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In a moment, Father Zhou returned to the living room with a smile on his face.

Zhou Chen was still on the balcony.

In fact, he had something to do.

First, he found a phone number from the address book that he marked as Ma Shao, the second generation of Jiangsu officials.

As remarks, this man named Ma Shao is a relatively powerful second-generation official in Jiangsu.

I met under the introduction of Li Cheng.

This guy is not bad, at least then yes!

Zhou Chen was looking for him, not for any other reason, it was when he had just returned to the village.

When others are developed, they will do something for their hometown.

For example, donating roads, repairing houses or something.

He was more developed than those people, how could he possibly do nothing?

At the very least, all the houses in this not very large village should be exchanged for villas, the road should be repaired by the way, and then some investors should be brought in to do some projects in this vicinity so that the villagers can earn better.

Come to think of it, after doing this, tens of millions should be enough.

Then again, these things can obviously be done by themselves, why look for this second generation of officials?

It’s not that Zhou Chen is too lazy, he has this power, and he doesn’t want to bother with this.

Moreover, doing these things will definitely not bypass ZF.

So, instead of giving money to that group of unfamiliar guys to earn, it’s better to find a more familiar one.

In this way, you can also make that guy owe himself a little favor.

Best of both worlds!

Soon, Ma Shao’s phone was connected, and Ma Shao obviously did not forget Zhou Chen, who was generous, and said with a smile: “Zhou Shao, if you don’t sleep at night, what is the matter with me?” ”

“What sleep without a girl!”


Zhou Chen smiled slightly, and after a few pleasantries, he said straight to the point: “I sent you money, do you want to hear it?” ”

Ma Shao nodded immediately.

So, Zhou Chen roughly said about the development of Willow Village.

Ma Shao was not stupid, he had already heard what Zhou Chen meant.

It is nothing more than wanting him to help arrange for people to develop Willow Village, and as for the money, he will see what he wants.

It is a fool to have money and not earn, especially this kind of door-to-door.

Moreover, he can also take this opportunity to have a closer relationship with Zhou Chen, a rich man, why not the best of both worlds?

So, he agreed without thinking and promised Zhou Chen that everything could be done within half a year!

If you have money, good friends are good to talk to.

Zhou Chen nodded, exchanged a few more pleasantries with him, and hung up the phone, he did not doubt Ma Shao’s ability to do things.

It was also at this time that Mother Zhou finished the meal.

“Zhou Chen, it’s time to eat!”


Zhou Chen shouted.

Soon, the meal was served.

This is an authentic family dinner.

There is no one else, just a family of four.

With dad’s favorite braised fish head, son’s favorite sweet and sour pork ribs…

Father, mother, son, daughter, the four characters sat together happily enjoying a meal, and from time to time Zhou Sheng’s silver-bell-like laughter sounded.

After eating this meal, Zhou Chen felt even more relieved in his heart.

But in this short time of wandering, Zhou’s mother, who was still chatting about homely things just now, suddenly ‘pretended’ and sighed: “Look at the old Zhao Tou next door, there are grandchildren, children and grandchildren, how happy!” ”

When she said this, her eyes were obviously staring at Zhou Chen.

Obviously, the meaning is meant.

Zhou Chen couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.

Zhou Sheng’s outstretched hand holding the chopsticks suddenly froze.

At this time, several people who were paying attention to the topic raised by Mother Zhou did not notice.

Father Zhou, who had been drinking in silence, also spoke: “This is all in his twenties, no girlfriend, it’s really not like words!” ”


Mother Zhou nodded, her eyes drifted, and she looked at the door: “According to me, those little girls at the door are all good, especially that foreign girl, with a big ass, it must be good!” ”

“Ouch, my drop daddy mom!”

Zhou Chen slapped his forehead and said helplessly: “Don’t make a blind match between the two of you, there are bodyguards outside!” Does the bodyguard know what? ”

He said that his parents looked at themselves so strange when they ate dinner, it turned out to be Feng Yi’s attention.

Feng Yi is indeed beautiful, but he really has nothing to do with her! He was wronged!

“What bodyguard is not a bodyguard?”

Father Zhou glared at Zhou Chen: “People are such a good girl, it’s too late to be spoiled by a daughter-in-law, you stinky boy can’t have a little money!” ”

“It is.”

Mother Zhou and Zhou Sheng both nodded in agreement.


Zhou Chen was really crying and laughing.

It is clear that a family banquet with such a good atmosphere has become its own crusade, what is this.

“Just rest assured!”

When Zhou Chen thought of that person, a soft color flashed in his eyes, and said, “Daughter-in-law, someone has already chosen it, and I will definitely bring it back to your second elder this year!” ”

In his heart.

There is only one candidate for his parents’ daughter-in-law.

Mu Qinghuan, this is also the original meaning of Zhou Chen!

“That’s okay, come, drink and eat.”

It was almost half an hour before the meal was finished on the table.

Today everyone is happy, the mother specially allowed her wife to drink two more sips, so the father is now drunk, even the support belt, the two of them worked hard to get him to bed.

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