City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 186: The Principal Is The Greatest Added Value!

Chapter 186: The principal is the greatest added value!

The part of the students who were going to observe outside the door walked to the empty classroom next to them.

They walked and talked:

Principal Chen is really thoughtful~”

"We used to have this kind of coquettish operation in our classroom, my military academy is so awesome~!"

"Principal Chen is so gentle in private! That man thinks he has everything covered."

"He is such a good principal! Although what he said just now feels fierce, but I think it speaks to my heart.

"Yes, yes, me too! But I believe there may be a reason for our principal's fierce speech."

"I thought so too..."

Ten minutes later, the students and teachers who didn't get their seats found other empty classrooms to sit down and get ready for class.

Seeing this situation, Chen Feng clocked in the courseware, ready to start the lecture:

"Today our lecture is about—"Nano."

"I believe that everyone who is doing it has heard of this thing, and even many people have studied it very carefully. 117

"Whether you have heard it or not, I hope everyone will listen to me to redefine the things that were left in their minds before."

Hearing that many people have studied this thing, those military elites who have never set foot in it feel a little anxious. I am afraid that I will not be able to keep up with the progress of others.

At this time, Chen Feng continued to say:

"Students who understand it should review it again. Students who have never been involved in this area should not panic. I will explain it step by step from the most basic."

This gave many people a reassurance.

"About the definition and research history of nano, I will simply walk you through it. The definition of nano is..."

It only took Chen Feng ten minutes to explain the definition and background of the concept. In these ten minutes, he explained all the theoretical concepts clearly.

In these ten minutes, whether it is those who think they are very knowledgeable about nanometers or those who know nothing about nanometers. They all gained a lot.

For those obscure and difficult system knowledge, Chen Feng on the podium used his way to create a unique mind map for them present.

Let them remember these blunt things without rote memorization.

"The next thing I'm going to talk about is the application knowledge. Here I will explain the theoretical concepts. At the same time, I will find out the corresponding technology so that you can use artificial AI to make everyone feel close. Please find it in the second drawer of your desk. Get out those gray glasses."

"The drawer login account and password are your student numbers." Chen Feng added.

According to Chen Feng's instructions, the students - respond.

After everyone's smart AI was connected to the main system on Chen Feng's side, Chen Feng began to explain the functional application of nanometer from the shallower to the deeper:

"Nanomaterials can be used as stealth materials. Here you first feel the material of the nanomaterials in front of the table."

"This is because this material has special optical properties due to its light weight and thin layer, which can achieve high absorption, broadband, and can absorb infrared light."

"In my opinion, the best way to present this kind of application is to apply it. For details, please refer to the weather generator in my picture." Chen Feng showed a picture, and at the same time put the machine through a super-technological The technology zooms in close to everyone's eyes.

…… Ask for flowers………

"This is a weather generator independently developed by a student in our college. A special nano-hybrid material is coated on the surface of the device, so that the weather generator has additional detection and absorption functions." Chen Feng explained.

Chen Feng showed this technology, and at the same time showed other technologies related to stealth functions. This close sensory experience opened the eyes of these students.

After everyone finished observing, Chen Feng asked a question:

"I just talked about his invisibility function, so have you ever thought about the principle behind this invisibility function?"


Chen Feng then tortured and asked: "Why does the nanometer have such a shielding function, I will give you five minutes to think about it."

Maybe it's because rare things are expensive and dense ones are cheap. In this parallel world, Chen Feng accidentally discovered that nanometers are very common substances, just like iron on the earth where he lives.

So people don't have a deep understanding of nano, so nano is not well utilized here.

On the earth, he lived in a parallel world, and only a small number of nanometers existed, which made the earth at that time make great progress in various fields.

Faced with this information gap, Chen Feng decided to study and use nanometers. He believed in his heart that this would be a great advantage for them to fight against aliens in the future.

After five minutes, no one answered, which was expected by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng said: "Since the students are a little confused, please block my teacher who taught you this class—Mr. Yang Peidong to answer this question for you. Gai, please."

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