City: I Run A Fake University

Chapter 78 The Sci-Fi Project Begins, Shaking The Whole Of China!

Chapter 78

For many people, July 2 is no different, it is an ordinary working day.

But for the news channel workers in Shangjing City, the working day of this day is very different from the past.

At this moment, Cui Judong, the general manager of the news channel, was putting on his glasses and looking at the document in front of him. This document marked with a red head is a special urgent document that has rarely been seen in recent years...

"What the hell is..."

"Engineering construction convenes construction talents from all walks of life?"

"Do you want to start some infrastructure?"

His brows were furrowed tightly. He wanted to put forward some opinions. The impact of this kind of recruitment in the face of the whole country would be quite extraordinary.

But... this is an order from above. Although his status can be described as eminent for ordinary people, it is not something he can do if he wants to comment on this kind of red-headed document.

"Hopefully the relevant circumstances have been considered above."

He thought so, then immediately stood up, walked towards the news director's office and ran past the doctor.

Live channel for midday news at noon.

The host of the live broadcast room, who was doing routine live broadcast work, suddenly heard the voice from the director in the headset.

"Emergency insert 19 new news."

"The content of the message is already on the prompt board."

"Remember, never make mistakes!"

The director's voice added a little pressure in vain, but the person who can take on this job at such a time, her work experience and good attitude are enough to support such pressure.

The anchor said calmly: "Viewers, my station is interrupting an urgent news at this time.

"In order to complete our national industrial plan, we will recruit engineering professionals from all walks of life to the whole society.

"Relevant professionals in various regions and regions can apply to the relevant local departments to submit application information..."

"This is a nationwide recruitment campaign, and we will count all applicants within seven days.

"All regions will start bidding plans, and the construction teams in each city will have the opportunity to be included in the bidding quota..."

On news channel...

This is the first time in history that we face large-scale recruitment across the country!

And it wasn't just the news channel that released the recruitment and bidding information.

The first comprehensive channel, the second economic channel, the fourth international channel, and even the sixth movie channel all released the recruitment information when their ratings were the highest!

Coupled with newspapers and publications across the country, rolling information from local stations, and comprehensive promotion on the Internet...

For a moment, one stone stirred up a thousand waves!

There has been an unprecedented huge discussion on the Internet, and almost everyone is discussing this matter!

Looking for nationwide recruitment?

What exactly is Huaxia trying to do?

"You know what I think of?"

"I think of the time when Qin Shihuang built the Great Wall...... Otherwise, what kind of project requires the dispatch of a national engineering team?"

"Are you saying that this is going to war? Did you know about the exercise in Zhonghai City last month? Is it related to that incident?"

"No matter what the country wants to do, just believe in the country. We ordinary people, what's the point of having so many?"

There are rational discussers, there are optimistic ones, and there are more bearish ones.

Huaxia is a very magical place, and the hatred of the rich runs through the development of this nation.

At this time, of course, many people are not optimistic about such a large-scale recruitment.

"It's a waste of time and money. With this investment, why not reduce the working hours for us people! Why don't you ignore the companies that require 996?"

"Facing the recruitment across the country? How many people still can't get enough to eat? Instead of doing some face-saving projects, why don't we do a good job in social welfare?"

"Of course I would like to trust the country, but I can't follow it blindly. Now I don't even know what the project is, but judging by the scale of the construction... is it really necessary?"

Discussions from all walks of life naturally reached the sky soon.

But at this time, the above has already condensed into one force.

In order to accomplish this greatest project in human history, all relevant parties must have the courage to sink the boat!

Commander Song Qian of the Donglin Military Region left the barracks at this time and was setting up a temporary headquarters in Shangjing.

However, this headquarters is not the headquarters of the Donglin Military Region, but the headquarters of the Human Train Project!

He is communicating this matter with relevant parties at this moment.

"I think you should have a good idea of ​​the application situation. The financial expenses of these biddings will naturally be allocated by the state after the matter is over!"

"What I want is people! A lot of talents! Steel! Money is something you have to consider!"

"Could it be that now you want me, Dong Lin, to be responsible?"

His tone is very aggressive, but such a character can suppress all different voices.

At a time like this making history...they must have put all their energy together! Infighting is the last thing to do!

The whole country has already begun to mobilize.

Those who did not participate in this incident because of objections in their hearts are still a minority of the minority after all...

At this moment, Huaxia condensed into a rope!

Everywhere has already begun to respond! Compared with those opponents, the fiery emotions conveyed by the enthusiasm of the supporters are more able to radiate that atmosphere!

Among the temporary recruitment departments in various cities, the threshold has been trampled, but there are still many applicants.

There has also been a wave of enthusiasm among the civil engineering majors in major universities.

Countless teachers and students solemnly signed the contract and contributed their strength to support the construction of Huaxia.

But they still don't know...

What kind of project are they facing?

"Maybe some kind of tall building? Or some kind of stadium?"

"A bomb shelter for war?"


Although people participated enthusiastically in this grand wave of the whole people, but because they didn't know why the prop 753 project was involved, they began to have different discussions on the Internet and in chats......

However, for China's high-level executives, now is not a good time to directly announce the "Human Train Plan".

In order to reduce the resistance as much as possible, they have already made a plan, and will announce this great plan to the whole world on the day of the start of work!

In the Huaxia Academy of Sciences, many scientific research experts are gathering together to discuss how to design this train.

As the top existence in China's science and technology field, of course they know that the planning and design of this project will be provided by the military academy.

But in this case, they have to implement the distribution and integration of manpower.

How to achieve such a large-scale manpower scheduling is also a kind of science.

At this time, the dean of the scientific research institute frowned.

"Whatever I think"

"Such a train... should be just a fantasy.

"How to solve the power? How to solve the cross-sea railway?"

"How to design such a large-scale air route? If the military academy cannot come up with a finished solution, it is almost impossible to solve these problems at the same time within one year."

The atmosphere in the conference room of the institute was tense.

But in the face of Mr. Dean's remarks, no one can raise any objections.

But this kind of there really a set solution possible?.

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