November was obviously a great challenge for Yang Fan and his amusement park.

With the closure of the amusement park, there was no income, and the construction of the ski resort required a lot of capital investment.

Every day, Yang Fan felt his heart bleeding as he watched the money in his hand decrease little by little.

Fortunately, this month, the circus was approved by the superiors and was allowed to open to the public every night at 7 o'clock in the small square at the main entrance of the amusement park.

The ticket price is 30 yuan per adult ticket and 15 yuan per child ticket.

Almost more than a hundred people come to patronize every day, which makes Yang Fan feel a little more comfortable. After all, it gives him a negligible amount of money back.

The construction of the ski resort went very smoothly, and the engineering team worked very efficiently. Except for the lack of snow, other aspects have taken shape.

The roaring sound in the park day and night, and the lights in the cold wind at night, fully demonstrated the determination and firm belief of this engineering team to challenge their own limits.

During the closure, An Dongni and several other colleagues from the Human Resources Department focused their work on finding coaches for skiing, skating and other projects.

One day in late November, the air was humid, the clouds were thick and low, and the sun was not visible. A gloomy air made people feel suffocated.

Yang Fan was checking the snow and ice sculptures submitted by several design companies in the director's office.

These companies were selected by Wang Yue through layers of selection, and they are also design companies with good reputations in the circle.

Now it's the last step, and Yang Fan needs to make the final decision.

After all, whether the snow sculptures built are loved by tourists can affect the atmosphere of the entire ice and snow festival, and it can't be sloppy.

"Oh my! It's snowingΣ(゚∀゚ノ)ノ!!"

"The first snow٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و!"

The voices of employees came faintly from outside the window.


Yang Fan heard the sound and opened the window. Since the indoor heating is quite good, mist can be seen near the window.

Sure enough, snowflakes slowly floated in, fell on the ground, and melted into water.

"According to the weather forecast, this snow will last all day, and it seems to be quite heavy. There will be a cold wave called something after that. It seems that skiing, skating, snow sculptures and the like can be implemented as soon as possible." Yang Fan said to himself.


Shendong Amusement Park originally had two snowmaking machines. Although they can still be used for the time being, the quality and efficiency are not very high.

"System, I want to buy a snowmaking machine in the system mall."

[Not recommended]

[The host does not have many tourist points now. It is recommended to use the tourist points to exchange for winter amusement facilities or wake-up coupons]

[Winter amusement facilities are all ordinary amusement facilities, without dormant state. Although they can only be exchanged for four months of use, the price is not high]



Yang Fan looked at his pitiful tourist points and silently exited the system mall.

This first snowfall after the beginning of winter lasted for nearly a day before it stopped, and a thick layer of snow had accumulated on the ground.

The employees who were still in the amusement park used brooms and snow shovels to clear the main road. The snow was piled on both sides of the road to make snowmen.

Some employees who were good at hands-on work and quite artistic also made snow houses and so on with snow.

Afterwards, everyone agreed to have a snowball fight together, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Having a snowball fight here is not just about dividing into two groups and attacking each other with fist-sized snowballs prepared in advance.

The key to "playing snowballs" is the first word "fight" and the third word "fight". When the distance is far, both sides will occasionally use snowballs and wait for an opportunity to get closer.

When they get close, they will fight directly with fists and feet. If you accidentally fall to the ground, you will most likely be buried in the snow and beaten on the ground.

For a while, no one cares whether you are a man or a woman, an enemy or a friend, just beat them.

While the employees were having fun, the park's top executives were working.

Snow was a signal, and coupled with the continued low temperatures as predicted by the weather forecast, the second phase of the work plan was officially launched.

Fan Yi led the purchasing department to start renting snow machines and purchasing skiing equipment.

Pan Lili led the publicity department to make the video and posters, and the advertisements on the bus bodies were also in the final stage and would soon appear on the bus shells.

An Dongni led the human resources department to recruit ski coaches.

Yang Fan was in the director's office, commanding the overall situation.


As the weather forecast said, the low temperatures continued for more than ten days, and the artificial lake finallyIt's frozen.

Although the thickness is not yet sufficient for a large number of rides to be run on the ice. But in another week at most, there will be no problem at all.

The construction of the ski resort has also entered the second half of the process, with ropeways, lighting and sound, slides, safety areas, novice trails, rest areas, etc. all nearing completion.

Large trucks also came in and out of the amusement park one after another.

After being trained, coaches and new employees started their work one after another.

According to Wang Yue's investigation, if some parks in the city are not taken into account and only the larger public ski resorts are considered, there are four Shendong amusement parks in total.

One is the Shendong Ski Resort, a long-established ski resort also located in the western suburbs but not close to the amusement park.

Although this ski resort is large, it has always been barely surviving. .

The other one is located in the eastern suburbs and is a ski resort that was just built a few years ago.

Although the scale is not large, there is a nearly 300-meter-long slide and ice track, and many people come here to see it.

Next is Gentai Ski Resort.

Gentai Ski Resort is located in the upcoming Gentai Hot Spring Resort and is the second largest among the four ski resorts.

Zheng Jiahao's move is to include catering, entertainment, hot springs, skiing, etc., and completely dominate the winter projects in Shendong City.

Finally, there is the Shendong Amusement Park Ski Resort, which started the latest. In terms of scale, it ranks almost third.

The shortcomings are very obvious. In addition to ski resorts and ice activities, there are no hot springs, hotels, etc., which means that tourists can only come and leave on the same day.

But it also has its own advantages. First, in the past few months, Shendong Amusement Park has gained a strong presence in the province. This is a natural advertisement.

Secondly, Yang Fan discovered that winter amusement facilities can be redeemed in the system mall. Although there is a time limit, as long as they are used, they will definitely come out on top in this ice and snow competition.

However, judging from the tourist points currently in Yang Fan's hands, they are only enough to exchange for one "Ice Carousel" winter amusement facility.

As for the three dormant awakening coupons, he planned to use them all on important days after the Ice and Snow Festival opened.

After all, the Ferris wheel is the ultimate amusement park and is perfect for riding in any season.

In this way, November passed in a busy way.

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