City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 23 Gathering In The Widow Village

Chapter 23

Chen Fucai watched the soldier go away, and then returned to the yard.

"Old man, what widow did the soldier ask you?"

Chen Fucai blushed: "What widow!?"

"The widow's village they asked!"

Grandma Chen Feng asked suspiciously: "Huh? Widow Village? What does Widow Village do?"

Chen Fucai said: "Then who knows."

"What kind of military academy is there near here..."

"Where does this kind of military academy come from? There isn't even a young man who can be admitted to a university, and he's still in a military academy."

Grandma Chen Feng suddenly remembered something this time, and clapped her hands: "Old man, our grandson will take the college entrance examination this year!"

"If you want to ask if there is a military academy, Xiaofeng will definitely know!"

When grandson was mentioned, Chen Fucai's expression changed slightly.

It wasn't easy to soften his old face a bit.

He took out his flip phone, found Chen Feng's phone number on the blue light screen, and dialed it.

beep - beep -

"Hello? Grandpa?"

When Chen Fucai heard his grandson's voice, his expression was a little satisfied, but his voice remained the same as before: "Xiao Feng! Is there any military academy near my hometown?"

When Chen Feng heard this voice, he was a little dazed.


"Where did our military academy come from?"

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Chen Fucai also nodded in satisfaction.

He knew that there was no school here in the village.

Then he changed the subject: "Xiaofeng, how did you do in the college entrance examination this year?"

Chen Feng was also a little stiff when faced with this question.

When the problems of the college entrance examination and the military academy came up suddenly and combined, Chen Feng felt a little weird in his heart.

Of course he remembered what was written on his enrollment poster.

At this moment, he opened his mouth and answered first.


Then he asked tentatively, "My lord, what's the name of the village in my hometown?"

Chen Fucai said, "Xinji Village."

Chen Feng let out a sigh of relief, but still felt unsafe, and continued to ask: "Ah, why did you suddenly ask about the military academy?"

At this moment, Grandma Chen Feng's voice suddenly appeared.

"Old man! Quickly ask when grandson can come and stay for two days!"

"The exam is over, how long has it been since you came?"

Chen Fucai also didn't take the matter of the military academy seriously.

The purpose of this phone call was originally the same, at this time Chen Fucai also immediately asked: "Did you hear what your grandma said?"

Chen Feng was a little embarrassed, and then said: "The graduation ceremony is at 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon... I'll go in the morning..."

"Then see you tomorrow?"

Chen Fucai hummed, and then hung up the phone under the voice of grandma urging to save the phone bill.

Chen Feng looked at the hung up phone, frowning tightly.

what is going on……?

Although he said that he promised to go back to his hometown to see his grandparents tomorrow, but he felt a little uneasy.

He remembered the poster now.

Today is June 16th, and there is only one day left before the registration period...

Although there is no such thing as a widow's village,... this is too coincidental.

Chen Feng gritted his teeth.

Some unrealistic ideas appeared in my mind.

"Let's go check it out."


the other side.

China Sea Port.

A kind of elite from all over the world disembarked from the battleship.

They were assigned to different buses according to different countries and headed towards the Chinese Navy division.

In the lobby of the military hostel, a major held a document and spoke to the elites who were going to register tomorrow.

"There are still sixteen hours before the registration time on June 17."

"Prior to this, your scope of activities was limited to the guest house in this military region."

"Within this place, we can guarantee your safety. Once you step out of here, your safety will not be guaranteed."

"In terms of eating and drinking, the meal will be served on time at seven o'clock tonight."

After saying this, he turned and left directly.

Such a cold attitude made everyone present feel a little embarrassed.

And at this moment, how could Hills give up this only opportunity to ask questions?

"I have a question!"

The major stopped short.

Hills asked in his broken Chinese: "According to our intelligence network, the Widow Village in Zhonghai fact, there is no such place, right?"

The major narrowed his eyes.

"If you don't trust our arrangement, it's still too late to get out of here."

Hills' face turned red when he was told.

But at this moment, he has nothing to do.

After all, he was on Huaxia's territory, and seeing the other party leave, he could only stare blankly and couldn't say anything more.


While waiting anxiously, these elites from all over the world almost stayed up all night.

The significance of this registration is particularly great, and it may even lead human science and technology to complete a leap forward.

When the sky broke and it was just getting brighter, they boarded the bus arranged by the Huaxia military and headed towards their destination.

On the other side...

Chen Feng also yawned and got on the bus...

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