had never worn before.

"Red and yellow are festive colors, and they are consistent with the colors of the Chinese flag. I believe there will definitely be a bonus of mysterious power from the East." Yang Fan tidied his clothes and said to himself.

Then, he calmly took out another mobile phone.

One of the two mobile phones was playing "Good Days" and the other was playing "Good Luck Comes". The volume was turned up to the maximum.

Two very nice songs intertwined together, without any aesthetic feeling, but more like some kind of spell.

"One, please the heaven and earth to move, two, please the ghosts and gods to be shocked. Three, please Mao Laodao, four, please Sun Boling..."

"Gift package! Open!"

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the amusement facility - Ferris wheel (primary)]


Yang Fan stood with his hands behind his back, smiling, and nodded with satisfaction.

"I want to build a Ferris wheel!"

He selected the location he had long admired on the system map.

[Construction failed]

[The system detected that there are still amusement facilities under construction]


Yang Fan felt that he might have been a little too excited just now, and forgot about the bumper car he was building.

As the tourists left the amusement park, the seven days of National Day were completely over.

Yang Fan felt that the harvest of these seven days was still quite fruitful. In the past seven days, the number of tourists is estimated to have reached more than 60,000, which is almost catching up with the entire month of September.

There were not many disputes during the entire National Day, and the number of tourists causing trouble did not exceed 10 per day.

Most of them were properly resolved on the spot. A few tourists with strong hostility immediately changed their tone after sitting on the apology chair in the police station.

In addition, according to Wang Yue, the circus has basically made arrangements. If everything goes well, it can officially move into the amusement park on October 10.

They have some preparations to do in the next few days, including the transportation of props and animals, etc., which need to be handled a few days in advance.

The employment contract has been signed with the Human Resources DepartmentThe signing was completed, so in theory, Su He and his circus members are now employees of the amusement park.

The only fly in the ointment is that the joint ticket sales with Shendong Zoo are dismal. People are not very interested in Shendong Zoo and have no desire to go there.

Yang Fan turned on his phone and sent a message to the amusement park executive group.

Yang Fan - Director: Starting tomorrow, we will arrange for employees in our departments to take the National Day holiday together. Each department must leave some people on duty, and we cannot all take the holidays together. Each department decides who is on duty and who has rest.@Everyone

Minister of External Relations Department-Wang Yue: Got it!

Director of the Propaganda Department-Pan Lili: Got it!

Yang Fan looked at his phone and saw that it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, so he lay down and got ready to sleep.

Although he was usually used to sleeping in the middle of the night, he felt that it was not bad to go to bed early every once in a while.

In a residence in the city center, Uncle Wang was drinking tea and reading a book in the living room with a kind face. He looked completely different from when he was watching house dance videos in the mailroom of the amusement park.

"Dad, if you ask me, you should stop working as a guard at Yang Fan's house! Why are you so restless? Or am I mistreating you?"

It was Mayor Wang Zheng who spoke. He took two freshly washed apples and came from the kitchen to the living room.

"You and Xiaozhi grew up wearing the same pants. It's a pity that he left early. It's not easy for his son to run an amusement park now. I have to watch it carefully and don't get bullied."

Uncle Wang put down his book, took off his reading glasses, and looked up at Wang Zheng.

"Oh, no one can bully him, and I've been paying attention to him, so don't go."

"I haven't seen this kid for twenty years, and now he's really promising. By the way, I won't eat apples because my teeth are weak and I can't bite them anymore."

"I washed both of them myself."


Uncle Wang glared at Wang Zheng.

"Anyway, don't worry about my affairs. Just help him when you have time. Aren't you the mayor? You don't have any rights at all?"

"Okay, I understand. Anyway, come back as soon as you've had enough. Why are you pretending to be visiting privately?"

"Get lost."

Uncle Wang took a sip of tea, put on his reading glasses, and started reading again. Wang Zhengze was sitting aside, eating an apple and playing with his mobile phone.

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