Hearing what Shen Kang said, Lu Yu was a little troubled.

The speed of Koenigsegg Jeskko is indeed very powerful, and the maximum speed can reach over 500km/h.

Theoretically, it should be no problem to defeat Hennessey Venom F5 in seconds.

But this also requires the driver's superb operating skills and a responsive brain.

Lu Yu's brain reaction is indeed fast enough.

After all, he has taken the primary gene modification liquid, and combined with the master-level Bajiquan.

His reaction speed can be said to be no less than that of the King of Soldiers.

But when it comes to driving skills, he is really useless.

On the track day, he will not help Shen Kang win the game.

But he will make a fool of himself. But at least Shen Kang has helped him a lot.

If it weren't for him, how could he complete his confession to Chen Xueying?

There is no greater event in life than this.

So, Lu Yu had to agree.

Then he hung up the phone amid Shen Kang's cheers.

"Now I just hope the system can be more powerful and refresh the daily check-in task related to driving skills."

Otherwise,���It would be really embarrassing later.

Lu Yu sighed, then walked out of the house. He found Chen Xueying and her parents who were taking a walk on the embankment of Yongcheng, and followed them.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, after everyone returned home, Lu Yu told Chen Xueying about this matter.

After listening, Chen Xueying smiled and said,"It's okay, you can just compare casually when the time comes, do you have to fight to the death?"

After hearing this, Lu Yu changed his mind and it seemed so.

After all, everyone is a flower grower, and they will meet each other sooner or later.

If they really fight to the death, it will not be good for everyone.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu thought it through.

At worst, don't I still have the system?

As long as I can refresh a task reward with master-level driving skills, everything can be handled.

""Go wash up!" Lu Yu laughed, hugged Chen Xueying's slender waist and went up to the fourth floor.

After the two took a shower, they saw Lu Yu's parents carrying a mattress and a quilt downstairs to help them make the bed on the second floor.

After all, there was only one bed on the fourth floor, and Lu Yu's parents usually slept together.

You can't let Chen Xueying and Lu Yu sleep on the sofa together, right?

Besides, the sofa can't fit two people.

Seeing this, Lu Yu also helped his parents tidy up on the second floor, and finally put together a bed.

At this time, Chen Xueying came down from the fourth floor wearing a cotton pajamas after washing up.

Because Yongcheng has been a bit cold at night recently, the temperature difference between day and night is really too large.

Sometimes it can reach 28 degrees during the day, but only about 18 degrees at night.

In addition, it is close to the Yonghe River, and the river breeze blows over. It is easy to catch a cold if you don't wear thicker clothes or cover yourself with a quilt.

After she walked into the room, she saw the double bed that had been made, and asked,"Am I going to sleep here tonight?"

"Not just you, I want to sleep here too." Lu Yu said with a smile

"You sleep here too?"

Chen Xueying's pretty face suddenly flushed.

Lu Yu spread his hands helplessly and said,"What else? I sleep on the floor? Or sleep on the sofa upstairs?"


Chen Xueying's face was as red as a cooked crab, and it looked like it was about to bleed.

She bit her teeth lightly and said shyly,"Then you are not allowed to bully me!"

She looked at the environment of the room. The sound insulation effect was so poor.

If you whisper here at night, it is estimated that people upstairs can hear it.

Lu Yu laughed.

That's not necessarily true.

The prey is in hand.

How can you let it go?

Hunting time!



The next morning.

At about nine o'clock, Lu Yu slowly opened his eyes in bed.

He turned his head and saw Chen Xueying sleeping beside him. He showed an indulgent smile on his face, kissed her on the forehead, and then tiptoed down from the bed. After putting on his clothes, he opened the door and went upstairs to brush his teeth and rinse his mouth.

When he arrived on the fourth floor, he saw his parents sitting around the dining table with a few fried dough sticks and two cups of homemade soy milk in front of them.

When he saw Lu Yu coming, his parents showed a half-smile.

"Lu Yu, why are you so noisy?" Lu's mother asked with a smile.

Lu Yu laughed and said,"You used to urge me to find a girlfriend and get married so that you can take care of the grandson."

Lu's mother laughed angrily and said,"You little bastard only knows how to say nice things. Go brush your teeth and rinse your mouth, and then go see if Xiaoying has woken up."

Lu Yu nodded and walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth and rinse his mouth.

Then he followed his parents' instructions and took a few fried dough sticks and two cups of soy milk to the second floor.

After returning to the second floor, Lu Yu saw that Chen Xueying had woken up and was sitting on the bed stretching.

"Wake up?"

Lu Yu put breakfast on his computer desk first, then sat on the bed and hugged her.

Chen Xueying nodded and murmured"hmm", and said:"But I'm still a little sleepy, it's all your fault! You bastard!"

Lu Yu laughed and asked:"Why do you blame me?"

Chen Xueying gradually woke up, raised her fist in shame and anger and was about to hit him.

"How dare you say that! If I disturb my uncle and aunt, how can I face people in the future?"

After she finished speaking, she angrily hit Lu Yu twice to vent her anger.

Then, she continued:"Besides, I don't seem to be in...that...safe period these days."

Lu Yu was stunned when he heard it.

"No way? Does that mean I will have a baby in the future?" Lu Yu showed a surprised expression on his face.

He was just joking with his mother on the fourth floor about future children.

Now, Chen Xueying told him that it is not in the safe period? Chen Xueying pouted and said aggrievedly:"It is also possible that I calculated it wrong.

" After hearing this, Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said,"That's a close call.

" When Chen Xueying heard this, she immediately raised her eyebrows and asked,"Why, don't you like babies?" Lu Yu looked closely and saw that Chen Xueying seemed a little angry.

He smiled and explained:"Of course not, I just don't want it so soon for now.

When I'm in my thirties, you can have as many children as you want.


""Go to hell! Do you think I'm a sow?" Chen Xueying raised her fist in shame and hit him again.

Lu Yu laughed and picked up Chen Xueying from the bed, telling her to rinse her mouth and brush her teeth, and then have breakfast first.

Chen Xueying hummed, and when she turned to leave, she suddenly turned around and asked:"Hey Lu Yu, I suddenly have a question, do you like boys or girls?"


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