Just when Yang Fan was chatting with the amusement facilities that had just woken up.

[The construction of the snow maze is completed]

[Tip: The snow maze is a relatively complex amusement facility in winter. Please go to the control room and enter the novice teaching mode (can be entered at any time)]

[Temporary task issued: Within five days, the number of tourists who successfully pass the level every day exceeds three. You can get a reward package for the day. If it is not completed on the same day, there will be no reward for the day]

"Well, for the novice teaching, let's wait until dawn."

Yang Fan looked at the clock hanging on the wall and the darkness outside the window. He decided to wait until dawn to learn how to operate the snow maze.

After chatting for about another hour, the amusement facilities collectively asked Yang Fan to go to bed, and he was indeed a little sleepy, so he said good night to the amusement facilities and fell asleep.


A few hours later.

The first ray of sunshine of the New Year fell on Yang Fan's bedroom.

"So sleepy =_=!"

He yawned, rubbed his eyes and got up from the bed (っ﹏-).

After a simple wash and a hasty breakfast, Yang Fan took the subway to the amusement park.

『This train's final stop, "Amusement Park", has arrived. Passengers who are getting off, please...』

As the subway broadcast sounded, the subway door opened, and the passengers left the car and walked towards the exit.

Yang Fan hasn't taken the subway for a long time.

He doesn't like crowds, so it's painful every time he squeezes into the subway.

But today he didn't feel that way at all, because he knew that most of the passengers who got off at this station were tourists going to the amusement park.

Following the direction of the flow of people, Yang Fan also came to the amusement park.

He first went back to the director's office to make simple adjustments, and then took Zhao Jie and two other employees to the snow maze.

These two employees were here to learn the control method of the snow maze with Yang Fan. In the future, the two of them will be responsible for the snow maze.

Zhao Jie pretended to be a tourist and entered the maze as a guinea pig to test the difficulty of the maze.

As the name suggests, the snow maze is a maze made of snow. At least from the outside, it looks like this.

Tourists enter from the entrance of the maze and find ways to reach the end point in the center of the maze to pass the level successfully.

However, according to the introduction of the system, this snow maze is different from ordinary mazes.

The internal structure of the snow maze is composed of metal frames, axles, blowers, shafts and other parts, and the parts are connected in a relatively complex way to form a mechanical skeleton.

Then the surface of the mechanical skeleton is covered with hard organic glass, and then wrapped with ice and snow and frozen outside.

There are many triggerable mechanisms or traps in the maze, and through external control, the mechanisms or traps can also be triggered separately.

Along the way, Yang Fan briefly made the next arrangements with several people.

Two employees followed Yang Fan to the control room.

Zhao Jie waited for Yang Fan's order at the entrance of the maze. He brought live broadcast equipment and prepared to broadcast his first-person perspective of exploring the maze.

This not only promotes the snow maze, but also allows netizens to participate.

Because his walking route is determined according to the suggestions of netizens.

Most netizens told him to go in which direction, and he went there.

Zhao Jie opened the live broadcast room and described the snow maze and the content of this live broadcast to netizens.

He said: "As long as you pass the level, 50 half-price tickets for January 2 will be sold."

Netizens left messages one after another: "Don't worry, you will definitely be played to death!"

According to the system prompts, Yang Fan told the two employees around him some simple operations.

"The next step is a function demonstration session. After I press the 'test' button, all the mechanisms and traps in the maze will be triggered as Zhao Jie enters the maze."

"After you have read it once, you must remember what mechanism is in each position, so that you can operate it manually in the future."

"It is best to take a mobile phone or notebook to record it, and it will be fine when you are proficient in it in the future."

Yang Fan said to the two people around him.

"Understood, Director Yang!"

The two said in unison, and at the same time, they were a little worried about their brother Jie.

They had a hunch that Zhao Jie would not be able to pass the level very smoothly.

After instructing the two, Yang Fan also told Zhao Jie through the intercom that he could enter the maze. Then he sat aside and observed Zhao Jie's performance through the big screen.

The two employees also took out their mobile phones and began to record what kind of mechanism would appear in what position.

After receiving Yang Fan's order, Zhao Jie took firm and powerful steps and strode in.After entering the entrance of the maze, the screens on both sides of the Shen Dong Eye axis also started live broadcast simultaneously.

After entering the maze, after walking a few steps, the first thing you see is a three-way intersection.

In the Douyin live broadcast room, the chat box has been occupied by "left", "front" and "right".

Zhao Jie looked at it for a while and found that the most messages asking him to move forward were the most. So he walked towards the road in front of him.

After walking for more than five meters, the road turned to the right. He followed the road to the right and walked for less than ten meters? Suddenly, the wall around the corner moved.

A wall at the corner is actually a revolving door that seals the place after changing the direction.

In other words, it is impossible for Zhao Jie to go back and find a new path now.

Although there was some noise around the maze, he also heard voices coming from behind him. When I turned back, I found that the road was gone.

At this time, the Douyin live broadcast room became lively again.

"I'm going, but there's no way out? This place was clearly a road just now."

"I'm just saying this maze is definitely not normal."

"I've told you a long time ago that you can't be in the middle. I just don't listen."

"You're just an afterthought!"


Zhao Jie ignored the complaints and abuse among netizens and could only bite the bullet and continue to move forward.

"It's very interesting. This place is a movable door. Its function should be to block a certain road to confuse tourists." Yang Fan said to himself, and two employees also hurriedly recorded it.

[Click the "01" button in the manual control area on the console to adjust the status of this door]


Yang Fan stood up and pressed the "01" button. Sure enough, the door opened again and the road appeared again. Another press, the door closed again, and the road disappeared again.

"I see, do you two understand?"

"Yeah, I understand."

"Okay, there are five buttons here. It seems that this maze should have five mechanisms." Yang Fan touched the console, looked at the image on the screen, and thought to himself.

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