City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 74 Planetary Project, The Nationwide Mobilization Begins!

Chapter 74

The news from the military academy is naturally worthy of the attention of all countries in the world.

No matter which country it is, as long as they send students to military academies, later in the day, high-level scholars from various fields in the country have been gathered to hold a unique combination of politics, science and technology. Bilateral meeting.

Confidential teleconferences in Germany, India, Neon, France, Northern Dynasties, etc. are being held in full swing.

Washington DC.

Mr. President asked very seriously: "Principal Chen Feng said that there will be an alien civilization invasion in three years. How credible is this matter!?"

Sears, the person in charge, said: "Principal Chen doesn't need to lie to us—these are the original words of our military elite Carroll."

"I didn't really hear President Chen's speech, so...sorry sir, I can't give an answer."

The person in charge of the scientific research institute said, "Is it too easy for that so-called elite in your military to believe these words?"

"Area 51 has existed for such a long time, and I haven't even touched the hair of an alien..."

"Now it's such a precise time, saying that there will be an alien civilization invasion in three years' time?"

"This is scientifically untenable. Mr. President."

The high-level officials in the United States fell into silence. Although Colonel Hills said that Principal Chen Feng did not need to deceive, but according to the meaning conveyed from the military academy, if not for this reason, the military academy would not even be born.

"Maybe they do have something real to learn."

"But I don't think the 500 billion funding in the first phase is a reliable project.

The Minister of Commerce said: "What's more, he talked about such mysterious and mysterious things as alien invasion.

"I prefer…….……"

"It's a big lie!."

"500 billion? What kind of concept is this?"

"I am against making a bid."

Hearing his words, many people present nodded their heads one after another.

Indeed, this is too unbelievable for them.

And 500 billion... This is not a small amount, not to mention that this is only the first phase of investment.

Under such circumstances, the senior officials of the United States immediately reached a conclusion.

"Give up this bidding opportunity々...

"Reassessing the maximum possible benefits and risk ratios that military schools can bring, it is impossible for us to cooperate with a lunatic.

"The alien civilization that invaded the earth in three years? The human train plan?"

"It's just a fool's dream!"

Of course, it is not just the United States that has made such a decision. Too many countries in the world have made the same judgment.

In the confidential conference room of the Northern Dynasty, even the people laughed out loud.

Even Neon, who is more cautious, chose a wait-and-see attitude for the time being.

After all, all countries think that such an incredible plan is a fantasy.

No country is willing to believe it. Everyone thinks this is a big lie of the military academy. Its purpose is thought-provoking. Some countries even suspect that the school is trying to use this lie to consolidate its position.

Do you want to be a global leader?!

But it is worth mentioning that it is on the land of China.

Song Qian, the commander of the Donglin Military Region, frowned and pondered after receiving the news.

"Alien invasion?"


Even Song Qian was willing to believe in Principal Chen Feng, but faced with such an unbelievable situation, he couldn't believe it for a while.

But when he saw the "Human Train Project", his eyes lit up.

To some extent, this seems to coincide with the policy that China is currently implementing. China is currently implementing a plan to integrate Asian countries, and the human train plan... coincides with it.

The more he thought about it, the more Song Qian felt that there was something to be said about it.

"Contact Shangjing, this matter... seems to be discussed."

Naturally, relevant meetings were held immediately in Shangjing, but unlike other countries, they were really studying the feasibility of this human train plan

As for the matter of alien invasion, they also didn't take it to heart. They always felt that it was too far away and unrealistic.

"Global train...... Feasibility is very difficult with the current technology..."

"What's more, the price of 500 billion US dollars..."


The senior officials of the commercial department in the meeting were a little distressed. Although Huaxia is not short of money now, all the funds are being used in a planned way. If such a huge amount of funds is used rashly, it is likely to cause the problem to become more serious.

But soon, they heard another voice.

"I have seen the situation in the military academy."

Song Qian said: "And through the statements of the students in the military academy, we can also know that the military academy does have real materials."

"Financial difficulties?"

"I would like to ask all of you here... Do you still need to consider the issue of funding for such cooperation?"

"The level of science and technology possessed by the military academy, I think... is stronger than any other country!"

"Although the feasibility of this train plan is worrying, I think...Principal Chen and the military academy... are worth our gamble!"

"If you think of this tender as an investment, I think... this investment is feasible!"

"Although there are risks, opportunities and risks coexist!"

Song Qian's voice also brought great courage to other high-level participants.

That's right, although they don't believe in the invasion of alien civilizations, and they don't feel that this "Human Train Project" really has any practical value...

But they are willing to choose to cooperate with the military academy!

In this case, being able to gain the favor of the school, gain the friendship of Principal Chen, and thus get more science and technology teaching from the school... This value is obviously worth it!

Even if the global train failed in the end, the other scientific research technologies of the school cannot be faked. As long as Huaxia can learn a little bit, it is not comparable to 500 billion US dollars!

What's more, the 500 billion may not be in vain?

China is a planned economy, which is different from the market economy in other countries.

Capitalists in the market economy, if they don't see vested interests, it is impossible for them to choose to invest as much as 500 billion yuan. But Huaxia can make such a decision!

Whether you have a long-term vision or not... can determine the future direction!

At this time, people's line of sight changed slightly and became much firmer.

The dean of the Academy of Sciences nodded at this moment and said: ".||That's right, Commander Song's attitude is worth learning from."

"In this case, there is nothing to discuss."

The other people present also nodded immediately.

The minister of commerce, who was worried just now, also made a statement immediately: "That's right! Even if I dig out, I will dig out the 500 billion!"

The Huaxia side (Nonuo Zhao) immediately made a final decision, so he immediately followed what he said before, and Commander Song of the Donglin Military Region was in charge, calling Principal Chen of the Military Academy to discuss the corresponding matters.

Chen Feng certainly knew that this project would not receive much attention.

So he didn't even think that his phone would ring one after another. In the worst case, he might face the situation that no one contracted the project.

But of course there are other ways to implement this plan, and Chen Feng certainly won't worry about this aspect.

This announcement, on the one hand, is to inform all countries about the invasion of alien civilizations in three years, and on the other hand, even if they don't know how to contract the project, they will cooperate with the next arrangement of the military academy.

At this time, Chen Feng was sitting behind his desk, facing the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the sunset on the campus.

When the phone rang, Chen Feng felt a little strange in his heart.

"Who will it be?"

However, this doubt was answered when he heard Song Qian's signature loud voice.

Song Qian said respectfully: "Principal Chen, Huaxia is ready to take over the project!"

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