Following the signs, Chen Yue'e and cameraman Wang came to the entrance of the ski resort.

At the entrance, there is a giant snow sculpture of a man who looks like an athlete.

You can buy ski tickets and rent ski equipment here, as well as hire a private ski coach.

There was a long queue at the ticket office, which shows that skiing is still very popular. Skiing is also one of the important projects launched at this ice and snow festival.

"Sister Chen, you go skiing, and I'll be responsible for filming."

"Well, that's troublesome for you. When I'm done, you can go skiing for a while."

"Well, I don't need to. I have a bad sense of balance and I'm famous for "falling flat on the ground". Skiing is too difficult for me. T^T"


Chen Yue'e contacted the staff and explained her purpose.

Since Yang Fan had informed all employees in advance about the TV station's visit, the two did not queue up and went directly into the ski resort under the guidance of the staff.

Chen Yue'e stood at the starting point of the ski slope and looked down. The view was very good, the ski slope was very flat, and the length of the ski slope was very long. The end of the slope could not be seen at a glance.

There were tourists skiing on the ski slope. Some people had good skills and were doing complex movements; some people seemed to be learning and looked very cautious; some people fell to the ground and did not get up; some people sat directly on the skis and did not dare to stand up.

"Reporter Chen, Cameraman Wang, please follow me."

An amusement park staff said to Chen Yue'e.

"Yes, yes, thank you."

Chen Yue'e and Cameraman Wang followed the staff to rent ski equipment.

"By the way, reporter Chen, can you ski?"

The staff suddenly asked.

"Yes, I can ski a little. Although my skills are average, I can definitely ski."


After renting and wearing skis, canes, boots, various bindings, tinted glasses, goggles, etc., Chen Yue'e came to the ski resort. Prepare to experience this new ski resort.

She chose the beginner ski slope for novices. After all, she knew her own level.

Skiing is a very dynamic and stimulating sport.

Pure competitive skiing is extremely competitive and specialized, and the relevant conditions are very strict. It is not something that ordinary people can have and adapt to.

For ordinary people, tourist skiing is a good choice.

Tourist skiing is for entertainment and fitness purposes, and is not restricted by human factors. Men, women, old and young can ski easily and happily on the ski resort and enjoy the endless fun of skiing.

As for people like Chen Yue'e whose skiing skills are basically equivalent to those of beginners, when choosing a ski resort, the slope must not be too steep.

About six degrees is best, and the ski slope must be wide, about 50 meters, and there must be a cableway to transport skiers. Otherwise, hehe.

Chen Yue'e turned sideways and waved to cameraman Wang, indicating that she was about to start skiing.

Cameraman Wang also raised his camera and filmed the scene at the ski resort.

"Huh, I haven't skied for two years. I'm a little nervous." Chen Yue'e was a little nervous.

Then, she put the skis on her feet parallel, leaned forward slightly, and pressed her center of gravity down.

As she gently pushed the ground with her cane, she began to slide down faster and faster.

Straight descent is fun and is the favorite mode of all beginners.

But straight descent is not helpful for skiing skills. Even if you play for a long time, your skiing level will not improve much.

Chen Yue'e quickly slid to the end of the ski slope. During this period, she fell several times, but fortunately, cameraman Wang was not around, so she didn't embarrass herself in front of her colleagues.

After arriving at the end of the ski slope, she took the cable car back to the starting point, ready to play a few more times, showing her "new but fun" to the fullest.

More than an hour passed before Chen Yue'e reluctantly took off her equipment and began to interview tourists and staff with cameraman Wang.

During the time Chen Yue'e was skiing, cameraman Wang did not do nothing.

Although he did not know how to ski, he sat on a snow ring and slid on the snow ring track several times, which was worth the trip.

After the interview, the two left the ski resort.

"This ski resort is very good."

Chen Yue'e gave her own evaluation.

"Yes. I didn't expect so many high-quality ski resorts to emerge all of a sudden this year. It's really surprising. It seems that Shendong people and even Ninghai people can have an unforgettable winter this year."

"Well, but let's report it truthfully.Just be honest, no matter which ski resort you choose, you must seek truth from facts. "

After chatting for a while, the two decided to take a look at Shen Dong's Eye.

From their current location, the shortest way to Shendong Eye is directly across the artificial lake.

Along the way, the two saw many recreational facilities, such as snowmobiles, ice bumper cars, ice bicycles, ice slides, etc.

The tourists rode the rides with genuine smiles on their faces.

After walking for about a thousand meters, the two finally arrived at the bottom of Shen Dong's Eye.

After the Shendong Eye was just built at the end of October, it has made a strong presence on the Internet. It was once called a must-ride attraction in Shendong Amusement Park.

Chen Yue'e and cameraman Wang entered the cockpit of Shen Dong Eye. As the cockpit slowly rose, the scenery in front of them became whiter and whiter.

Looking through the glass at the entire amusement park, everything is covered in snow.

Snow fell on the closed amusement facilities and trees in the distance, and tourists could be seen moving on the snow on the ground.

"This is my first time riding a Ferris wheel in winter, and it feels really different."

Chen Yue'e stared blankly outside the cockpit and said something. I don’t know if I’m talking to myself or to Cameraman Wang.

The fourteen minutes ended quickly, and it was already afternoon.

"Xiao Wang, let's go find Director Yang. We need to interview him, and then there will be a fireworks show when it gets dark."


After Chen Yue'e said that, she called Yang Fan. After getting Yang Fan's consent, he and Cameraman Wang walked towards the office building.

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