City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 157: The Secret Meeting Of The Alliance

Chapter 157: Secret Meeting of the Alliance

At this moment, Leng Feng changed from his usual seriousness. Mischievously blinked and said: "Okay, everyone, get on the battleship soon, don't starve our Principal Chen~"

"Hahaha, I'm not mistaken, our instructor Leng Feng actually took the route of being coquettish and cute!" A student said in surprise.

"Haha, hahaha, you read it right, you read it right. We all saw it. Maybe after a while, it might be a comet hitting the earth hahaha~"

"But having said that, our principal Chen is very cool and sweet. As for our instructor Leng Fan, is he such a big foreign company? Hey, why do you feel like a fool?" a student said.

"Hahahaha, I feel the same way." Other students nodded in agreement.

At this time, Leng Feng's voice suddenly appeared from behind: "You guys are living in "103" and discussing me here, go back and do 50 push-ups~"

"Ah~ No, no, no."

The female doctors were all dissatisfied with the results just now, and kept chasing Leng Feng to withdraw the order.

"Instructor Leng Feng, hurry up! I'm starving, you are responsible." Chen Feng urged.

"Hey, I didn't expect my highlight moment to be on such an occasion." Leng Feng laughed at himself.

Everyone was amused again.

On the way back, a battleship was full of representatives from various countries.

They got on the same battleship tacitly, and in this special office, an emergency meeting will be held in secret.

Huaxia representative stood up: "Everyone has seen what happened today. The aliens are so unstoppable, only the military academy can match them. Through today's incident, I think everyone knows the strength of Principal Cheng. I have something to say To put it bluntly, on behalf of Huaxia, I want to apply to the military academy for more enrollment quota!"

As soon as Huaxia's words came out, the representative of the empire on which the sun never sets stood up: "I also have this idea, so the empire on which the sun never sets raises its hands and agrees to support it."

Immediately afterwards, the Kangaroo Country stood up and said, "I agree with both hands too! Thanks to the soldiers in the military academy today, if it weren't for them, our country would have been destroyed by aliens long ago, and they saved us from fire and water. They are heroes. "

The representative of Huaxia said: "Yes, he not only saved you, but also saved us, and even saved the whole earth from danger. We should cherish such people! We Huaxia decided. You can use the manpower and material resources of the military academy to support you in the future. Reach the top level."

The representative of the sun never sets immediately said: "So is our empire on which the sun never sets!"

"Neon too!"

"Same in Kangaroo Country!"

Almost all the countries that came to support raised their hands in favor, only the United States was silent on the sidelines.

The countries that hit it off sat together and discussed enthusiastically, what kind of material foundation should be provided to Chen Feng in order to exchange his military academy quota.

After half an hour, their discussion came to an end.

The Chinese people who proposed it first stood up and said the treaty:

"Then it's settled like this. First, give the military academy 80 million to 50 billion yuan every year."

"Second, at the same time, the country's best scientific and technological resources are delivered to provide them with teaching materials.

"Third, we will give the greatest support to all the jobs that the military academy needs."

"Fourth, um, the military academies are displayed in unison. All countries have joined together!"

"Okay, let's send a vote next."

"I'll count to three. Raise your hand if you agree."


Among more than a dozen countries, 98% raised their hands.

Miguo knew about the plan at first, and came here purely to join in the fun and watch a joke, but unexpectedly, he witnessed a miracle. A heroic victory! This really made them feel bad. At the same time, you've made them understand that it's kind of stupid for them to go against the military academy.

After a meeting, Mi Guo didn't speak, and everyone noticed them and turned their attention to them.

"We in the United States remain neutral." The representative of the United States said.

"Our country is a country of independent innovation. We don't rely too much on others, but we don't close ourselves, so it's up to you to decide on this kind of thing." The American expressed his opinion.

"Hmph, what are these high-sounding words? It's just jealousy." Huaxia representative thought in his heart.

"This American country is really ignorant. It seems that he is afraid of the vision of the military academy, but he is not convinced." The representative of the sun never sets thinks.

And the thoughts of other people are similar. In the past, they were afraid of the United States...... But now, they have long been dissatisfied. Why is his family dominant in everything? The development of all countries in 2009 is good, and he still wants to control everyone. He really takes himself too seriously.

In particular, the appearance of the military academy made them even more dismissive of the United States. Anyway, with the military academy behind them to maintain world peace, they did not dare to act rashly.

Other countries ignored the views of the United States.

"Just do it, I suggest we send a representative to negotiate."

"I think so too. Each of us discusses this matter with the leader after returning to China, and then writes a letter to President Chen, privately asking the representative to visit."

"Let me see!"

"I can see it too!"

"I think it will work."

"Okay, now everyone nominates and elects a representative." The Secretary of the United Nations said.

"I propose Huaxia."

"I also propose Huaxia." The representative of the Kangaroo country said.

"I second."

"I also agree, after all, he has more connections with the military academy." The representative of Red Wine Country [FA Country] said,

At this time, Mi Guo winked at his little guy.

"I propose the United States." Neon said.

The sun never set and paused, and said with some reluctance: "I, I propose..."

In addition, two or three countries were somewhat reluctant, but due to the fear of the United States, they still expressed their approval.

"Since there are different opinions, let's vote 0.0 by secret ballot. Those who agree with this decision raise their hands." The Secretary-General of the United Nations said lightly.

All members raised their hands in agreement.

A secret ballot began over the next few minutes.

The results of the voting were even more shocking. Of the 15 countries, 10 votes were for China, 3 abstentions, and 2 votes for the United States.

After thinking about it, I know that these two votes were cast by Mi Guo himself and his younger brother Ni Hong, so this abstention vote is self-evident.

This result was also expected. Representatives of many countries snickered when they heard about it. The United States is really embarrassing itself this time.

"Okay, I announce that Huaxia will represent us to complete this negotiation. This is a glorious thing! I hope you will live up to everyone's expectations!" The Secretary-General of the United Nations said seriously.

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