City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 132: Carol's Confession

Chapter 132: Carol's Confession

When President Mi Fang heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he quickly smoothed things over and said, "I said, Principal Chen, some jokes can't be played. We will contact the military academy. Every time we have to get your consent, Otherwise, there is no contact at all, this is a fact. It's not like you don't know."

Chen Feng sneered on the other end of the phone, thinking that the United States never gave up on seeing the Yellow River. But when people said this, he didn't want to expose it: "Okay, Mr. President, let's take it one step at a time. I have something to do here so I won't tell you first."

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng hung up the phone, and your president was momentarily stunned by the busy tone. When he reacted again, a kind of anger rushed into his heart.

He, President Tang Tang Mifang, was hung up on the phone many times in just a few days, which is really infuriating. But because of the opponent's strength "Nine Twenty", he should shut up obediently and dare not speak out in anger.

Your president is sitting on you doing work. Close your eyes slightly and press your temples with your hands. Thinking about what Chen Feng said on the phone.

On the one hand, he was thinking about this transaction. It is impossible for this transaction to require money. He can only find a way to fill in the money. After all, the company behind it is Mi Fang and his powerful family. He needs The opponent's vote cannot be offended yet.

On the other hand, he was thinking about Chen Feng's last sentence, "Put eyeliner." He didn't know whether the ingredients intentionally bombed him or Carol betrayed himself. To be honest, he didn't quite believe that Carroll would betray him. is true.

This thing started two days ago. Carol had mixed feelings when she was assigned a spot at the military academy.

On the one hand, it felt lucky to have this precious opportunity, on the other hand, it guessed that Mi Fang could not just send himself in to study.

When he discovered that the location of the military academy was extremely hidden and external communication was very difficult, the big rock hanging in his heart finally fell.

But just a few days ago, when he received a call from Mi Fang, he was extremely surprised, and he didn't think of a way for Mi Fang to contact him.

When I helped him leak the information to Mi Fang, I felt extremely guilty. He thought about it. Everyone thinks that it is impossible for the Mi Fang to work out a way to contact the military academy, so there is only one possibility, someone is helping them behind the scenes.

After much deliberation, this "person" is probably an alien. When he came to this conclusion, he was terrified. After all, Mi Fang's move is a betrayal of all mankind.

Although he is an American, since he came to this military academy, he has a deep understanding that people should have fraternity. Especially in the face of the enemy, people should unite.

He knew very well who the target of this fraternity was, and it was exactly what President Chen he admired talked about - a community with a shared future for mankind.

He cherishes this hard-won opportunity to learn, but at the same time, he is also very worried about what will happen to Mi Fang, and he is even more afraid of the school's punishment. Coupled with the precedent of the Neon Kingdom before, he was even more frightened. For several days, he was absent-minded in class, and he tossed and turned in sleep with difficulty falling asleep. .

After Carroll finally weighed the pros and cons, he decided to tell Chen Feng these things. No matter how Chen Feng punished himself, he would admit it, because of this, he would at least be worthy of his own conscience!

So for a few days, Carroll stayed at the place where he thought he might meet Chen Feng, and finally one afternoon, he met Chen Feng while eating in the cafeteria.

Then he plucked up the courage to go to Chen Feng, and said to Chen Feng with a heavy and serious face: Principal Chen, can I borrow a few minutes from you? I have something very important to talk to you about!

When Chen Feng saw the information on the student's badge on his clothes, he guessed something in his heart.

I saw him smiling at the student with great affinity: Have you eaten yet?

This reaction made Carol somewhat unexpected, and at the same time made him less nervous. He replied to report to the headmaster yet, no.

Chen Feng pointed to the bowl and suggested: "Come on, sit down and have a meal together, and then go to my office to chat.

Carol was taken aback for a moment, then stood at attention [with a military salute: "Yes, sir."

After dinner, Carol rides the wind into the office. Chen Feng walked to the water dispenser and poured a glass of water for him, pointing to the sofa in the office: "Student, please sit down and speak slowly.

Such a move made Carol's heart warm, and at the same time, he felt more ashamed and guilty.

"Principal Chen, I'm sorry for you and the military academy. Carroll lowered his head and said angrily.

Chen Feng didn't speak, waiting for its next words.

Kanol took a sip of the water in his hand, and continued: "I'm a rice soldier... I almost jumped up when I learned that I was sent to the military academy. But, it's also very good. heart. Because I know my country is a power-seeking country."

"They can't. Pass up an opportunity to have high technology easily. I really don't know how they found a way to contact me. I got a call from them the other day. Asking me to keep reporting on the situation in the military academy. You know as An American, especially as a soldier. I had to obey their orders unconditionally."

"I'm deeply sorry about this matter, and you can punish me as much as you want." Carol was relieved after saying so much in one breath. But at the same time, he didn't dare to look at Chen Feng's expression at the moment.

This military academy was established by Chen Feng, and every move of the military academy students and teachers is actually under his control. He already knew these things. I didn't care about it on purpose, but I wanted to see what kind of waves Mi Fang could make.

However, what Carroll said made him a little surprised.

Chen Feng tentatively asked: "How do you think your country got in touch with you? As a student in a military academy, you should understand that we are very strict in blocking information."

Carol paused, and said with some embarrassment: "Principal Chen, to tell you the truth, I have a bold but bad guess."

"It's okay to be blunt."

"According to my guess, my country may be possible. It may have cooperated with aliens..." Carol lowered his head and hesitated, saying 3.7 in a very low voice.

"Oh, why guess like that?" Chen Feng continued to ask.

Carroll was a little nervous [he took another sip of water! "The people who come to our military academy are the experience of various countries. In fact, to some extent, they also represent the country's technological level and

level. "

"From my observation, there is no country whose technological level can compete with the technology of our military academy. So... so there is only one conclusion." Having said that, Carroll raised his head and faced Chen With Feng's eyes, he confessed seriously: "My country has cooperated with aliens."

"Because at present only the technology of aliens is beyond our predictability." Fearing that Chen Feng would not believe it, Carroll explained.

Chen Feng stared at the person in front of him, and smiled after a while: "As expected of being a soldier, he has a strong investigative ability.".

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